Tarkin's Folly, Old Secrets

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Toronto, March 25th 2016
"Governor Tarkin I've exhausted sources all the ISB has provided yet nothing on these insurgents has come up" Adelhard said as Tarkin sat at the desk in front of him. "The Emperor has enough to deal with at the moment Adelhard and doesn't wish to waste precious resources on small scale rebellions" Tarkin replied in his clipped aristocratic voice, "I've lowered the requirements of harsh punishments, targeted the educational system, propaganda those are my tactics" Adelhard said. "Perhaps that is the problem" Vader said making Adelhard freeze "you've shown a habit of good judgement Moff Adelhard but lack decisiveness" Vader said walking in his shadow cast long along the floor as the light seemed to dim from his very presence.

"Lord Vader these are not ordinary insurgents most of their leadership are war veterans of past conflicts here, for all we know they could be taking orders from the central government" Adelhard said, Vader waved his hand "these people are not stupid they're very analytical and will not submit easily, if they choose that path they will pay for it", "for this the Emperor has requested to see you on Coruscant you're to depart tomorrow" Vader said . " but who will overlook the city and planet in my absence?"Adelhard asked, "Lord Vader and I will manage without you Moff Adelhard now go" Tarkin imputed. Adelhard then strolled out,

Something else drew Shawn's attention the vision of the temple in Antarctica made its way back into his thoughts once more. "Aw that's a weird place" Maarek said, Shawn saw he had his hand raised a little "are you reading my mind?" He asked, "yeah I am surprised you didn't notice" Maarek retorted. "Lemme guess you want to go to that place for some reason?" Maarek inquired "well yeah it's been on my mind for a awhile" Maarek stood up "fine then let's go" grabbing Shawn's arm before the world spun wildly sounds became warped and the air became cold.

Suddenly Shawn felt the crunch of snow beneath his feet and saw a mountain in front of him, "welcome to uh Antarctica I think" Maarek said. Shawn was glad to have his jacket on as it was very cold maybe below freezing, he spotted a cave opening "over there" he pointed and they trudged through the snow "you couldn't've let me tell my parents where we were going first?" Shawn asked "sorry I forgot" Maarek replied as they walked in. He immediately felt a shift in the Force and the talisman felt warm so he reached into his shirt and saw it was a reddish color, "I feels cold but not like the weather cold" Maarek said. "Let's go" Shawn said as they ignited their sabers for light,

The cave was rocky and rough with the constant sound of water dripping also, "this place is creepy" Maarek spoke up. Shawn spotted a faint glint off something metal in the distance, he headed over and saw it was a metal door covered by in spots by ice "a door?" He said. There was a very old light bulb next to it, Shawn then cut the hinges off before pulling the door away with the Force tossing it aside, inside was a old staircase. Shawn went first although carefully so as to not slip or lose his traction,

Reaching the bottom he kicked something hard and wooden, moving his saber down he saw it was a box, Shawn knelt down brushing the snow off of it seeing spray painted in black paint a eagle and swastika. "That's weird, recognize it?" Maarek asked, "sorta I never really paid attention in history" Shawn responded before noticing several other crates strewn about covered in snow even some telephone wire ran about. "There's a doorway" Maarek pointed out the large doorway running in,

Shawn followed and when he ran in froze at what he saw, just like in the vision were two very long walls with names written on them. On the floor were old desks and more crates with lamps and generators, they retracted their blades as some light leaked from the surface, Maarek picked up some papers as Shawn slowly walked forward looking around. "This is something whoever was here took some artifacts by the looks of it-", "these are schematics for nuclear weapons and rocket engines from a cave painting?" He said visibly confused. Shawn saw on one wall with names one that was lit up with cracks around it also lit up by a red light beneath,

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