Anger At Vader

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Coruscant, Imperial Palace
"If you are not able to do your duties perhaps I will find new ways to motivate you" Vader said, that'd troubled Shawn for a while "duties" was when someone willingly served a cause and he didn't it was more of indentured servitude. "Duty?" He said with a frustrated tone "killing people won't tell me anything" he continued, Vader said "it'll remind you of the consequences, consider yourself lucky I am far more forgiving than the Emperor", "forgiving! Taking me from my home do a psychos bidding you call that forgiving!" Shawn yelled his voice echoing in the vast halls. Vader's mechanical breathing picked up a pace but didn't say anything merely stared him down, "you know how scared I was?! You can't imagine that can you!" Shawn yelled once more.

Vader replied "your behavior is quite unexpected, it seems the cub has become an alpha yet a foolish one", "when I first spotted you there was a look of fear in your eyes that I do not see it now replaced by defiant courage, hm brave you are Mendes and powerful indeed but fail to see the end result of your actions", "I fail? If I failed to see the end then everything I worked my butt off to get to where I am now is pointless", "you've almost stolen my future, I can't work on my music or do anything cause of you!" Shawn yelled, "trying to scare me won't work anymore either" he said. "Hm fear is it?" Vader said, "I will tell you this Mendes should you fail to perform your duties the Emperor will destroy your home, kill your family and leave nothing on Earth but ash and leave it to rot like Mars, and make you watch it all" Vader said in a evil radiating ice cold tone. "Further more the girl you asked to be released would be the first to die, by my hand so do not make me reconsider my generosity" Vader continued, Shawn felt frightened he knew Vader wasn't bluffing because he never bluffed and the Empire had one trait not many Earth leaders didn't have credibility, "go to hell" Shawn said with gritted teeth and stormed off visibly ticked off.

Shawn must've paced through the halls for a while as he noticed the sun wavering in the afternoon, he was angrier than he ever remembered, then heard the faint pitter patter of feet on the velveted carpet like someone trying to follow him to he looked back and Mara was peering out from one of the pillars in the wall and had a confused look on her face, "you ok? I heard yelling" Mara said slowly emerging from the shadows and walking over. Shawn still had a emotionless look on his face, "yeah I'm fine" he replied, Mara had a cautious look on her face as she slowly grabbed his hand and removed his glove. "Your hands are freezing and you look absolutely ticked can you tell me" she asked,

"It's nothing just Vader and what not" Shawn replied her grip on his hand calming him slowly, "yeah he can be very..cold" Mara said, "I'll tell you something when I first saw him I wanted to hide in the smallest room possible, ask the others they'll say the same". "When I first saw him it was terrifying" Shawn said, "I never saw that thank the Force"Mara replied, "what'd you think when you first saw me?" Shawn asked to add some uplifting tone in their conversation, "that you were much better looking up close and in person, you? Mara replied and asked with a smile and Shawn chuckled. "That you were very beautiful " Shawn replied with a smile now his anger had faded, Mara smiled and kissed him,

Liberty, Confederate Borderlands, Unknown Regions
"We managed to escape with minimal casualties your highness" General Rieekan said in a hologram to Leia, "good we will need to work on finding another copy of the plans to that battlestation" Leia replied, "our spies have pinpointed either Kallar or Scarif as likely candidates" Rieekan said, "my source on Coruscant has expressed his inability to retrieve any further information without raising suspicion" Leia replied, "your father has managed to remain hidden on Alderaan maybe he can ask the Chancellor on organizing some sort of strike group to get the plans" Rieekan said, "I agree we cannot remain deadlocked in urban warfare forever General, I will keep the Senate occupied with mercy mission matters while High Command confers with the Chancellor on sanctioning such an undertaking" Leia said and the transmission ended.

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