City Of Mysteries

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Shawn walked through the forest though couldn't shake the feeling he was being watched somehow but assumed it was an animal, just to be sure it wasn't Maul he stretched out in the Force and felt the presence of a person?....he looked around and saw nothing only a bird with a brown and blue streak running down its face. The bird chirped then flew off its wings flapping quietly, Shawn still continued on in the general direction fiddling with his comlink which made a scramble noise and sparked a little, "goddamn it" he muttered then he heard footsteps. He looked around more there was the presence of a person who was close, but a human? Here? He wondered,

Kira kept herself hidden behind the tree there definitely was something about this boy but she couldn't quite put her finger on it, she was intrigued and wanted to get closer, he began walking away and she peered around, whoever this boy was he must've been a great warrior or something based on his built up appearance and how tall he was. Using the tactics who utilized when evading a T. rex Kira climbed up further as quick as a cat then ran along the higher branches, she stopped observing him more, her grandmother had taught her how to read someone based on their spiritual appearance based on their relation to the Ashla. She read the boy and came to the conclusion he was kind yet harsh,happy yet oppressed,creative but losing touch with whatever it'd been, and love,Kira smiled at the thought of her friends all drooling over this stranger but she read that he was by many, this art of reading was called Kira'sha or the Art Of Insight.

She wanted to approach but noticed he was armed with a pistol and a something made of metal about eight inches long clipped to the right side of his belt. Kira still observed following him but after a couple hours he seemed lost unsure of his destination stopping to catch his breath, she looked at saw the Suns were beginning to set and at night in this part of the forest dinosaurs didn't venture far only the Forest Spiders which spanned at about two feet long and a foot wide,their legs reached nine inches and their fangs four. That wasn't the worst their venom contained elements of a substance the Scholars called sulfuric acid which if bitten the venom would slowly burn away a humans circulatory system until shutting down the heart and brain a slow and agonizing death. It was preventable however if one was given an essence of a rare flower called nightshade that stemmed the venom neutralizing it, she didn't want to abandon this boy to be killed be those demons but got the impression he could handle himself very well. Selflessness got the better of her and she moved in

Shawn's breath sounded labored and stopped leaning against a tree to gain shut breath he walked surely going in circles or lost, he wanted to panic but didn't knowing that wouldn't be any good. He did however feel that presence again in the Force which got closer, Shawn felt the talisman get warm so he pulled it out from under his shirt and saw it was making a strobing purple color, this was very weird he'd never seen it that color before. Suddenly he heard something hit the forest floor from behind and felt someone was there, quickly he spun around hand on his blaster but froze, standing there was a human girl. She was about a year younger and was of Spanish or Greek appearance, she wore a sort of light colored camouflage wetsuit looking outfit and was armed with a bow slung around in her back,

He took his hand away from his blaster and she spoke in some sort of Latin sounding language at first as of asking a question, Shawn appeared confused "I'm sorry I don't-" he said and her eyes lit up "you speak the other tongue!" She said excitedly, Shawn was surprised she even spoke Basic. "Uh yeah I do" Shawn said awkwardly, " oh uh excuse my rudeness my names Kira what's yours?" She asked getting a little closer "my names Shawn" he said introducing himself. "Curious name, what brings you here Shawn?" She asked a little bluntly as if getting getting to the point without dilly dallying, Shawn thought there'd be more exchanges of greetings but said "I was sent here by the uh, Galactic Empire I'm just looking for my ship" he said.

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