Death Watch

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Malastare, August 20,2015
The Devastator exited hyperspace over the Dug home world. "We've located their base in a remote area of the planet Lord Vader" Captain Needa said to Vader "good work captain Hand Mendes investigate these reports and confirm their authenticity" Vader said to Shawn who replied "yes Lord Vader" then went down to the hanger. Upon landing Shawn felt different somehow and this was confirmed when he climbed out of the Strings as he fell on his knees from the high gravity on the planet. He stood up getting used to the pull of the gravity before he quickly ran in the direction of the coordinates.

As he got closer Shawn heard the sounds of machinery being moved, climbing up a rock wall he looked over seeing several Mandalorian ships assembled in the middle of a crater. Then he saw an Imperial officer with a transpirator mask of some sort talking with one of the Mandalorians who seemed to be the commander, suddenly he sensed somethings  was wrong and a presence then looked and one of the Mandalorians flew overhead so he quickly hid in the shadows. The warrior landed on the rocks above him and began patrolling around,

Shawn threw a rock down the canyon which distracted the warrior who ran over to investigate. Seizing the opportunity Shawn went in the base hiding behind crates peeking out only slightly, then he took out several charges and while concealed by the Force set them on the ships before saying into his comlink "Lord Vader I've found a Death Watch base and've set charges should I set them off?" Vader replied "do it". Then Shawn held the detonator until it was suddenly shot out of his hand, he looked around and several Warriors were flying around him, the masked figure and the commander walked over, the commander removed his helmet and it was a teenaged guy who said "my father Pre Vizsla brought Mandalore to its rightful glory now the Empire desecrates it",

"Who are you?" Shawn asked igniting his lightsaber "I'm Ran Vizsla" he replied, "I know you you're one of Palpatine's pets his Hand" the masked figure said, "I'm Grand Moff Trachta". Knowing feigning fanaticism would be more convincing Shawn replied "you're a traitor to the Empire it's my honor to eliminate you" Shawn said but knew it might sound cliche, "ah I see Vader played on your loyalty to our glorious Emperor" Tracha said with slight sarcasm. "Enough if this!" Ran yelled then took a hilt of some sort from his jetpack igniting it and it was a dark bladed lightsaber "this once belonged to my father but he was betrayed by the infamous Lord Maul whom I was able to steal it back from as many Jedi have died upon its blade".

Then he charged at Shawn who held his saber in a defensive posture, instead he utilized the form known as Makashi and blocked Ran's first attack which caught him off guard, Ran attacked but Shawn blocked it then punched him square in the jaw but received a kick to the side of the head. This time Shawn countered attacking quickly before he Force pushed Ran back, "hm is that all you got!" Ran yelled attacking again, Shawn blocked it again before he held his hand out and used Force lightning which enveloped Ran and he yelled out in pain, The other warriors then fired at Shawn.

Redirecting the blaster bolts he threw a smoke grenade on the ground which quickly covered the area and he ran away from the base, hiding behind a rock Shawn retracted his blade, then he sensed a presence to his right and looked it was that Mandalorian girl that Roganda had interrogated, "what're you doing here?" They asked each other at the same time. "I'm on a mission from Vader he wants to know if Death Watch is here and you?" Shawn said, "I'm here because that guy you just fought is crazy", Shawn said "well you're too late now might as well leave before they get here". Then he asked " what's your name?", the girl replied "Sabine and I know yours too Shawn now go", he then jumped up the canyon walls before reaching the top making his way back to the Strings.

Shawn walked onto the bridge where Vader was waiting, "Lord Vader there is a Death Watch base there their leader is named Ran Vizsla", Vader replied "good work Hand Mendes admiral set course for Ryloth" the Admiral replied "sir there aren't any enemy forces in that system" Vader said "I'm well aware of that admiral set course" the admiral replied "yes Lord Vader". The fleet then turned in the direction of the planet and entered hyperspace, As the fleet went through hyperspace Vader asked, "tell me why didn't you kill that traitor Trachta?" That surprised Shawn at first how Vader knew that but remembered he could read minds, "I wasn't able to get close enough sir" Shawn replied "Did you now and what of the rebel girl was she too far?" Vader inquired, "no she spared me and I did the same".

"Do not spare either of the enemy Hand Mendes you'd do best to remember that",

"Patience Lord Maul" Snoke said via hologram to Maul who was in a blind rage,"patience! Ventress and her Knights have proven ineffective against just one boy!" Snoke rose from his chair "I feel your frustration and can offer a solution to your predicament". Maul said "speak then", Snoke slowly walked around his staff while not physically there thundered each time it struck the ground, "there is one you might be able to acquire to assist you" Snoke said in a low calm tone, "who?" Maul asked, "he was once a revered Jedi in the Old Republic but in the Jedi's attempts to create a physical incarnation of the Light Side he was twisted and became a creature that feeds off the Living Force of any sentient being".

"You say this creature is..a vampire?" Maul asked curiously, "in a manner of speaking yes but he only targets Force-users and Force-Sensitives alike by placing his hands on a being and drawing the energy out of their midi clorians" Snoke said, "where might I find this creature?" Maul asked, "Lehon ancient homeworld of the Rakata the founders of the Infinite Empire but be warned this creature is strong with the Force and is a nexus of the Dark Side so if released near where this boy dwells he'll sense it and be drawn to his demise" Snoke said, "and no doubt will leave a trail of corpses in his wake".

"Then I'll go there and find this creature Master", Maul said as the hologram ended,

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