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February 27,2016
Shawn stared at the endless skyline torn now by the new mission, but it seemed perfect planning by Palpatine using himself to lure the Ghost Jedi out. Then he felt a presence and turned thinking it was Mara but it was Nash, he froze not sure what to hear. "Hey" Nash said. Shawn was surprised as that the most human thing he'd heard him say in almost a year, "hey" Shawn replied, Nash had a sort of depressed look, but what stood out was that his the yellow irises of his eyes had lost the intensity they move bore, Shawn didn't know what else to say a "what's up" or "what ails you?" Sounded like the best options. "I uh want to say sorry for Onderon" Nash said, Shawn too desperate for answers asked " what happened to you?".

Nash looked confused "what do you mean? I became much more, or that's what Vader told me" he said, Shawn tried reading his mind and saw a flash of a sort of potion held by Palpatine  in a challis of sorts. "What'd they do to you?" He asked, Nash looked at the ground with a look of trying to remember "I don't remember just drinking some sort of potion then waking up a day later and everything seemed to have started then" Nash explained, "then Vader handing me the mask saying the Emperor had put some sort of enchantment on it" he continued. Shawn put the pieces together with his rudimentary understanding of the Force and drew the conclusion that whatever Palpatine had gave him altered his mind,

the mask most likely had some sort of dark side power on it that amplified emotions. " I hate that mask it makes me feel...off" Nash said before walking away without saying another word,Shawn paid him no attention though by both the fact that the first conversation he'd had with Nash in a long time but also what he'd told him, by that he knew he was lucky for not being given that potion but suspected it was given to only Inquisitors. Mara then strolled along and said "what'd he say?, first I've seen actual emotion" she said, Shawn didn't hear her though. "Hey you ok?" She said resting her hand on his, that got his attention but also made him blush a little, 

"Yeah I'm fine" he said facing her. Shawn's hand went around her hand now and she looked a little red too, "I'm hoping nothing bad goes down tomorrow" Mara said. "Me too" Shawn said, "don't get killed ok" she said. Shawn chuckled "why?" Playing along, "Cause then this'll not matter" she standing a little taller getting closer to his face. Shawn put his head down a little and they kissed, After five seconds Mara backed up and they laughed "that seemed longer than five seconds" she said. Shawn felt the emotions swirling all around it was indescribable, "well I'll go now good night" Mara said kissing his cheek and walking away,

Later that night Shawn had another strange dream. He saw a man looking up at a light flying off in the night sky, then a group of people Asian appearance approached him, one asked him something in an sort of Chinese sounding language to which the man replied the same. Then Malgus said "I've stumbled across something astonishing" and it flashed images of several shadowy figures overseeing the construction of the pyramids, "we cannot guarantee they'll be completed for another five years my lord Anubis" a man bowing his head said, "we are patient Hoy, our master would've wanted this" one figure said clutching a Sith holocron.

The bowed man backed up directing several others, "come now Xedrix we cannot put up this charade forever" a female voice said, "be patient Nyriss Vitiate will not look for Malgus's spirit here" Xedrix replied, "besides its not everyday you're worshiped like a god" he said. A slightly shorter cloaked figure spoke up in a adolescent sounding voice "father what of the Republic or the Jedi find out we're here, it would mean disaster we might be the last Sith!" And his hood fell revealing his face that had a scar running down one side of his face, he looked to be in his mid teens and had already seen war.

Xedrix placed his hands on the boys shoulders "calm now my apprentice we will be fine" the young Sith sighed, "go now meditate" Xedrix said with slight gentleness "yes father" the boy said heading out of the lavish tarp accompanied by two guards with spears. Shawn was in awe that he was seeing 3,500 years into the past but was woken up by a knock, "You've got like twenty minutes" Mara said, Shawn got up and put on his uniform before heading out.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now