Part 144

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After the debacle in the throne room Vader was allowed to remain in the Red Keep until they would leave and head north to visit a castle called Winterfell the ancestral home of House Stark now occupied by the Boltons following the Red Wedding or either head south to Dorne though heading back to Coruscant was the likely destination. Shawn had wandered off and roamed the castle not following an exact path merely exploring like the Imperial Palace, he turned the corner to see Cersei with a goblet of wine staring at Blackwater Bay. "Your Grace" he spoke up, "Mendes, such a strange name I don't think I ever learnt your first name when we met" Cersei replied turning and facing him, "my names Shawn ma'am" Shawn said. "A quant name, tell me how fares your home?" Cersei asked. Shawn hadn't thought of home in a while and tried not to as it would then occupy his mind with thoughts of never seeing it again, "good enough,some things here and there good overall".

Cersei smiled a little but it was hard to determine if it was genuine or fake, "uh if you don't mind me asking, what happened to your hair?" Shawn asked. "Bloody fanatics cut it off, it'll come back sooner or later" Cersei said sipping her wine as a man walked in from the opposing archway, "Your Grace several members of the Faith Militant have been permitted entry to the Red Keep" he said. "Have been permitted, that's rather a tortured way of putting it" Cersei replied with slight sarcasm. "They demand to see you Your Grace" the man said once more, "who permitted them inside the Red Keep, is the King aware of their presence?" Cersei said setting the goblet on the small table where a couple other goblets were along with a tall glass filled with wine. "He is Your Grace and is currently in his chambers at prayer" the man said and Cersei walked out of the door the man had entered while being followed by Ser Gregor who stomped loudly on the stone ground. The man gave Shawn a glance before following her, curiosity got the better of Shawn so he went after them.

The sound of Cersei's heels was the only sound besides the slight breeze that billowed through, as Ser Gregor was the last out Shawn hid in the stairway still in case he wasn't welcome, there stood several some of the Faith Militant men one of whom was Brother Lancel. "Your Grave His Holiness the High Septon wishes to speak with you at the Great Sept of Baelor" Lancel said as Of bored, "His Holiness the High Septon is welcome to see me here in the Red Keep" Cersei said back. "Your Grace, this is not a request" Lancel replied, "it is a request cousin Lancel, you are asking me for something and I am refusing" Cersei replied evident by her tone she wanted no part in what was being asked of her.

"The High Septon commands you, are you sure you want to refuse him?" Lancel pressed once more, "he promised I could stay inside the Red Keep until my trial-" Cersei said. "He made no such promises now of you refuse to come of your own free will-" landed replied, "get out" Cersei hissed and Lancel sighed. Shawn peered around the corner more as Ser Gregor stood in front of two Militant men who attempted to move past him, "move aside Ser" Lancel sneered but Ser Gregor made a sound like a growl. "Order your man to step aside or there will be violence" Lancel warned while he and Cersei stared each other down, the tension became so heavy Shawn held his breath. "I choose violence" Cersei said.

A Militant man raised his spiked bat at Ser Gregor plunging it into his stomach armor with a clank but had no effect on him, Ser Gregor reached out grabbing the man by the throat lifting him off the ground as the other Militant men retreated. Ser Gregor tossed him into the courtyard then walked over kneeling down and grabbing his chin ripped his head off. Shawn looked away just in time but still heard the sickening sound of bones cracking along with the thud of the mans head. Ser Gregor backed up, "please tell his High Holiness he's always welcome to see me in the Red Keep" Cersei said turning around and heading up the stairs not paying Shawn attention even though he saw how smugly satisfied she looked.

"Ah gross" Maarek said with disgust as Shawn said what he'd seen, "yea he ripped a guys head off" Shawn said and Maarek scoffed a little. Then the sound of Vader's respirator got louder and he stood in front of them by the edge of the balcony while Leia was speaking with Lady Olenna, "oh my dear you are certainly sharp for your age" Olenna commented to Leia who smiled "thank you my lady, I wish you could meet my father you'd love him" Leia said. "Love is a strong word I'd say admire more, tell me what was that eastern land like over there?" Olenna said, "beautiful, so colorful too, I did see the Prince fight Shawn there" Leia said and Shawn shook his head at her in friendly unserious disapproval. Olenna chuckled "must've hit him into the ground like the silly little boy he is", "are you going to say something? or stand there all day like a lamed horse" she said getting Shawn's attention from the unfiltered quip.

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