The Ship

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Shawn backed up as Vader slowly walked closer to him, looking around he saw a log and held his hand out at it and lifted it and threw it at Vader, Vader simply pushed it aside as it flew at him and said "you won't get away that easily". Shawn ran away but then the Seventh Sister grabbed him by his shirt and said "you're not going anywhere" and threw him to the ground, he crawled back and then ran into what felt like a foot and looked up and the Fifth Brother was there glaring at him with his silvery gray eyes and then ignited his lightsaber.

Shawn stood up and saw he was surrounded then Vader appeared from behind a tree and then Shawn bolted away. Then a probe droid grabbed him by his arms and shocked him, he saw lightning arc across his vision and couldn't move and partially lost consciousness. Through a haze he saw two feet and then the Seventh Sister knelt down and said "you belong to the Empire now" then he blacked out.

Waking up Shawn saw a red light in a room and felt it shake a little, he rolled his head to the left and saw the Seventh Sister sitting across from him and her mask wasn't there and he saw her face, she had yellow irises and jetblack eyes also and greenish skin with dark freckles, she said with a creepy echo effect in her voice "hmm you are brave" Shawn sat up and said "where am I where are my friends!" She replied "on your way to the emperor he's been expecting you for some time now". Shawn said "I'm not scared of you so you might as well kill me now"

The Inquisitor stood up and walked over and replied  "shhh hmm you hide your fear well for a child if only you knew what your powers could do" then the slight rocking stopped and there was a clank. "We have arrived oh and one more thing you'll never see your planet again".

Super Star Destroyer Executor,

The door opened and from further back the Fifth Brother came around and grabbed Shawn by the arm and held him tightly and practically dragged him out. Shawn saw Vader standing there about twenty feet away from the ship and he saw they were in some sort of hanger with ships above, then the solders clad in white armor stood in lines beside the ship. The Inquisitor threw Shawn to the ground and he tried to put his hands out but found he was cuffed, "you're now in the custody of the Galactic Empire young one" Vader said and Shawn was lifted again by the Inquisitor and pushed forward.

He was terrified,confused and angry all at the same time. He said "why am I here?" With a hint of anger and Vader said "the emperor wishes to utilize your abilities to help the Empire crush this little insurrection on another world". Another world what's that mean?, Shawn thought, they stepped into an elevator that was fast and went up to the bridge. Shawn felt a chill so intense he shivered uncontrollably and knew someone more powerful was near by. The Seventh Sister said "oh poor thing don't be scared I wasn't serious so don't tremble" Shawn said "easy for you to say Inquisitor" Vader said "silence" very forcefully as the door opened.

Shawn saw the bridge was full of many crew who walked around adjusting to various things. The Fifth Brother pulled Shawn forward and Shawn saw at the end of the bridge at the window that Earth was in the distance and thought ,I'm in space why am I not floating, but the hooded figure at the window was what made him shiver, Vader stopped and kneeled as did the Inquisitors "my master I've brought you the force sensitive boy" the figure turned around and Shawn recognized the voice "excellent lord Vader and the same for you Inquistors".

Shawn saw his face and was creeped out by the deformed whitish pale scars,and the yellow eyes that radiated evil "ah yes the boy" and he chuckled to which Shawn said "who are you?" The man replied "I am Emperor Palpatine of the Galactic Empire" Shawn almost backed up but the inquisitor grabbed his arm and stopped him as Palpatine said "you'll no longer need those" and waved his hand a little and the cuffs undid and fell to the ground. Then Palpatine said "I look forward to training you in the ways of the dark side of the force" Shawn said "what's the force?".

Palpatine said "an invisible field of energy that binds the universe together and there are some who with a high level of midicholrians can manipulate this field to their will" Shawn said "are you a Jedi?" Palpatine laughed and said "no I am Sith" Vader said "as am I" Palpatine said "what's your name boy?".

"My names Shawn" Shawn said and Palpatine replied "hmm interesting name perhaps because your planet is so far out in the galaxy it hasn't been found before" then he said "Admiral set course for Coruscant" Shawn saw a military unformed man say "yes sir". Then the ship began turning around away from Earth, Shawn panicked and almost hyperventilated as the ship faced the vastness of space, then there was a strange whir sound and lines of light which were stars zipped past the window and it soon turned into a blue tunnel in a vortex shape.

Shawn ran away not caring if the inquisitors were right there but he heard Palpatine say "no let him adjust on his own!" And the storm troopers lowered their blasters as Shawn ran past them and down the vast halls of the ship until he found a corner deep in the keel. He was panting and thought, this isn't real it's just a dream, and he sat down and pulled his knees up close knowing all he'd known was billions of miles away his family,country,life,friends,himself.

After what seemed like an eternity someone came looking for him "Shawn?" He heard the voice of Mara call out and he looked as her confused as she wore some kind of leather suit and had a lightsaber at her side "Mary?" She shook her head and said "no my names Mara Jade" Shawn said "why are you here?" She replied "I'm the personal assassin of the Emperor" he stood up and said "you're one of them?" She said "yes but don't worry we won't hurt you".

Shawn sat down and she sat down next to him and said "you're lucky I found you and not a stormtrooper" she said "come with me" and stood up, Shawn reluctantly stood up and followed her as they went to the elevator, as it went up she said "I sense your fear" Shawn said "how?" Mara replied "well your shaking for one two you're giving off a energy that can be sensed by anyone". Then the door opened and two stormtroopers stood there. Mara said "move aside the emperor has ordered me to bring him to the brig" the stormtroopers stepped aside and Mara passed them and Shawn followed.

She pushed a button on a cell and said "in you go and don't make me push you" Shawn walked in and Mara said "good luck" and closed the door.

Shawn sat down and shut his eyes as being in Palpatine's presence had exhausted him and made him feel weak in a way, then he heard a mysterious voice say, be afraid not young one the force guide you it does, the voice had a scratchy tone to it and it said ,resist the Sith you must for a Jedi you and another shall become, Shawn answered ,how who?, the voice replied ,another on the ship I see he becoming a Jedi trick the Sith you must, Shawn replied ,you want me to pretend to become one?, the voice said ,yes but know this the dark side corrupts easily it does let it not control you, then the voice stopped.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now