A Mysterious Death

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(Another drawing I made don't worry Maarek doesn't die)

Washington, D.C.
The newly sworn in President Johnson addressed the nation, "yesterday my predecessor was found dead in the Oval Office and the Imperial emissary vanished as well" then the reporters began "Madam President! Do you believe this emissary killed President Walker" one asked, "from what we can tell there weren't any visible marks on either one of them so we don't believe he did" she replied. "Ma'am you're aware that their agent from Earth is offworld at the moment will Prime Minister Thomason arrest him when he returns" Johnson knew about Shawn and his monthly missions but hadn't put any thought into that "I can't speak for him on that matter" she said.

Maarek still held his side as they tried getting to the Imperial lines, "ugh son of a bitch" he grumbled. "We should've run into Imperial troops by now where are they?" Shawn asked, Maarek looked around panting a little "yeah where'd they go?", then Shawn heard the sound of blaster fire and falling concrete. Then a super battle droid turned down the street and began firing, Shawn dodged the laser boots before drawing his blaster and shooting the droid right in the head, "oh I remember now it's that way" Maarek said running over to the end of the alleyway.

Shawn followed him and saw the stormtroopers, "trooper what's your unit? "Maarek asked, "56th infantry". Then they passed by and went to the command center, "goddamn it you see this" Maarek said taking his hand away and there was a burnt circle in his jacket and shirt that made a small burned indentation in his skin that showed the flesh beneath, Shawn had a disguised expression "looks like it hurts a lot", "yeah it does a lot probably more than the Maladian blades and those hurt" Maarek replied as they headed further in. "I did get hit hard in the head you know and still feel like crap" Shawn replied, Then they sat down against a wall as a medical droid came over.

Shawn looked at the holocron it was the same pyramid like shape of Malgus's but that one was locked up on Coruscant, he stared at it as it felt alive almost. Then it opened and a voice called out " interesting another one of the third planet,the last one whom I spoke with shot himself seventy years ago I'd say his name but you already know, hint he was a man of great power bug that power drove him to start a war that came to his doorstep", Shawn was being shaked. It was Maarek "hey you can sleep when we get back to Coruscant we're leaving" he stood up and headed to the shuttle,

Imperial Palace, Coruscant
" Ah Traya's holocron the two of you have performed greatly" Palpatine said holding the holocron up in the light from the nighttime skyline, Shawn and Maarek said "thank you sir" almost at the same time before walking out. Maarek said "hey I heard that we might've run into Kage Warriors while there", "who?" Shawn asked. "They're kind of like us but not as good" Maarek said stopping at his door and then walking in, Shawn went to his room and once again passed out from being exhausted again,

Again it was the voice from the holocron. " Here lets go on a little trip" it said and Shawn saw himself in an abandoned building of some kind that was illuminated by the sunlight "I was once here and the man left a small clue" it said again, Shawn saw a small file cabinet that was rusted beyond belief. He opened the door that practically disintegrated as he did and there was a small box, taking the box out Shawn undid the lock and opened the box, inside there was the holocron and a folded up piece of paper that was a light beige color as it was so old, Shawn set the box down and opened the paper, it was a handwritten note in German.

Concentrating the words changed into

"May 15,1942,
Earlier today Field Marshal Rommel himself brought me this strange device he found in Tunis that the locals described as being unknown to them, this device spoke to me saying it would tell me how to win the war, I declined the offer and put the pyramid like device in this box, therefore it is never be discussed again"
Der Führer Adolf Hitler

Shawn was surprised by this and put the note back in the box, "this place was once his military headquarters now it is part of another country entirely" the voice said. "But I've told too much if you're curious it's still there I suggest you find it soon" then it ended,

Oval Office,
Johnson walked into the room slowly taking it all in, she knew the responsibility that rested in her hands now and looked at the desk before running her hand on the polished wood and sitting down. Accidentally knocking one of the pens down she picked it up but then heard voices one was Walker, "uh you must be Lord Vader", she looked up and in a mirage like state she saw Walker,Daren and Vader there. When Vader began choking them both and snapped Daren's neck she put the pieces together. However she was more confused how she was seeing this, then it ended and she sat there confused by what she'd just seen convinced it was a hallucination.

Imperial Palace, Coruscant
Shawn's head hurt a lot more now, he heard the door open and Mara put her hand on his head, "here this'll help" and rested a cool rag on his head. "Thanks" he weakly said, then there was a knock at the door and Mara went over and opened it a little "You and Hand Mendes are needed in an hourfor the parade" a droid said " he has a migraine and is absolutely exhausted it'll have to pass" Mara said with slight irritation in her tone. "My apologies Lady Jade I could bring something for that ", Mara replied "very well" then shut the door and walked back over, Shawn decided to say something "I had this crazy dream about that holocron" he said sounding groggy. "What happened?" Mara asked, "there was a note of some kind" then there was a knock and Mara walked over and said " thank you".

She handed Shawn a small glass that had a bluish liquid, Shawn sniffed it and the liquid smelled like lemon extract with a faint vanilla smell. Shawn downed it but gagged from its bitter taste and Mara walked out and said "make sure to wear something formal and polish your boots", Shawn sighed and got dressed before getting the polish and brush before he began polishing his boots. It took,about twenty minutes later he was satisfied and put his boots on before walking out,

As he went down the main hall Shawn looked out the window at the plaza and saw thousands of stormtroopers and walkers moving in. "Never gets old overwhelming isn't it" Mara said walking over and Maarek did the same from another hallway, then they went down the stairs to the balcony.

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