Part 181

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Clara woke up with a flinch, she looked around for Shawn but saw he was gone. "Ezra" she said to herself and got to her feet before running out of the inlet and up the hill, but she saw no sign of him or Vader, it was like they had all vanished into thin air. She took out her comlink and tuned it to Ezras channel, "Ezra, Ezra are you there?", She asked yet received no response other than static. Then she heard footsteps and turned around to see Sabine emerging from the brush. "Sabine, where's Ezra?", Clara asked her friend with prevalent concern in her tone.

"He uh, was captured by Vader, Chopper saw the whole thing", Sabine replied with a saddened inflection in her voice and look on her face. Clara put the pieces together in her head, Shawn didnt do whatever it was that made her pass out out of his free will and she knew it, or did she? Her pondering only made more worried for Ezra. "Well, we cant just sit here and do nothing, lets see what Hera has to say", Clara said heading back in the direction of the Ghost while Sabine stuck close by.

Hera looked devastated when she heard the news, "lets head back to Yavin, Kanan and Kota will want to hear about this" she said while powering up the ship. Clara glanced over from the copilots seat at Heras conflicted expression of sadness and anger, "Shawn was here, and Vader", was what Clara responded with. "You know I wouldn't wish ill upon that poor kid whatsoever, I'm not angry at him I'm angry at Vader", Hera responded as the ship came to life and began lifting off the ground. "I've dealt with this for a long time Clara, and believe me when i say that sulking around wont do anything to bring Ezra home, only we can do that by sheer determination and willpower", "its times like these where we have to be strong", Hera elaborated upon.  "I am strong", Clara said, "my dad was a Iraq vet so he taught me how to look out for myself and others, promised him I would". "I take it you haven't wavered in that regard?", Hera asked with a smile.

"Hell yeah I do", Clara replied with a chuckle which made Hera laugh a little. "You're exactly the hero material we've been needing for a long time, hopefully you'll do great one day", Hera said to Clara as the ship entered hyperspace.

*********, Imperial Palace, Coruscant
    Shawn still held Ezras saber as the handcuffed Jedi was escorted by Vader and two Sovereign Protectors to the Emperors throne room. He was still internally beating himself up over what he had to do to Clara, she hadn't ever done anything wrong to him and now he had swung the first stroke, she probably hates my guts now, he thought as the doors slid open and they walked in. From across the room Shawn could see the look of satisfaction on the Emperors face more clearly as they got closer. "Well done, my apprentice", the Emperor said in a congratulatory tone to Vader, "I trust you recovered the Jedi without major difficulty?". "Yes my master, as a matter of fact Mendes stunned him", Vader replied.

    The Emperor gave Shawn a suspicious look at first then a smile, "good work my boy, perhaps more would redeem you fully", was what the Emperor said next then raised his hand. Ezras saber was yanked from Shawns grip and into the Emperors open palm, "now tell me young Jedi, where is your master?", The Emperor asked Ezra. "Im not telling you a damn thing!", Ezra yelled and moved forward but one of the Protectors lowered his vibroblade staff in from of Ezras throat. "Oh but you will and more my young Jedi, if you will not tell us then we will draw him out", The Emperor said menacingly, "Lord Vader I trust you will carry out this task" he said while looking back at the midnight sky. "Yes master" Vader said with a slight bow. "Good, now escort him to a cell for questioning", "wait a moment Mendes, I would have a word with you" the Emperor said as Vader and the Protectors left the chamber.

    Except for the two Royal Guards in the room Shawn was now alone with the physical embodiment of a nightmare. "You performed quite well Mendes, but not enough to illicit my forgiveness, no, that will be after some time and many more tasks", the Emperor said while examining Ezras saber. "Uh, thank you?" Shawn said with a confused tone, "thank you? No my dear boy, consider it a lessening of what you will face should your resolve slip again" the Emperor replied and looked Shawn right in the eye. "That will be all" he said and gestured him away. Shawn backed away with turning his back to the Emperor until the doors had shut in front of him, he let out a sigh of relief then headed away.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now