A Rematch The Cyborg General

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Shawn and Mara snuck through the CR lines and found Maul at the command post, Mara pulled out her blaster and said "ok try and lure him in and I'll take em out" Shawn said "don't miss" then jumped down the hill and landed behind a large crate as silent as a ghost, he looked and Maul was on the command platform but was surrounded by many droids. He looked around and saw a fuel tank near a AAT, he ignited his lightsaber and cut a small hole in the container before lifting it with the force.

Shawn threw it then electrified it with force lightning and it exploded taking the tank with it, Maul spun around and Mara took the shot but one of the Mandalorians walked in front of the shot and killed them instead. Then a droid fired a rocket at Mara and the cliff beneath her gave away causing her to fall and land next to Shawn,

"You I remember you Imperial brats!" Maul yelled and they ignited their lightsabers as ten Mandalorians landed around aiming blasters at them. Then a strange garbled electronic voice said "they might offer up some competition", Shawn saw a strange driod of some kind walk up next to Maul, Mara said "General Grievous this can't be true you were killed on Utapau by the Jedi Obi Wan Kenobi" Kenobi that name now clicked. "Kenobi failed to destroy me completey as one of my stem cells survived and I spent ten years regenerating on Sullust",

Maul said "it's pointless to resist surrender" Shawn said "no we won't let us go or we'll unleash the full might of the Empire on you" trying to sound genuine even though he thought he sounded ridiculous. Mara said "cooperative and perhaps the Emperor will show mercy" Grievous replied "it is you who shall get no mercy", Then his cape fell and he ignited two lightsabers one blue the other green and held the green one parallel overhead before Maul ignited his own blade and said to the Mandalorians "back off this is out fight!" Before they attacked.

Shawn blocked Grievous's first attack and locked blades with him with suddenly a third arm detached from his arm and grabbed him by the face and threw him over his shoulder to the ground, the air was knocked out of his lungs and he gasped and coughed with some blood coming out. Grievous then raised his foot and Shawn rolled to the side and dodged him before standing up again counter attacking," It seems my associate was correct the Sidious did teach you well" Grievous said before attacking again. Shawn acted quickly and force pushed Grievous away and he went flying away, then Maul pushed Mara away before attacking Shawn , he blocked his attack and Maul ignited the other blade of his saber.

Shawn blocked and managed to jump over the long sweep attack and kick Maul in the face sending him flying back, "come on let's go!" He shouted at Mara and she force pushed Grievous back and sprinted with him away. The Mandalorians flew up and fired at them but Shawn and Mara deflected the laser bolts back and managed to knock out seven before making their way out of the base,

They went along dashing through a small forest until Shawn spat up more blood and said "wait a second" Mara stopped mid step and said "you ok?" He replied "yeah just that Grievous packs quite a wallop" Mara removed her glove and pressed her hand to where he'd been shot and said "this might feel weird" and her hand glowed slightly and Shawn felt the throbbing die down and it went away and she said "there that ought to keep it under control" Shawn asked "how'd you do that?" Mara replied "it's an ancient ability of the force and I'm the only one able to use it" then he sensed danger and they both looked around.

"Come on I sense danger" Mara said and they went on more,

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