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(My attempts to draw what Shawn and Mara look like and yes that's the uniform Starkiller wears in TFU 2 and I messed up on Maras face as I suck at drawing but let me know what you think )
July 9,2015
Shawn faintly heard a feminine voice say "wait I know him" and then it said "get him inside" a man replied "Commander Tano he's an Imperial" the woman responded "I know but I trust him now get him inside". Then he heard nothing else after that, after what seemed like forever Shawn woke up and heard chatter around, he sat up which hurt greatly and saw many Rebel troops in the hanger looking through the Imperial vehicles and crates. Then a familiar Togruta woman approached "Ashoka?" Shawn asked, "hi Shawn" Ashoka replied, "What happened?" Shawn asked not remembering much. "Well we captured this base two days ago and drove off an Imperial fleet from Turkana" Shawn said "there's others like me and Mara" Ashoka's expression turned worried and she asked "are they all fanatically loyal to the Emperor?" Shawn replied "yeah there are" Ashoka then said "come with me".

Shawn stood up which hurt but he drew on the Force using it as a painkiller in a way while following Ashoka, "oh I think this is yours" she said handing him his lightsaber "thanks" Shawn replied. They walked into what was the command post where the Spectre Rebels as well as Kota were "ah the Emperor's Hand" Kota said in a tone that sounded acknowledgment with a "oh great this guy" undertone. "I'll tell you any Imperial secrets you wish of you let me go" Shawn said. "Well we could use those" a voice from the side, Shawn looked and it was Starkiller,

He was confused asking " I thought you were dead" Shawn said in bewilderment. Starkiller responded "I'm not the Starkiller you know I'm a clone", Kanan asked Shawn are there any major Imperial munition factories in the Outer Rim?" Shawn didn't know but something told him "Hypori there's a munitions factory there".

Imperial Palace
"You left Hand Mendes on Rhen Var!" Palpatine yelled at Vader, "Master the Rebels caught us by surprise on the ground and in space" Vader replied, Palpatine said "I do not care about the Rebels a high ranking Imperial agent is now in the hands of the enemy meaning nearly all of our secrets that he knows are their disposal" Vader asked "what is to be done Master?". Palpatine responded "you'll retrieve Hand Mendes destroy all in your path".

Rhen Var,
Shawn said to Ashoka "the Emperor is looking for you" Ashoka responded "I know we've run into his Inquisitors before" Shawn replied "no he's going to kill you himself he said" the other four Jedi looked up with worried expressions, "you sure?" Ezra asked, "yes I heard it myself". Then there was a beeping sound and Starkiller held up a comlink tossing it to Shawn "here tell them you're still alive, "yes who is this?" Shawn said into the comlink. " good you're alive" Vader responded which made the room fall so quiet you could hear a pin drop. " Uh yes Lord Vader the Rebels took the base and are now leaving I can see it" Shawn said nodding to Ashoka who made a shushing gesture as the command center was evacuated silently.

"The fleet will arrive in the system in twenty minutes the Tenth Brother will want a report" Vader said then the transmission ended, "move it!" Kota yelled as the Rebels boarded their shuttles taking what they could. Shawn knew hiding in the tundra just beyond the base would be more convincing but Ashoka already had the thought "quick hide just outside the base!" Shawn replied "where're you going?" Ashoka responded "can't tell you sorry" Shawn ran outside the base hiding behind a pile of snow as the rebel ships flew away just as fast as they came two days before. After ten minutes of almost freezing an Imperial shuttle landed at the base and Shawn went over running up the ramp which closed behind him and flying back to the fleet,

Super Star Destroyer,Ravager
Shawn walked into the bridge where the Tenth Brother stood, "sir the Rebels stole all the Imperial Intel in the bases computers" the Tenth Brother turned slightly and said "and you didn't stop them?" Very sternly, "I was unconscious" then the Inquisitor turned around and Shawn continued "I wasn't sure but it looked like the Jedi were there-" suddenly the Tenth Brother ignited his lightsaber and spun around slicing up the computer behind him sending sparks flying. Shawn held his hand up as sparks flew at him for another eight seconds before the Tenth Brother stopped retracting his lightsaber with a *whoosh* sound before asking "anything else?".  The whole way back to Coruscant Shawn could feel the Inquisitors anger radiating like fire, and couldn't stop glancing at the computer covered in dark burnt marks. The captain walked onto the bridge baffled and said "who the hell did this!" When the Tenth Brother turned around the captain froze "apologies Inquisitor",

Imperial Palace
Shawn was walking up the steps to the throne room when Pestage stormed out clearly angered about something. Upon entering the throne room there was a Chagrian man with a large metal staff speaking with the Emperor "thank you my liege for this honor" Mas Amedda said bowing "go now Vizier Amedda". The newly appointed Grand Vizier walked past Shawn out of the throne room, "I was told you saw the Jedi on Rhen Var Hand Mendes is that true?" Palpatine asked with an inquisitive tone, "yes my lord" Shawn replied. "Yet you didn't attack why?" Palpatine asked, Shawn replied "stealth seemed the best option they outnumbered me" Palpatine leaned back in his throne clearly satisfied "excellent work you may return home for now" he said,

Shawn replied "thank you sir" then walked out.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin