Locating The Source

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July 6,2015 Imperial Security Bureau,
Although still tired from last night and very sore Shawn managed to just barely climb the steps from the landing bay where the gunship had stopped, as he reached the top Shawn looked back to see the cityscape before a protocol droid stepped forward "I'm E-65 this way please",

Shawn followed the droid to the door where a intelligence officer waited "one moment" and turned to the door where a hologram showed up "the Emperor's representative has arrived open up the door" the man in the hologram replied "ask him for some ID" the intelligence officer replied "what do you mean?" The man in the hologram replied "how do we know he's the Emperor's Hand and not some sort of beggar" Shawn was insulted and his expression said so for him.

"Well I don't..he's got the credibility" the intelligence officer said, the man in the hologram replied " I'm not letting anyone in without verification" Shawn's anger got the better of him and he angrily said "this is ridiculous you've overstepped your authority" the man replied "I'm chief of security this is completely within my authority you'd better check your facts kid" then it cut. Shawn said to the intelligence officer "if the Emperor didn't inform you I was to report here was he clear or not!" With a raised tone  The officer replied "apologies he's become quite paranoid since the coup attempt" Shawn said "tell him to contact Lord Vader for proof or better the Emperor but neither would be so happy to hear about this" in an irritated tone,

"It wasn't the Emperor's idea to send you here" then there was the sound of a speeder approaching. Shawn looked and saw it wasn't an Imperial one so he ignited his lightsaber, the speeder fired at him but he deflected the laser bolts back hitting the speeder in the engine causing it to crash. The bounty hunter rolled until stopping just fifteen feet from Shawn "tell me who hired you and you'll go free" Shawn said, the bounty hunter pulled out a blaster shooting at him but Shawn blocked the bolts and held the attacker in a force choke. "Tell me now or else" he said raising his saber, the bounty hunter tried to aim a pistol but Shawn snapped their neck tossing the limp body aside. Retracting his blade Shawn walked back up to the door where the hologram showed up, "Director Yuleran will see you now" then the door opened and Shawn walked in,

Walking down the long halls Shawn eventually found the director but instead it was Vizer Pestage, "you are late" Pestage said. Shawn replied "sorry my lord there was an incident outside" Pestage said "I'm aware of what transpired outside" Shawn asked "where's the director?" Pestage replied " he's not on Coruscant but on a classified project". After ten seconds Pestage asked "what exactly were the tactics employed by these assassins?" Shawn replied "equal to my own in some ways and they were Maladians" Pestage nodded replying "there's a traitor on Coruscant we're holding who was caught last night in The Works go and ask him for information and if he doesn't cooperate" he spun his hand for a second before continuing "then make him talk".

Shawn went down the long hallway until reaching the cell, already impatient he said to the two stormtroopers guarding the cell "leave us" very forcefully and one deactivated the shield and he walked in. It was a man wearing an Imperial uniform cuffed to the table, Shawn raised his hand "you will answer my questions" trying to use a mind trick on him, " mind tricks don't work on me kid you'll have to try better" then the door opened and to Shawn's surprise Vader walked in "how goes the interrogation?" Vader asked.

Shawn replied "mind tricks won't work" Vader then raised his hand and began choking the prisoner, Shawn said "who hired the Maladians?" Vader released him and he coughed "I'm not telling you anything" Shawn was already angry and he slammed his first in the table and said "answer the damn question!", the man chuckled saying "cool your jets now" Vader then said "enough of this nonsense who hired the assassins was it your fellow conspirators or someone in the CR?" The man replied "it was the CR and they came from the Outer Rim" Vader asked " where in the Outer Rim?" The man replied "Nal Hutta then Munnilist the CR leadership is planning to kidnap the Emperor the Maladians were a test to see if they could attack him in the palace".

Vader asked "what's happening on Munnilist?" The man replied "they're hosting a tournament of bounty hunters on Bastion to kidnap the Emperor in three standard weeks for his birthday celebration on Naboo" Shawn said "how'd you know this?" The man replied "I have friends in the CR but if you think you'll get in that's not a chance the second Bane sees you he'll blast you" Vader said "we'll see about that" then choked him again this time killing him.

Imperial Palace
"Maladians hmm I've not encountered them in over forty years" Palpatine said, Shawn asked "what's to be done my lord?" Palpatine replied "you and Mara will infiltrate this tournament and thwart this feeble scheme" Shawn replied "but there'll be one who'll recognize us how'll we infiltrate this?" Palpatine stood up and the guards knelt as he walked past them "follow me" he said, Shawn followed Palpatine down the halls where Mara joined in "where're we going?" She whispered in his ear. "Somewhere called Bastion undercover stuff" Shawn whispered back,

Eventually they reached a dark room where a large bowl of some sorts was. "This is a power of the dark side few have ever mastered it disguises you as a random person to only someone if you allow it to" Palpatine said, "so we still look the same if we allow it?" Shawn asked. "Precisely now hold out your hand" Palpatine said, Shawn pulled his glove off and rested his wrist in Palpatine's palm and he picked up a small knife "I'll need just a drop" and cut a little into his hand and Shawn winced slightly and the blood went into the blueish liquid in the bowl.

Palpatine waved his hands around speaking some strange language until a cloud surrounded Mara and Shawn and hung there for a minute before disapating. "I don't get it" Mara said but Palpatine said "concentrate on the Force to both lift and engage it but not to strong for it might be sensed by either Maul or Ventress should you encounter them" Shawn felt a slight barrier in front of his face but concentrated and it went away, he did this back and forth before Palpatine said "now disguise yourselves as bounty hunters and go to Bastion but don't bring your sabers and don't use the Force blasters and knives only".

After putting on his disguise Shawn went to find Mara who'd gone to get a weapon, he walked into her room where she was looking over a wall with blasters of different kinds "here take these". she said throwing him a pistol and holster as well as a vibroblade, "got a ship we can use?" Shawn asked, Mara replied "yep and if anyone asks your name only say your first and if what planet we're from say Onderon". After getting in the ship Mara said "oh and try not to get in any fights ok" Shawn smirked and said "ok I'll try not to" then he flew the ship off the planet before making the jump into hyperspace.

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