Memories The Other Hands

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May 12,2013
Shawn woke up and felt different for some reason and couldn't explain it, throughout the day he kept seeing small things happen a second or two before they happened such as a leaf moving or a car approaching. But there was also something else he felt as if he were being watched and looked around but there wasn't anyone around, an hour later Shawn was on YouTube when he felt a chill of some kind and heard some deep dark voice say "I sense you " he spun around as it sounded like it came from behind,Then it warped again and Snoke said "I was watching the whole time and you never sensed it even when I hid in plain sight"

July 16,2013
Shawn was intrigued how he could accurately predict some things but didn't know how "there are others beyond the stars you see trillions of beings and your so called astrologists haven't even caught a glance" that same voice said and Shawn looked around and saw nothing. A couple months later he heard another voice say "we are beings above the stars that wield powers you have never seen and you hold that power as well young one" but it sounded ancient and evil, " I am Bane" it said before leaving. Then later that same voice said " only two there should be a master and an apprentice one to embody the power...the other to crave it" Shawn was confused by this and still didn't understand it as he never remembered these things in the first place.

August 10,2013
This time he heard a different voice one that sounded menacing and coarse say "Skywalker's apprentice could lead us to others". While backstage Shawn was walking down the hall when it became dark all the sudden and the light turned a red color, his breath showed and he was almost scared by this. "You cannot deny your destiny" a dark voice said, he looked at the end of the hall and there was a dark figure maybe seven feet tall standing there. Shawn ran off the other way before he ran into Matt "geez Shawn what'd you see a ghost or something?".

Then it ended and Shawn saw Snoke had backed up, "Lord Maul let him return to the Emperor" Maul bowed slightly and then Snoke's body shimmered and vanished as he'd only been a hologram. Shawn jumped out the window and landed on a roof before he ran back to the ship where Mara was "what'd you see?" She asked, Shawn replied "Maul and Grievous" Mara said "well let's get away from this place" and Shawn started up the ship and flew away heading for Coruscant.

July 7,2015
Shawn walked into the throne room but he wasn't there, "where's the Emperor?" He asked one of the guards, " a meeting on the twentieth level" Shawn turned around and walked out heading for the conference room. The turbolift stopped at the floor and Shawn walked out and up the stairs, upon reaching the top he stopped as there was Inquisitors and some other unknown Imperials there Mara was among them so was Maarek who had a small bandage on his left temple. But what struck him the most was that Asami was floating at the end with many scratches and bruises on her face and Shawn nearly gasped,

"Aw Shawn I was beginning to worry you'd lost your way..come we've saved you a seat" Palpatine said which struck Shawn slightly as he'd never been called by his first name before by the Emperor, he walked over and sat down when Palpatine asked "you bring information I trust?" Shawn replied "it'll happen three weeks from now on Coreilla" a man further down piped up with an accent  that on Earth would sound Scottish almost "I've heard otherwise my lord my reports suggest the so called Rebel Alliance might work with these bounty hunters-".

Shawn interrupted "that's not true the CR is just as much against the Rebels as we are and there are a few who think we've put spies in the Alliance" one Inquisitor said "well they got that right haven't they" and the others laughed slightly, "what's your input Senator?" Palpatine asked the human man at the end of the table. " One hears many things my lord of the truth accompanies it isn't clear" Palpatine chuckled and said "spoken like a true politician you will be must useful Senator". Palpatine turned to Shawn asked "what of the Jedi where will they go?" Shawn replied "I'm not sure they're probably in the Outer Rim".

The handmaiden who'd attacked the bounty hunters with the Force spoke "my lord I'd like to volunteer for this mission I want to kill the Jedi" then a yelp of pain from somewhere sounded out "captain! Have I not spoken to you about keeping the prisoner quiet" the captiain nervously replied "y-yes m-my lord right away" then walked down the hall. "As I admire your bloodlust Roganda I will eliminate these Jedi personally" Roganda nodded a little and Palpatine rose "but I have a slight problem with only my own lightsaber it's impossible to attack all five at once" and set the hilt down in front of him.

"If I am to kill these Jedi I will need another's to make up for only possessing one" and walked down slowly saying "who'd like the honor hmm" the Inquisitors nor the other unknown agents replied until Palpatine reached one Inquisitor who seemed troubled "what about you Larsen?" Palpatine asked. Larsen replied "my lord?" In a croaky sounded tone to which Palpatine responses with a sarca sarcastic "my lord I need your weapon" extending his hand out.

Larsen brought up his cane with was quite bulbous on the top section and twisted the top before pulling the lightsaber out and handing it to the Emperor "is this Brylark wood?" Palpatine asked, "yes my lord" Larsen responsed as Palpatine looked over it for a second before snapping the wooden head off with a *snap* and Larsen shut his eyes in silent anger "and the hilt?" Palpatine asked, Larsen replied "a Cortosis and Mandalorian iron alloy my lord" Palpatine said "a difficult combination indeed". Then he chucked the broken off head on the table and flicked his wrist pulling Asami in, "it's been kept a secret from you all far too long but I've decided to introduce each other ladies and gentlemen these are the other Hands".

Shawn was surprised a little but sensed anger in the others, "and this is ms Asami Sato who until recently ran a corporation on the Second Earth recently she founded the Department of Extraterrestrial Studies" the others laughed with mocking tones as Palpatine continued "it is her believe that if she could establish contact with the Rebels that her company could supply supplies to them" and he sat down. Asami looked at Shawn and said in a low shaking tone "s-Shawn Shawn please",Shawn wanted to help but knew if he tried he'd be killed so he didn't respond. "We're friends" she said, Shawn pondered for a second before Palpatine rasised his right hand and lighting shot out killing her instantly and she flew back hitting the wall limp.

Shawn flinched and even though he seemed devoid of emotion on the outside he wasn't inside, "now since you've been introduced these are my instructions do not kill each other nor suspect I favor one over another we need unity in the face of our enemies" Palpatine said, the others nodded or had blank expressions "you're dismissed" Palpatine said and they rose, Mara walked over and said "well now we have some new friends to work with".

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