Part 158

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***** Nathema, May 17th, 2016
Maul returned to the spot where the corpse lay, he saw a young human male with the mask nearby, then he felt a presence, "interesting" his master said emerging from the shadows, "no wonder Vader's Inquisitors have become redundant, they were being led by a child" Maul commented as Snoke walked over and picked up the mask running his long nail on it, "hm, this will prove useful one day, and this" he said as the saber hilt levitated off the ground. "What of the body? Leave it here to rot?" Maul asked, "no, I shall take it" Snoke said as Nash's body levitated as well, "continue with the war my apprentice, for it seems the one you sought lost one dear to it" Snoke said, "but I fear two from the past shall emerge at some point". "Who are these two Master?" Maul inquired, "Jedi" then he vanished along with his items.

****** Imperial Palace
Shawn had managed to compose himself enough for the return trip but when he got back to his room he almost broke down again, he wanted to go home now more than ever but didn't know if home even was around and not a pile of rubble or ashes. "Oh is someone sad again?" Malgus said materializing before him, "go away" Shawn said, "ah but perhaps you can converse with that creature as usual as your pretty paramour is not here at the moment" Malgus said then he vanished. Shawn didn't want to leave at all he wanted to be alone now, but nonetheless he stood up and walked out of his room.

Vladimir was scribbling down on some paper when Shawn got there, Cylo was tinkering with something under a microscope off to the side, "ah, come my boy" Vladimir said waving Shawn over, "this is my castle in Transylvania" he said showing Shawn the drawing of a castle on a hill. "I think it's gone now" Shawn said but his voice sounded sad, "something troubling you?" Vladimir asked setting down the paper and pencil on the floor, "I don't wanna talk about it" Shawn said then heard footsteps approaching from behind and turned to see Jallar, "talk about what?" Jallar asked, "something troubling your friend" Vladimir said lowering and inclined his head a little, Shawn looked at him, "someone I know was killed" he stammered trying not to break down or think about it.

"Ah I see tell me more-" Vladimir said but Jallar cut him off, "he doesn't wanna bloody talk 'bout it". Vladimir glared at Jallar and stood up getting closer to the energy barrier, "you know, I once knew one of the Tudor monarchs, I believe there was one with your face, or not, when you live for as long as I have a few hundred years can pass in the blink of an eye and there are some I recall but don't remember" Vladimir said, "but I do recall the lands and people, but also other afflictions, and learned how to use those to my advantage" he said menacingly and his red eyes seemed to glow a little and Jallar was seemingly caught in a trance until Shawn spoke,

"What's wrong?" He asked and Jallar shook his head and rubbed his eyes, "nothing I just- it's fine" then walked away, "what'd you do to him?" Shawn demanded, "what did I do?" Vladimir asked mockingly, "don't question my power before it gets you too" then his eyes started to glow and Shawn felt something come over him, it was a sharp pain in his eyes and head then it was gone. Vladimir smirked his long ear twitched slightly, "and I can do more, ask your comatose friend" then laughed so sinisterly it gave Shawn chills and he quickly left. When he caught up with Jallar he saw him stepping along but it was sluggish, "you ok?" Shawn asked, "yea, I'm gunna go lay down" Jallar said in a groggish tone. Shawn was curious what Vladimir meant so he went to check on Maarek.

When he got to Maarek's room Shawn felt slightly ill, but powered through it, he walked in and this time Lumiya wasn't there but Maarek was awake but was laying down tinkering with something, "hey man" Shawn said and Maarek replied, "what's up, did we win?". "Did we win where?" Shawn asked, "on Lothal" Maarek said with a tone suggesting the answer was obvious, "uh I dunno" Shawn replied leaning on the wall, "hm, ask Vess if he's back if we won" Maarek said still tinkering with the device which was just a homing beacon. "Ok I'll do that" Shawn said walking out and the door slid shut behind him, Vess was walking down the hall but had a serious pissed off look on his face, " did we win-" Shawn asked, "no" Vess said without looking or stopping.

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