The First Mission

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(I didn't design this but here's what Shawn's lightsaber looks like)

November 3,2014

After another two months  becoming highly proficient in the use of a lightsaber in combat now it was time for training against blaster attacks.
Shawn readied his lightsaber as the training droid zipped around and he deflected the bolts as they shot out at him. He blocked one but another hit his arm and it hurt a lot bug he deflected the blaster bolts away until Palpatine said "stop" and the droids stopped and he walked over and held out a piece of cloth and tied it over Shawn's eyed and said "use the force to guide your arms" Shawn said "but I can't see how am I supposed to deflect the bolts" Palpatine didn't reply but the voice did ,let go of your feelings and trust in the force guide you it will, and then it left.

Shawn listened and sensed the droid float around and when it fired his arms almost involuntarily moved and deflected the bolt and he could almost see it moving around and deflected three bolts one after another, this went on for another two minutes before the droid stopped. Shawn retracted his blade removed the blindfold and Palpatine said "excellent you've performed masterfully now let's see how well you handle it in the field" then Organa and Leia walked in escorted by stormtroopers "senator Organa you will wait!" Palpatine yelled and everyone bowed their heads slightly as the air felt electrified almost.

"Your highness its come to my attention that the occupation of Kashyyyk has become intolerable" Organa said Palpatine said "and what do you mean senator Organa" Leia said "the Empires policy of treating the Wookies as slavesis against the very values the Empire was founded upon" Palpatine sharply replied "the Empire was established to ensure security and order in the Galaxy after the chaos the Jedi caused from the Clone Wars". Leia said "I apologize your highness I meant no insult".

Palpatine said "if you value the Empire so highly princess then it shall accompany you for now on" he made a summoning gesture to Shawn and he walked forward and Palpatine set his hand on his shoulder "this one shall accompany you until your admission to the senate" Leia bowed and said "yes your highness" Palpatine replied "good now return to Alderaan until I summon you as for you Senator Organa we will discuss this matter another time" and he said "now go".

As they walked toward the ship that had maybe a dozen engines  Shawn sensed the anger radiating from both of them and then Vader suddenly appeared next to him and said "guard her well bounty hunters will go after royalty easily" and then sent him on. Shawn boarded the ship following Leia and sat beside her and she said "I should have expected that the emperor would assign an agent to scare me its a cowards tactic" then the ship took off and Organa said "captain set course for Alderaan" and they left the atmosphere and there was humming sound and the ship entered hyperspace.

The blue vortex was strange and Shawn said "what is this?" Organa said "it's called hyperspace on every ship there's a hyperdrive that allows it to travel faster than the speed of light" Shawn said "does it have a name?" Organa said "yes it's called Tantive IV". The rest of the voyage included the discussion of this alliance of rebels they'd planned on forming and since Shawn was trusted by the Empire he could act as a double agent for them "we will allow you to return home if we can" Shawn said "the emperor said he'd destroy Earth if I went near it without permission" Organa said "well we can work around that".

Returning home was what Shawn wanted most but the threat of it being destroyed was enough of a deterrent but said "alright I'll help your rebellion if you get enough people to join you". The ship then left hyperspace and the pilot said "senator we've arrived at Alderaan" Shawn looked out the window and saw Alderaan which looked like Earth almost but its oceans were considerably smaller. Even as they landed the similarities between the two planets was astonishing and he said "senator Earth looks very similar to this world" Organa said "well then we'll pay it a visit one day" Shawn replied "well they kinda don't know about the Empire or that there's civilization on other worlds so they'd probably shoot at you".

Leia said "then diplomacy will be our defense" and they stood up and exited. Shawn took a deep breath of the fresh air as the stench of exhaust and garbage on Coruscant had grown unbearable "man I never thought I'd miss trees this much" he said and Leia said "yes it is quite beautiful here follow me I need to walk off that grueling journey " and she went down to a path just by the landing path and Shawn followed.

