Part 127

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Imperial Palace,
"Did you all succeed in your task" Palpatine asked the light from the large window concealing his face even more from behind his hood, "in a way sir the witch managed to get away however" Vess said "hmm and did the other two assist sufficiently?" Palpatine asked glancing at Shawn and Maarek who stood next to Vess chests pumped out appearing soldierly, "they did my lord" Vess said, "excellent, I've other matters to attend two leaders from Mendes's planet are arriving and I must prepare for the banquet later" Palpatine said waving them off.

Republic City,several hours later
Johnson walked into President Raikos office with Princess Leia after the jump from hyperspace, she found the whole ordeal very fascinating and incredible though Sophia compared it to being very jet lagged. "Mr President nah I present President Evelyn Johnson of the United States of America" Leia said introducing Johnson before heading out to meet with another government official. Raiko walked over extending his hand "welcome Madam President", Johnson shook his hand "thank you Mr President", "please sit down" Raiko said and they sat down at the chairs around a large oak table "I must say it's an honor to meet another head of state especially one from another planet" Raiko commented, "the feelings mutual though I should say your culture looks really familiar to ones back on my planet" Johnson said putting her hand to her chin, "really? I've never been told though the Empire has been generous enough to tell me a bit of your planet" Raiko said.

Johnson remembered the CIA director recommended asking about this Shawn and if he'd ever been here, "tell me,did any Imperial agents arrive before any uh official showed up?" Johnson asked, Raiko seemed puzzled "you could say that why?". Johnson put her hands together and sighed "was it a boy?", "yes it was, one boy, Tenzin told me that he snuck into the city for an unknown reason and was attacked by the leader of a disbanded extremist movement, he was brought back to Air Temple Island and was woken up the next day" Raiko explained, "is there some kind of record of this by any chance?" Johnson asked, "Chief Beifong made one, but may I ask why this is important?" Raiko said

"He has close ties to the Emperor from what we've heard, an agent in his home town in charge of keeping an eye on him has said one of his accomplices mentioned mystical abilities he has?" Johnson said remembering how bizarre that report was. "Is his name Shawn?" Raiko asked, Johnson knew they were now on the same page "yes exactly!" She said, Raiko looked a little concerned "well that's all I've been told, he was in fact just here with a Grand Admiral Thrawn and two others", Johnson listened "to be honest I don't trust these Imperials there's a malevolent atmosphere about them I can't quite get" Raiko said more.

I don't trust em either, they've occupied some cities in my country after a war three months ago,anyway it's a garbage peace plan didn't give us much room for reconciliation, they're awful the Empire they've done some of the most horrific things from what I've been told" Johnson said. Raiko leaned in listening more intently clearly intrigued by what she had to say, "they flogged a fourteen year old in front of his mother and a crowd of thirty people and this was put into our global communications network" Johnson said not sure how to explain the Internet to him though had noticed they'd gotten as far as the radio. But she also remembered the crack of the whip from the iPads speakers and the screams of pain that boy made haunted her more than the Taliban solder she'd shot several times in Afghanistan back in 2002, " then they hung thirty people on lamp posts as an example, we've seen this kind of thing before in our history but never thought it'd happen on American soil", "aren't you meeting with the Emperor later?" Raiko asked.

"Yes it'll be interesting but terrifying" Johnson said, "I haven't met the Emperor yet either but his closest confidant a Lord Vader do you know of him?" Raiko asked. Johnson had heard of this Lord Vader and had seen him on what footage cameras managed to snag of him but he was an elusive man? Or machine?, "yes what's he like?" Johnson asked "mechanical, intimidating there's just something about him that doesn't look human that could mean the fact he wears a mask and towers above you or has an artificial breathing sound that haunts you" Raiko said, "that boy accompanied this Lord Vader here too, he didn't say anything just stood there quietly observing", "that's about as much of the two I've seen myself but it seems best not to antagonize that Vader man". Seeing the vision of Walkers neck being snapped crossed Johnson's mind "I will be careful".

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