Assualt On Chopper Base

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The fleet traveled through hyperspace on its way to Atollon. The side of Shawn's face throbbed still which bothered him though he didn't let it show, Thrawn was putting the final touches on the attack plan with other high ranking officers one Admiral and General. Vader stood staring out the viewport at the swirling blue tunnel which soon turned to lines then space as the fleet exited hyperspace, "fire all cannons and prepare the bombers to sweep up the rest" Thrawn ordered the captain who nodded as green streaks of lasers fired landing across one sector on the planet with large explosions.

Shawn slipped into the Force but regretted it as soon as he heard the screams and cries of death, the sensation was so unbearable he winced. Vader turned his head slightly "so you feel their pain?" He said taking a breath not facing them though, the firing stopped as TIE bombers along with their escort fighters howled past. Mara gasped as of she felt it too, Shawn looked at her putting his arms around her, "perhaps the Force willed both you to find each other after all the two of you are weak willed" Vader said sternly not looking at them. "Hey watch it you!" Maarek shouted, Vader spun around quickly and the look on Maarek's face melted away into fearful regret. Vader quickly began walked toward him then grabbed Maarek by the shoulder pushing him into a wall, Shawn knew trying to help wouldn't help if anything it'd be counterproductive.

"What'd you say?" Vader demanded still keeping a hold on Maarek, "I said watch it" Maarek replied with a defiant expression and tone. Vader grabbed him by the chin "you'd best watch it boy I'd snap you in half like a twig, perhaps you'd forgotten about the favor I granted you on Arkanis" Maarek's lip curled "get.away.from me" he said with gritted teeth, Vader stared him down for a second then backed up. "Very well Stele but the Emperor will know of this now all of you come with me" Vader said walking away his cape flowing behind. Maarek had a glare so intense it would've made anyone scared, they followed Vader down many halls and elevators to the hanger. Shawn could hear Lumiya consoling Maarek a little hoping Vader wouldn't hear them,

The shuttle descended rocking occasionally to avoid whatever obstacles were before then whether it was laser fire or a fighter. Shawn shut his eyes reaching out with the Force and from all around saw Imperial and rebel fighters zipping around at near supersonic speeds firing wildly. He felt three others do the same it felt like seeing someone out of the corner of the eye with a sense of knowing they were there, Mara grabbed his hand and Shawn did as well letting her hold tightly.

Soon the shuttle landed and the ramp descended filling the hold with the sounds of blaster fire, Vader walked past "track down the Jedi should any of you find the one called Ahsoka Tano contact me" Vader said as two death troopers shoved Ezra along. Shawn walked out Mara still held his hand, he stopped facing her "Im ok don't worry" he reassured hugging her and she hugged him back "just don't get him mad please it's terrifying" Mara said backing up "let's split up search quickly" Shawn said. The others nodded then ran off, he looked at Mara one last time before heading off as well.

Using the Force Shawn jumped up onto one of the large plant looking rock formations looking around for danger, he quickly dashed behind a crate that donned an Alliance star-bird on it. Shawn looked around for any rebel soldiers then moved further in her hiding himself behind whatever he could even summersaulting a little at one point drawing his blaster, "this is Commander Sato calling High Command for reinforcements on Atollon is anyone-" a mans voice with a light Asian sounding accent said, "Commander it's no use the Empires jamming the signals" Ahsoka said walking in. Shawn peered around the ledge to see many rebel personnel running around gathering datadisks,equipment and everything else they required,

Shawn clicked his comlink on his wrist,"I've found Ahsoka Tano she's in the command center", "acknowledged moving in" the death trooper squad leader said in a monotone voice. Shawn moved back slipping into the Force seeing if he could sense Kanan or Kota, but that was mistake as Ahsoka looked right at him, Shawn ran off quickly jumping up onto another one of the rock formations hearing someone pursuing him though. He glanced back to see Ahsoka a little bit behind yet keeping up, but Shawn was faster then reached the outside where the death troopers were,

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