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August 22,2015, Second Earth,
Shawn followed Vader to the shuttle who was explaining why they were here "the Empire could establish a base of operations here to assist out forces in the Outer Rim against the Confederate and Rebel forces there" Vader said, "but sir there is one country here that's in chaos their queen was killed" Shawn responded, "if so perhaps we will inquire this with their President or who ever governs this United Republic" Vader said.

Air Temple Island,
Upon landing Vader sent Shawn out first who was greeted by Tenzin, "hello Shawn what brings you back to Republic City" just as Shawn was about to reply the familiar breathing got closer and closer with Tenzins gaze shifting behind, "um welcome" Tenzin said, " I am Lord Vader master Tenzin and I'm here on business from the Emperor" Tenzin crossed his arms "what kind of business exactly?" He said, Vader replied " I wish an audience with your leader if that is possible".

"Hmm President Raiko is leaving this afternoon for Zaofu I suggest you head to City Hall", Shawn looked around but Korra wasn't anywhere to be seen and he didn't even feel her presence. "Very well then Hand Mendes come along" Vader said following Tenzin, Shawn followed Vader "the Force is quite strong here" Vader said, Shawn had grown used to it and the talisman felt warm as it usually felt cold even in warm temperatures.  Upon boarding the boat Tenzin asked Vader, " tell me Lord Vader what is your rank or position exactly". "I am the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces master Tenzin second only to the Emperor", Shawn tuned out the conversation to look at Republic City as it never ceased to dazzle him in a way similar to seeing New York,

City Hall,
Walking up the steps Tenzin said to Vader "I'm afraid your solders will have to wait outside" the two stormtroopers nodded before standing at attention. Upon walking in Shawn noted the large tree root that sprung from the floor, then after reaching the large doors at the end of the hall Tenzin opened them "mr President this is Lord Vader of the Empire" Tenzin said, "a little unexpected" Raiko said. "Mr president the Emperor wishes to know if we'd have your permission to construct a base of operations so our supply lines are not overextended" Vader said,

Raiko thought over it for a minute before he said "look Lord Vader we're dealing with a crisis at the moment and if you did build this base how can we be sure it wouldn't draw in your enemies or make us a military target", Vader said " the Empire will provide protection from both the forces of the so called Rebel Alliance and the Confederate Remanent" Raiko replied "I'm sorry but I cannot make this decision myself you'd have to consult the other world leaders" Vader asked "what would make them consider this offer?". Raiko replied "if we could have a word with the Emperor himself".

Shawn had spaced out but that got his attention as Palpatine seldom left the Imperial Palace, "that can be arranged but the chances of the Emperor accepting this invitation are-" Vader said. Then Shawn felt a disturbance in the Force, "yes go on" Raiko said, "I sense it as well Hand Mendes however it is most likely nothing". Then Vader continued talking with Raiko while Shawn went over to the window as he felt as if something called to him,

He fixed in this ripple and saw something.

Maul walked off his shuttle with a platoon of commando droids, "He's close Master" Maul said to Snoke, "move into the cave find him" Snoke replied as the droids went in first, "be mindful Lord Maul this creature is strong with the Force" then the sounds of rocks tumbling echoed before a droid said "blast him!" And the vision ended. Shawn snapped out of his daze hearing his name being called "Hand Mendes lets go" Vader said walking out and he followed, Then Shawn asked Tenzin " where's Korra?". Tenzin replied " she's at the South Pole Zaheer poisoned her and she's recovering".

Walking out the stormtroopers followed closely, "I cannot promise the Emperor will accept your offer" Vader said to Tenzin, then suddenly someone earthbended a stone in their direction. Shawn spun around kicking the stone away before he pushed the attacker away with the Force while two policeman apprehended the man "it's our world not yours!" He yelled as he was dragged away, Tenzin said "he might've been part of an extremist organization", Vader said " no that one acted alone it's no concern".

"President Raiko declined our offer?" Palpatine asked via hologram, " he did that man is a prideful fool" Vader said in response, "perhaps I might sway him by taking him up on this offer" Palpatine said, "Hand Mendes while this small negotiation proceeds head to the Third Earth and find out if the King will perhaps agree as well", "yes my lord" Shawn said.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now