Part 136

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Washington DC, April 25th 2016
President Johnson was in the Oval Office writing her own address for the night of Operation Impetus. "The Empire is not our friend they are our enemy they detest our freedoms our government and way of life" she scrubbed down on a piece of paper while the clock ticked loudly the wind blowing in the trees outside. She set down the pen glancing up at the portrait of George Washington over the fireplace wondering what he must've thought seeing New York burn or cross the Delaware even worse Valley Forge in the winter. All these thoughts reminded her of one person in Toronto she was concerned for,Setting aside the paper she opened the laptop and began typing away her thoughts knowing a letter would be more secure than a phone call.

"From the office of the President of the United States
Dear Mr and Mrs Mendes this is surely a message you're surely not expecting, we (backspace) I've heard of your son before all this happened my own daughter would talk about him and I'd play along hearing her swoons while chuckling. I'm sure he's done nothing wrong while here but we have reason to suspect otherwise, surely he's been instructed not to tell anyone other than you two of what he does when he leaves which we and our enemies watch closely. Ever since he came back a yea and half ago he's been in danger when home, the CIA has informed me multiple times of Russian and Chinese operatives attempted to get near and terminate him. So far we've caught all they've sent, and to be honest President Riosovsky personally told me of this. I'd never felt so shocked in my life hearing that making me fear for his safety even if you're not American. This will scare you no doubt believe me it scared me too but when you receive this letter we will have done something else equally as terrifying.

When we take back the city in a joint operation with Canadian forces I ask that you allow us to take him in for questioning to determine what he's done. If he has been taken by the Empire by the time you read this we will coordinate with the Rebel Alliance to find him whatever the cost. This will be much to ask I know but these are difficult things to order but when it comes to our similar ways of life risks must be taken I learned this in my years of military service. In conclusion I hope this letter gives you relief knowing the leader of the free world has addressed you in such a personal way and I hope for a bright future"

Johnson printed the letter then picked up her pen signing it letting out a deep breath looking up at Washingtons portrait once more as she folded the letter putting it in an envelope. She set the letter aside as her Chief Of Staff walked in holding a leather folder, "ma'am the executive order for the operation" he said opening the folder setting it down in front of Johnson. She looked through the words knowing as Commander-In-Chief she was about to order the secret mobilization of the armed forces to liberate ten cities, she thought of collateral damage, how many civilians would die? How many troops will we lose? Will the Empire retaliate with an invasion? All questions to which she had no answers. Those thoughts filled her mind as she placed the pen on the signature line making her freeze.

She had to do the right thing there was no time to allow the tyranny of the Empire to stay here on Earth any longer. Johnson sighed and signed the order which felt like an eternity, of course the order for the airstrikes was different but that objective had been fulfilled the Yemeni government had retaken Sanaa with American air support while the Libyan government overran Islamist positions across Libya. Johnson handed the order back doing her best to keep her cool as the Chief Of Staff left the Oval Office then turned around in her chair looking at the pictures on the table.

There was the one from three years ago when she and Sophia had gone to Paris another of her husband Eric Warren. After Eric had died of cancer Johnson reverted to her maiden name after Eric had told her to saying "someone related to a President should keep their name". Johnson's parents lived in rural Wyoming so she wasn't totally alone after Sophia, still she felt like the American people were her family too, even with all this she had a campaign to run too so she set the pen down once more and walked out into the hall where many of the staff had stacked boxes of signs and other assorted things while the Secret Service brought in boxes of documents from Area 51.

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