Maul's Rematch With Sidious

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Imperial Palace May 10,2015
Shawn followed Vader into the palace to inform Palpatine about what had just happened, along the way he sensed danger and Vader said "I sense it as well" as they entered the throne room. "Ah Lord Vader I see you brought Hand Mendes back what have you to report?" Shawn was about to speak but Vader interrupted "my lord that pretender Maul and his accomplice Grievous are here on Coruscant and ambushed us in the Jedi temple" Palpatine looked intrigued and said " and you defeated them?" Vader replied "no they escaped and Maul threatened to come after you himself".

Palpatine said "if Maul is looking for a fight then he'll get one" then he looked at Shawn and asked "Hand Mendes did you study the records?" Shawn replied "no I wasn't but I did see two visions one of clone troopers attacking the temple and one much older led by Darth Malgus" Palpatine said " an intriguing gift you possess" then he dismissed them, Shawn went through the vast halls to his quarters, he saw his watch was still on the desk as he'd left it before. He picked it up and put it in his pocket before laying down and shutting his eyes.

Shawn saw another strange vision this one it was some sort of war meeting, the room was filled with various aliens such as Nemoidians and a couple Geonosisans, then a hooded figure walked in and the whole room faced the man. "Welcome Lord Vader we've been expecting you" said one of the Nemoidian men but Shawn was more interested and shocked when the man had said Lord Vader, then the hooded man used the force and shut the doors of the room.

The vision then became distorted with the sounds of lightsaber hums and contact sounds until it went up and almost all the attendees were dead expect for the Nemoidian who'd welcomed the mysterious attacker, the hooded figure landed in front of the Nemoidian man who began pleading "the war is over Lord Sidious promised us peace we only want-" but his words were literally cut short by the swift swipe of the lightsaber.  Then it showed a hut on Kashyyyk with the Rebel Alliance symbol on it and Vader was approaching it with two stormtroopers, "Dark Lord whatever you want you won't find it turn back!" A hooded figure yelled, "you cannot disguise yourself from me Jedi" Vader said.

Then Shawn was jolted awake by a loud explosion that shook the palace, he sat up and heard the voices of people running by. Then the door slid open and Mara ran in a little then said "come on we're under attack!" Shawn picked up his lightsaber and ran out following her. Dozens of stormtroopers ran past them and he asked Mara "what's going on?" Mara replied "some assailants blasted their way in Mandalorians by the looks of em they're heading for the throne room with that Maul". Soon they reached the hall that lead to the throne room and the Imperial guards were being cut down by blaster fire from the Mandalorian solders, then the throne room door opened and three Shadow Guards along with a fourth wielding two lightsabers and wore a bronze colored armor.

"Hold them off" Mara said to the lead guard who gave a slight nod, Shawn and Mara walked in and shut the twenty foot tall doors which locked. Shawn looked back and Palpatine sat at his throne with Vader who stood beside him with his arms crossed. "My lord some insurgents are heading this way we must leave" Mara said as they walked up, "no I will face this Maul alone if it so pleases him. Shawn and Mara stood at the bottom of the three steps that led up to the throne and waited. Shawn sensed the heavy fight going on outside the doors which suddenly flew open and Maul along with several Mandalorians and Magnaguards walked in,

Maul gestured forward and the Magnaguards and Mandalorians charged. Shawn ignited his lightsaber and deflected several blaster bolts before blasting them with force lightning from his left hand, the droids and the men fell limp but Palpatine said "do no more leave this to me". Shawn retracted his blade and Palpatine stepped past him. "Hello there master" Maul said sarcastically and laughed a little "your little insurrection ends here Maul I should've killed you on Mandalore all those years ago". Maul said "you killed my mother and my brother emperor or should I refer to you as Darth Sidious" Palpatine said "why have you come?" Maul said "to take my revenge on you" and ignited both his blades and spun the saberstaff around "hmm very well" Palpatine said and his lightsaber flew out his sleeve and he ignited it.

Maul and Palpatine's blades clashed and the fierce duel began, the two clashed back and forth with their lightsabers until Palpatine blasted Maul with lightning which made him fly across the room. Maul got back up and threw his saber at Palpatine who caught it with the force and threw it back, Maul caught the saber and charged again,Palpatine blocked and parried the attacks until force pushing Maul back and saying "your skills have deteriorated since the last time we fought" Maul growled and charged again but Palpatine jumped and blasted him with force lightning and said "there's no point to continue this any longer".

Maul gathered himself and ran out of the throne room, Palpatine retracted his blade and turned around saying to Shawn and Mara "pursue then kill him".

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