The Grim Reaper Arrives

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August 30,2015
Shawn had his arm in a sling as he could barely move it now which made the drive home difficult. When he got home it was around 11 at night and no lights were on, with his good arm he got his key out of his pocket and quietly unlocked the door and shut it behind him without making a sound before going to his room and into bed feeling exhausted and worn out more than any show would've done.

Titan, Moon of Saturn.
"Lord Maul we've brought the creature beyond Imperial scanner range and have prepared the stealth pod to send him to Earth" the droid officer said "send him to the planet immediately and without delay" Maul replied in the hologram, the crew pressed buttons as a small pod was jettisoned at light-speed toward Earth carrying the mysterious occupant with it.

Shawn woke up around noon but was still tired , then his phone buzzed. He groggily picked it up and saw it was a test from an unknown number reading

Unknown: just got a cell phone guess who

Shawn thought it was a joke but knew who it was,

Shawn: nice try Leia can't fool me
He replied putting her in his contacts

Leia: well I got it yesterday and Mara might've given me your number by accident anyway how you doing?


Leia: what happened?

Shawn: Saw Gerrera shot me and he was taken to Coruscant or somewhere didn't hear much

Leia: this isn't good of he breaks it might put the whole Rebellion in danger

Shawn: well don't expect anything soon they'll just turn the heat up every time they question him

Leia: then we'll devise a plan to get him out

Shawn: so what else is going on?

Leia: well I'm going to be in the city this week for a summit maybe I can catch your show
Shawn was confused at first but looked at the calendar and remembered he had a show on Wednesday and it was Monday

Shawn: don't know I can't really feel my arm

Leia: please I've been dying to see what all the fuss is about 

Shawn: well I could try using the Force to hold the guitar

Leia: could I play it for you I've been trying my hand at guitar and pretty much have it down even been playing Ed Shereen
Shawn thought it was nice and said

Shawn: I'll think about it

Leia: soon or I'm hunting you down or better getting Mara to find you

Shawn smiled and said: oh really

Leia: "hey Mara go get Shawn please" she'll be there soon

Shawn laughed and replied: 😒 yeah so scared right now I'm shaking.

The rest of the day things seemed more difficult as Shawn had only use of his left arm, he'd even tried using the Force to move the pluck over the strings but couldn't keep up with the tempo of the songs. "How persistent" Malgus said barely visible a few feet away "go to hell" Shawn replied with a stern expression, "oh I've already been there and it's not a pleasant place" Malgus replied with a arrogant like tone. "That supposed to scare me well it didn't" Shawn replied with an irritated tone "I just wanted to warn you about this event" Malgus said, Shawn was scribbling down notes as best he could and paying no attention "as it'll be outside there's a risk of attack by someone or something". "Don't you have someplace to haunt" Shawn said, "no but know somethings coming not a Dark Jedi but worse" Malgus said dissipating.

September 2,2015, Toronto
During the day was the rehearsal and Shawn was waiting for Leia who'd said the meeting would be over in an hour or two, he was scrolling through his phone when he heard "wow what'd you do?", he looked and it was Mara and Maarek who still speed to stick out even when wearing Earth clothes considering the lightsabers hanging on their belts.

hey guys what's going on" Shawn said gesturing them over. "Well" Mara said sitting down "we're here on "observation" she said making a quotation gesture, "and?" Shawn asked "I'm just kidding no just seeing what's around here on leave" Mara said. "Maybe I could mingle with all these girls ya got chasing you" Maarek said looking around at the long line with a smile, Mara shook her head with a smirk and rolled her eyes , "How're you gonna play with your arm like that?" Mara asked. "Well Leia said she'd play the guitar for me" Shawn replied. "Really hopefully she'll have your magic touch with the guitar",

"Yeah let's hope for that" Leia said having appeared out've nowhere. "Hi Leia how ya been?" Shawn asked standing up, "well I had to listen to President Riosovsky tell Prime Minister Thomason a super long story" Leia said. "Who and who?" Maarek asked, Leia sighed " Viktor Riosovsky the Russian President and Evan Thomason the Canadian Prime Minister" she responded,

After thirty minutes the show began "you nervous?" Shawn asked Leia, "no not at all" she said. Shawn could tell she was clearly lying "hey relax it'll be fine I'll just introduce you and so forth" he said guiding her to the side of the stage, she sighed "ok I'm ready" then they stepped out almost going deaf from the screams, Shawn noticed how everyone would stare and point at his arm still in the sling "hey guys how ya doing?" He asked met by more noise, "well I won't be able to play the guitar but the friend Leia here will for me" Shawn said gesturing at Leia who gave a small wave. Then she began strumming the chords for The Weight and Shawn began singing,

Outside Montreal, (indented means they're speaking French)
The two friends approached the small craft that'd crashed in the forest, "Pierre come on we don't know what that is" one said. Suddenly there was a hiss and a door opened. The brave one got closer and a figure leapt out knocking him off his feet, "what the hell was that?!" The other yelled backing up before bumping into something hard but wasn't a tree, he jumped forward and turned around only to see two glowing red eyes on a deformed humanoid creature of some kind. The creature then grabbed him and said in a raspy voice "you smell of the Force and I hunger" before the boy gasped and turned pale before going limp. He was dead,

The other screamed as the creature dropped the dead boy and leapt at him, he tried to run but was some how held in place. He was literally twisted around his feet creating half circles in the dirt and the creature grabbed him, "hahaha you cannot run forever" before the other gasped and turned pale and going limp. The creature dropped the body and sniffed the air and fixated on the scent of a strong Force user and began to follow it leaving the two bodies behind in the forest.

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