Mission To Munnilist

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Air Temple Island, January 19,2015

The comlink beeped and Shawn picked it up and said "yes admiral what is it?" Fida replied "the emperor requests your presence at the palace on Coruscant, Shawn replied "tell him I'll be there" and Korra asked "who was that? What's Coruscant?" Shawn said "that was Admiral Fida and Coruscant is the capital of the Empire I've been called back but I'll be back when I can" and got in the Strings big then threw her another comlink and said "if anything goes wrong give me a call" Korra looked at it and said "ok I will" then he took off and flew away leaving Republic City behind as Amon began his revolution.

Star Destroyer Avenger
Shawn walked onto the bridge and said "set course for Coruscant Admiral" and the fleet entered hyperspace, he looked out at the blue vortex and heard the roars and screeches of the Yuuzhan Vong faintly and Malgus appeared outside and he said "I'm here to say someone you know is now in the custody of your enemy" Shawn asked "who?" Malgus replied "you'll sense it once you reach Coruscant" then vanished. He stood there wondering who it was for a good three hours and that was when they reached the destination and he sensed it Camilla was in danger,

He flew down to the Imperial Palace and almost ran through the vast halls of the labyrinth like palace passing some dignitaries before reaching the throne room where Palpatine sat waiting. Shawn walked up and kneeled before him and Palpatine said "I'm sure you're wondering why I called you back" Shawn replied "yes" Palpatine said "that treacherous assassin you've encountered slipped past the fleet around your world and took someone I've been told you know as leverage of some sort" Shawn said "I sensed it am I to rescue her?" Palpatine said "yes she's being held on Munnilist rescue her and bring her back to Earth and then you will stay until called upon again".

Shawn was happy he'd get to go home but was more concerned about what was happening to Camilla. He walked out of the throne room and made his way back to the hanger, as Shawn walked back he sensed someone else was near and said "Mara you're never gonna be able to sneak up on me" she walked out the shadows and followed him saying "blast your acute senses" and she turned a corner and went another way.

He made it to the hanger and got in the Strings and flew back to the Avenger. The plan was to stop just beyond Imperial controlled space near Mygetto and then fly the rest of the way with a small squad of elite dark troopers  to extract her.

Imperial,CR,Border Regions,Star Destroyer Avenger

Shawn went down to the hanger and boarded the unmarked ship with the small squad of six troopers. The ship took off and flew out "imitating jump into hyperspace" the pilot said and the ship went into hyperspace, after thirty minutes they reached Munnilist and Shawn sensed Camilla was on the planet. The ship flew past the massive fleet around the planet and entered the atmosphere heading for the capital city Harnaidian, the cloak was functioning at one hundred percent so they wouldn't be spotted and landed on top of a building. The ramp went down and Shawn walked off followed by the troopers, he looked around and sensed she was close and gestured to edge of the building,

He jumped off and so did the troopers and braced his fall with the forces while the troopers used jet packs. There were droids around some kind of door appearing to be guarding something important and that was where he sensed she was being held, Shawn gestured and one of the troopers threw a EMP type of grenade which went off and the droids slumped over deactivated, he gestured again and they sprinted across the street into the fortress.

"Blast them!" A droid yelled and laser bolts hit around, Shawn ignited his lightsaber and deflected some bolts and yelled "jam their communications!" A trooper hit a button on his wrist and fired back. He ran forward and cut down the droids then sensed she was close, then he saw a door at the end and said "let's move" the troopers got up and followed him down the hall, Shawn sliced the control panel and there sitting against the wall was Camilla.

"Shawn?" She said and got up and ran over "I'm here to get you out come on" he replied, Camilla followed him out and then two Droidekas rolled up and deployed but didn't fire. Shawn ignited his lightsaber and said "stay back"as a Duro man with two blasters and a large hat stepped out between the droids, "sorry kid but she's stays here" the Duro man said in a hoarse hosy sounding voice that sounded electronic. "No she'll be coming with us now let us leave or die" Shawn said to which the Duro man replied "I've dealt with Jedi before you shouldn't be much different",

He threw his lightsaber and cut down the Droidekas before they could deploy their shields but the Duro man activated two rockets at his ankles and began flying, Shawn's lightsaber came flying back into his hand and he deflected the laser bolts the Duro man fired at him but then force pushed him back against a wall and held him there "go now!" He yelled and the troopers shielded Camilla and Shawn backed up with the Duro man still held and closed the door and broke the control panel.

The street was deserted so they quickly ran across, Shawn jumped up pushing off the walls of the alley way while the troopers with one holding Camilla flew up. He reached the top and the troopers landed and the one set Camilla down and quickly boarded the ship cloaked and flew away,

"Thank you Shawn" Camilla said and Shawn replied "you're welcome".

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