The forest was beautiful and had a look similar to a pristine landscape in the west of Northern California and Shawn said "Earth looks like this in some places" Leia said "it has a diverse climate?" Shawn replied "yeah it does in some areas like deserts and forests like this one" but he sensed something was off about the area and scanned the trees and could remember Vader saying something about bounty hunters and noted to keep an eye out.

They went on talking about the Galaxy and the Empire until they reached a cave where Shawn sensed something familiar about it, "oh that cave is interesting it was a Killik colony that caved in now there's just a small pond there" Shawn said "have any Jedi ever noticed something off about it?" Leia replied "yes actually do you sense something?" Shawn replied "yeah it's almost like its calling to me" Leia said "well if you're going in be my guest it's very dark in there though" Shawn took his lightsaber and said "it is called a LIGHTsaber" Leia said "haha very funny" in a condescending tone and Shawn ignited it and walked in.

The red blade illuminated an area about ten feet all around and the tunnel was about sixty yards long, Shawn made it to the small pond and saw it was illuminated by some sort of light at the bottom. He retracted the blade and clipped it to his belt and sat down and concentrated, he then heard the angelic voice he recognized as Ariana Grande's and the song

"just a little bit of your heart just a little bit of your heart is all I want" he opened his eyes and in the water there was a shimmering frame of her onstage singing and a picture if himself on a stand with a wreath of flowers around it beside her, it showed Fifth Harmony and they were wiping tears away while the guys such as Cameron and Nash just had their heads lowered obviously suppressing their emotions as best they could.

Shawn could feel the pain of the audience also and many of the girls were wiping their eyes as well and then it showed Ariana again and the mascara on her left eye had began running. Then the singing stopped and it was Camilla and she said "I wish Shawn were here now but the police called off the search this morning" then she wiped her eye and said "I don't know of Shawn can hear me but if you can please come home" Shawn felt a tear roll out of his eye and wanted to say something but didn't know how.

Then it showed Nash and Shawn shut his eyes and concentrated on his energy "Nash I'm alive can you hear me" he opened his eyes and Nash had a confused and startled expression and he said "just say you know I'm still alive and tell everyone to look up to the stars" then his concentration broke and he almost passed out.

He stood up and saw the light in the pond was gone now and it was quiet. He ignited his lightsaber and walked out, as he neared the entrance he retracted the blade and clipped it back to his belt and Leia said "interesting in there isn't it you ok?" Shawn said "yeah yeah I'm fine just some dust flew in my eye" then they headed back up the trail towards the landing pad.

As they went through Shawn sensed something was wrong and stopped and looked around "what is it?" Leia said and Shawn said "I don't know" then a blaster fired in a tree at them "get back!" He yelled and ignited his lightsaber and deflected two more laser bolts. Then a blaster went off next to him and he saw Leia had a small pistol and was firing back "don't get too far out!" He yelled and she replied "I can handle them too!" Shawn deflected two more bolts and held his hand out at the tree where the firing came from and using the force crushed the base and it fell down.

But the shooter soared into the air with a jet pack and now their appearance could be seen, their helmet formed a T shape and they had a greenish armor and a jet pack. The bounty hunter flew at Shawn firing as he did, he ducked and using the force pushed him back into a tree and threw his blaster away "who are you why are you here!" He yelled and the man replied with a Australian sounding accent "for my money's worth" then fired two darts that hit Shawn in the neck and the surprise made him release the man.

"Let go of me!" Leia yelled and Shawn saw his vision beginning to cloud and he faintly saw the hunter was cuffing Leia, letting anger get the best of him he held his hand out and force choked the hunter who let go of Leia, he lifted the hunter and slammed him into the ground but then they fired a rope at his lightsaber which caught around the hilt and yanked back. Then the whatever he'd been shot with made him fall into his knees and release the chokehold "you've got quite the fight in ya kid I'll give you that but she's coming with me" then the hunter pushed Leia forward in another direction. Shawn fell on his side and blacked out

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें