Part 169

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**********, Gettysburg Bunker, June 7th
Johnson was finally able to emerge from underground after a while now and walked in the perimeter with Sophia though trailed by a dozen secret service agents outside. "Remember Fairbanks? It looked like this" Sophia said and Johnson recognized it now with the pines and crisp smell, "oh yea I do, oh that was fun" Johnson replied referring to a trip they'd taken to Alaska three years prior in August during the congressional recess.

After strolling around they returned to the bunker but there was an arriving Rebel shuttle at the second entrance helipad, that was when Hammond approached her, "I'm sorry ma'am we forgot to inform you but-" he said but she shushed him with a slight gesture as the ramp descended and two Alliance soldiers exited first then a blonde middle aged woman in a black dress and black heels, "Duchess Alexandra has arrived" he continued as the Queen Mother looked over at Johnson with surprise then walked over followed by her detail. "Madam President" she said with a crisp posh accent.

"Your Royal Highness" Johnson greeted with a smile , "what brings you here?". "I've come for my son, the King" Alexandra said, "and I hope you don't mind me correcting you but it's Your Majesty" she continued, "mom, we have him here?" Sophia asked. "Yes sweetie we do, I just forgot to tell you" Johnson said, "sorry ma'am this is my daughter". "Hello" Alexandra said with a smile and extended her hand which Sophia took and then curtsied before standing back up, "now then I think you'll want to see him" Johnson replied.

Edward heard a knock at the door, "come in" he called out and the door opened. "Her Majesty the Queen Mother sir" the royal butler said and backed away as Alexandra walked in with a look of relief, Edward sighed as well in relief and now hugged her as she did as well. "I was so worried, when we heard about London in Fiji" Alexandra said, "is cousin Marissa alright?" Edward asked as they let go of each other. "Yes she's alright, just on a different shuttle to Windsor is all" Alexandra replied as the door opened once more, "His Royal Highness the Prince Of Wales Your Majesty" The butler said as Ethan walked in and Alexandra hugged him tightly. "Mum I'm fine" Ethan replied as she let him go.

"I brought a shuttle with me, might as well take it home now" Alexandra said to Ethan then to Edward, "of course" Edward replied ,"We'll leave tomorrow".

Red Keep, Kings Landing, June 8th 2016
The shuttle landed in the usual courtyard designated for Imperial emissaries in the Red Keep and Shawn walked off with Vader but hadn't told him the real reason why he'd wanted to come here. The lie he made up was going with Vader there to see how Larsen was faring in the primitive environment and if he'd sensed anything regarding the Force there though he didn't have a say on going anyway. Cersei had made herself at home as where stag banners once hung were replaced by the Lannister lion and the maids all wore black and had short haircuts like she did.

Larsen joined them and explained what he observed, "in reality Lord Vader I believe the supposed accident that killed the king was no accident, it did send ripples in the Force but those were among many I've felt on this strange world". "Yes, the coincidence of them being there an the old explosives going off would fool any man, but not myself or the Emperor" Vader replied as they walked into the throne room where Cersei sat on the Iron Throne wearing a black dress with silvery embroidery on the shoulders and chest.

Larsen nodded to her, "Your Grace" he said, "I believe you already know Lord Vader and his companion". "Yes, I do" Cersei replied though she seemed bored, "we have heard one of your allies has drawn first blood" Vader spoke. "He did, Euron Greyjoy the King Of The Iron Islands" Cersei replied as a man in his forties and long overcoat walked over, "so these are the ones I've 'eard of" Euron said in a slightly strained voice while getting closer and looked at Hux then Mara. "Didn't think offworlders were pretty eh?" He said with smirk and Shawn clenched his fist in anger from that.

"My lord, it'd be wise to rescind that" Hux suggested politely but Euron ignored him and looked at Shawn, "you're the one that Yara went on about, hmph, she's got my brothers tongue","What's your name boy?". "Shawn" Shawn replied, "aha, you are the one" Euron said while walking away and nodded at Cersei, "my queen" before heading off into the next room. "You've never come before without wanting something Lord Vader and the last time you did my son somehow ended up not being able to breathe as you made a suspicious gesture" Cersei said.

"Do not underestimate the power of the Force" Vader replied, "for it works in mysterious ways". "Nonetheless that's in the past and now that you are here perhaps it's best to meet later" Cersei said back and rose from the throne before heading into the adjacent room. "I think it'd be best to return to the capital Lord Vader" Hux suggested but Shawn needed to know if Yara was ok as he promised, "agreed" Vader replied, damn it, Shawn thought as he followed them out of the throne room. "Lord Vader, there's other strange things here as well, it's been referred to as magic" Larsen, "tales from the eastern lands-". Vader cut him off, "I am not interested in superstitious folklore Larsen, in case you haven't noticed this planet is quite primitive of course they will pass off easily explained phenomena as magic". Larsen nodded and headed off in a separate direction.

*******, Yavin 4
Clara once more faced General Draven though with different news, "his men didn't watch where they were firing and when they set off the explosives it killed a lot of civilians, then he tried justifying it" she explained. "But did he fulfill his other agreement to rebuild the base on Baridia?" Draven asked her, "yes sir" Clara replied. "He basically said he's done working with us", Draven looked concerned, "thank you Corporal", "your next assignment is as follows, on your homeworld of Earth The Empire is closing in on a city called Buffalo" Draven said and this got Clara's attention.

"Thousands of civilians are in danger of being attacked by Imperial bombers, you will sneak into the city and plant fake homing beacons to draw the bombers away and be open to our fighters" Draven continued, "and as of now you are officially assigned to Captain Syndulla and the Ghost, report there at once and head off for your mission". "Yes sir" Clara replied and headed off in that direction happy for two reasons, she would get to see home though she partly volunteered to get away from it and she would see Ezra more often.

Clara stepped on the Ghost where Hera was priming up the beacons, "oh hi Clara, need the Phantom again?" Hera asked in a friendly manner. "Nope, because I've been assigned to you" Clara replied, "you have huh?" Hera said while getting the last one down, "well then Spectre-7 welcome aboard, too bad Kanan isn't here for this". "I won't let you down" Clara said, "Ezra didn't let me down, so I know you'll do the same" Hera said while walking past her, "and guess we'll head off now, everyone else is on board, come on I need a co-pilot". Clara followed her up the ladder to the cockpit where she sat in the seat across from her, "ready for home?" Hear asked her before saying into the comm, "I'm taking off guys get ready?".

"I'm from Toronto but've to Buffalo before many times" Clara replied, "hopefully it's not all rubble". "Well I hope so too, had enough of seeing bombed out cities" Hera said as the Ghost took off and headed for space. Some of the Fleet was in orbit around the moon but was due to head for other destinations, Hera primed the hyperdrive and the stars turned to lines.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now