Part 155

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After the meeting Shawn was now desperate for isolation to help suppress his emotions but how could he with a man machine who could sense something was off with him." As you can see it wasn't the hard task you set before you" Vader remarked, "can we go please?" Shawn asked, "why?" Vader replied stopping and turning to him, "it's just- hearing all that-" Shawn started, "and you will hear these things Mendes, we're at war,the Empire doesn't have time for one individuals needs" Vader replied, "but as a reward for you honesty we shall return the palace and you may see how Stele fares". The thought did relieve some of Shawn's anxiety and so they carried on or rather he was slightly quicker in pace. "Lord Vader!" A voice called out, it was Colonel Yularen who caught up, "yes Colonel what is it?" Vader asked.

"It seems the Separatists have been spotted setting up a base on a desolate planet in the far Outer Rim" Yularen said as Vader stopped before the shuttle as did Shawn though he was tempted to get on anyway, "why is this a concern to me?" Vader inquired grasping his belt, "Admiral Fida has said there's been some strange..occurrences there" Yularen said a little uneasy, "the troopers report voices and there's no life on it anywhere but its name is unknown". "Occurrences only I can tell?" Vader asked, "very well Colonel perhaps I will pay that planet a visit, it's name is forbidden to be spoken by any Imperial officer however" then he stepped past Shawn and onto the shuttle, "I don't quite understand this" Yuleran commented walking away as Shawn stepped on too. "What's this place sir?" Shawn asked feigning curiosity, "only tell it to myself or the Emperor" Vader warned, "you've yet to regain my trust".

---- Imperial Palace
Shawn managed to have his promise kept and wandered to Maarek's room, the door slid open and he walked in, "hey Shawn" Lumiya said, "hey Lumi" Shawn replied forcing a smile, Maarek still lay unconscious however, "something wrong?" Lumiya asked, "no I'm fine" Shawn replied, he knew her abilities to feel others emotions were more attuned, "um you're lying" Lumiya said standing up. "How'd it go?" She asked him, "fine" Shawn replied quickly then turned and started walking away when she grabbed his arm, "no you're not I feel your emotion, you're scared,angry and nothing else really what happened?" Lumiya asked with curious concern. "Nothing" Shawn replied as she let his arm go.

***** the White House
Johnson paced up and down the hall of the residence planning her next move, it was a solemn day indeed especially as a service was held at the national cathedral was planned. "Mom" Sophia said and Johnson turned around, "oh sweetie you look nice" she said placing her hands on Sophia's shoulders, "um we're dressed for a funeral" Sophia commented and Johnson's mind went back to her husbands funeral eight years prior. "It's out of respect, and something remotely normal at least" Johnson said, "I'm scared mom" Sophia replied, "don't worry sweetie" Johnson said placing her hand on her cheek then hugging her, "I'll always protect you".

The mood across the nation and the world was tense, Admiral Ackbar was still reeling from the surprise attack in the Jakku system and could return soon but the timing was unclear. Many had already begun stockpiling and evacuating, even as the motorcade drove through Washington there were few people around and few stores even open that Johnson could see, but there was one who would was attending who might have the same amount of attention as Johnson would, the Prince Edward Windsor or now King Edward with the Queen and nearly every member of the British royal family dead except for his twelve year old brother Prince Ethan. Johnson understood the weight of having power thrown at you at once, the new King was only twenty two and had little experience in government.

The motorcade stopped and the doors were opened. Johnson stepped out first and Sophia went out the other, "welcome Madam President" someone yelled, soon she was followed by Sharpson and other members of her cabinet. As they all walked down the center aisle a few familiar faces greeted her, "morning Madam President" former President Jimmy Carter said extending his hand, "Mr President" Johnson said shaking his hand. "Mr President" she said to George H.W Bush, "Mr President, Madam Secretary" She said to President Clinton and his wife, "Morning" President Bush said nodding his head as did his wife, Johnson had the upmost respect for these men and knew they represented what had come before her, she was the most recent in line and had to live up to their reputations to the likings of Washington,Lincoln, Roosevelt and Kennedy.

