Encounter In Meereen Snoke

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Shawn ignited his lightsaber and said "how'd you find me?" Ventress smirked and said " someone told me and it wasn't a spy just one who sees far" Shawn asked "who is this one who sees far?" Ventress said "enough talk time for payback on Geonosis".

Shawn blocked her first series of attacks until force pushing her out of the chamber and countered. He attacked high and low switching back and forth, Ventress blocked his attack before dodging it and kicking him in the jaw, Shawn put his hand to his jaw and then seizing the opportunity Ventress attacked. Shawn tried to fend off her attack but she hooked her blade under his and flung it another direction,

Shawn then conjured some lightning and blasted it at her before calling his saber back to his hand and igniting it. He blocked her attacks until she force pushed him out of the hall and outside, Shawn regained his stance and Ventress jumped out landing in front of him. Then seven of the guards came up pointing their spears at her. Shawn didn't know the word in Valyrian for attack so the guards stood there aiming their spears, then Ventress force pushed the guards away but Shawn held his hand up and formed a shield that wasn't visible but blocked the attack.

Then she jumped on a ledge of the palace getting higher and higher with Shawn following leaping back and forth until reaching the top and Ventress was gone. Shawn looked around then saw that she'd landed on the ramp of a cloaked ship and she said "till we meet again earthling" then the ship flew off, retracting his blade Shawn walked away still wondering how the CR had found the planet. A couple days later Shawn relayed this info to Palpatine who said the fleet had tracked the ship to another world called Ilum on the edge of known space.

Shawn went and spoke to Daenerys on this threat "your grace the mysterious enemy is part of an organization that fights against the Empire" Daenerys said "where'd this enemy go to?" Shawn replied "some where on the edge of mapped space and will be taken care of".

Ilum, May 16,2015
The fleet exited hyperspace over Ilum expecting resistance. To his surprise Shawn saw CR ships anywhere, "admiral is this correct world?" He asked, Fida replied "yes we traced the ship to this planet and it's right below us deep in a mountain range" Shawn then walked away to the elevator.

Shawn got in the Strings and flew down to the snowy ice covered planet, as he landed near the coordinates he sensed the dark side was on this world but it felt shrouded. As he trudged through the snow that was probably six inches or so a CR shuttle flew overhead, Shawn hit the deck and watched the shuttle fly into a chasm on the valley floor, standing up and brushing himself off Shawn gathered his strength and ran to the chasm which was probably a mile away.

After twenty minutes he reached it stopping for a second to catch his breath while looking for a possible entry point and found some stone slabs that zig zagged downwards. Shawn jumped down landing on each as quietly as he could until reaching the bottom, he looked around and saw there was a large door of some kind on the opposite side of the chasm, but it was guarded by two Magnaguards.

Shawn silently ran and hid behind some large rocks that were in front of this large door before being less than fifty yards away. He picked up a good sized rock and threw it as far as he could. The guards went away from the door to investigate the sound and Shawn seized the chance and silently opened the door and shut it behind him, the second he stepped in the large hallway he sensed the dark side and his breath showed.

He silently went along down more halls until finding one that was guarded by two mysterious figures in some sort of dark colored armor. Shawn looked around seeing there wasn't anywhere to hide, then one yelled "you there freeze!" And the two figures ran at him, Shawn dodged their staffs but didn't want to reveal himself by using his lightsaber so he used the force. He pushed them against the wall and snapped their necks before heading to the large set of doors.

Opening them ever so slightly he looked in and there was Ventress and Grievous standing in front of a throne of sorts with a hood figure gesturing while speaking "Lord Snoke our offensive operations have been stalled by the imperial fleet we must pull back" Grievous said as Shawn silently slipped past the columns that lined the room.

"Pull back from Dantooine to Munnilist in defensive formation" the figure said in a low dark voice. Grievous said "it will be done my lord", Shawn stretched out in the force and sensed this figure radiated with the dark side. But this was his undoing as the figure looked directly at him and and raised its hand, Shawn was caught in a force choke and was yanked into the middle of the room before being dragged past Ventress and Grievous just in front of the figure.

"Who are you?" The figure asked, Shawn stood up reaching for his lightsaber but the figure raised its hand and his lightsaber was yanked out of his hand to the figures. "I said who are you?" The figure asked more sternly, knowing he couldn't lie to whoever this was he told the truth "a spy sent by the Empire to track down a ship that fled a planet in the unknown regions" the figure leaned back and said "alright I believe you". Shawn still sense the dark side radiated from this being almost as much as Palpatine, "who are you?" Shawn asked, the figure replied "my names Snoke"

As soon as he said the name an image of that masked figure that wielded the strange crossguard saber talking to Snoke via hologram flashed across his vision. "Tell me spy do you honestly think I'll let you leave here alive" the words sent a chill down Shawn's spine, "but I'll make an exception since I see that'd upset many on your world". Then he waved his hand at Shawn and that the last thing he remembered.

Then he was back by the Strings not remembering what'd just happened even though he could only just remember a dark hallway or something. Shawn saw his lightsaber on the ground and picked it up, "do not snoop around on dangerous worlds young one" a mysterious voice said that sounded as if it was coming from somewhere next to him but it wasn't.

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