"Good morning ma'am" President Obama said shaking Johnson's hand then Sophia's, "thank you Mr President" Johnson said, "we haven't spoke since Walkers funeral" he said to her, "hopefully we will again someday" Johnson replied nodding her head, while she had disagreements with him Johnson respected them all equally,then she continued on to the pew in the front sitting down beside Sharpson as the Service began.

Shawn nearly broke down when he got back to his room and sat against the door, he hated how helpless he felt now that nothing seemed to be in his control now, what would Thrawn do with his family? Kill them? Take them hostage? But three were nothing to the Empire, maybe Palpatine would order them not to be harmed in exchange for him remaining unwillingly subservient to a degree, all were questions he had no answer to.

"What's the matter? Is Someone sad?" Malgus said mockingly while appearing before him, "go away" Shawn snapped at him, "oh such anger, or is it out of fear? My senses aren't what they used to be" Malgus taunted, "shove it" Shawn said back. "Where exactly?" Malgus asked, "just leave me the hell alone!" Shawn yelled getting used and walking through Malgus's apparition which smoked back a little, "Alright then but don't say I didn't warn you when your superior summons you" Malgus said then dissolved. Shawn sighed then his comlink beeped twice indicating a summon.

---- Star Destroyer Exploiter
Colonel Yularen and Agent Kallus were accompanying as well for this task, the planets name was Natheema homeworld of the Sith Emperor millenniums ago, he'd made himself immortal by draining all life on the planet to himself leaving it lifeless and desolate the perfect place for a secret base. Once more Vader kept close to Shawn not letting him out of his sight even as the Admiral approached, "Lord Vader, Agent Kallus, Colonel" the Admiral said in a clipped accent. "Admiral Gollin" Vader said and Shawn realized that this man must be Jallar's father or maybe uncle, "to where are we off to?" Admiral Gollin asked. "These coordinates" Yularen said typing something in the holoprojector, "its name will not be revealed" Vader commented, "surely an exception-" Admiral Gollin started, "to anyone Admiral" Vader cut him off, Gollin nodded, "of course my lord". Then the ship rumbled as the stars turned into blue streaks.

****** Lothal,
Clara began formulating her escape plan, she knew there was a guard outside and all she needed now was to get his attention. "Guard guard!" She yelled, five seconds later the door slid open and a lone stormtrooper stood there, "what's the problem?" The trooper asked his com clicking, "I uh need to use the restroom" Clara fibbed. "Alright but no funny business" the trooper said undoing the restraints, when her arms and legs were free Clara kicked him across the face then grabbed the carbine stunning him. She then ran up the stairs peering around the hallway, no one was around so she quickly ran down the hall, Clara then looked around the corner to see two navy officers clad in black uniforms walk by. After they passed she continued on down the halls setting the blaster to kill.

Where was the exit? And even then she was far behind Imperial lines it wasn't like she could get away without being killed, "you there freeze!"a commed male voice said. Clara turned around aiming at the unarmed scout trooper behind her, the trooper clicked a button on his helmet and the visor rose, "need some help?" Ezra said smirking at her. Clara sighed and groaned, "you dumbass I could've shot you" well again to be correct,she thought, "I was on my way out but you can help" she said looking around. "I got an idea" Ezra said, "like what? Explaining how you got in here?" Clara sarcastically remarked, "to get you out" Ezra replied, "alright what is it?" Clara asked.

"I'll cuff you and pretend to escort you somewhere and we just walk out" Ezra explained, "where's the fun in that I wanted to shoot some guys" Clara piped, "but whatever gets us out" she said handing the carbine over as Ezra cuffed her, he looks kinda cute in that armor, she thought though hoped he couldn't read her mind too. "Ok let's go" Ezra said holding the blaster and clicking the visor down. After sneaking outside Ezra undid the restraints and they darted down an alleyway as a TIE screamed overheard firing its cannons, "psst Spectre 6 in here" a voice said. Clara looked at the doorway to see it was Sabine peeking out a doorway, both of them ran in.

Around thirty Alliance soldiers were all about heavily armed, "what's uh going on here?" Clara asked Sabine, "strike team, we're gunna take out Tarkin,Pryce the two generals and the red blade man" Sabine replied handing Clara her blaster, "don't drop it this time ok?" Sabine asked then put in her helmet, Clara twirled it, "don't worry I won't".

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now