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Later that night Shawn heard his holoprojecter beep, answering it was Palpatine "I have a mission for you Hand Mendes, more will be explained when you return to Coruscant tomorrow" the prerecorded message explained, Shawn put the holoprojecter down and looked at the time, it was a quarter to twelve. Leaving behind his lightsaber and blaster he quietly opened his door and went downstairs not making as much as a creak, then he opened the front door quietly and closer it locking it behind him before beginning to walk to the alley.

The city was also under curfew so if he was caught outside at this hour he'd be arrested and suspected of being an insurgent, Shawn crept along sticking to the shadows and had his hood up to blend in more easily. Then he reached the alleyway and leaned against the wall looking both ways, suddenly he sensed a presence but knew it was Clara, he chuckled "you can't sneak up on me", Clara scoffed "oh lemme guess you "sensed" me" making a quote on quote sign. "Pretty much" Shawn said, "follow me" she said opening a nearby rusty door.

Shawn followed but questioned backing out, even talking to these people was treason. "Ah welcome Shawn " Marcus said, "you really got em how do you know he won't report us?" One guy said, "you really think this kid would report you Eric" Marcus scoffed. "Listen up! We're leaving in two minutes!" Marcus yelled as about twenty others began gathering up their gear and weapons. Shawn was still in awe how they'd gotten ahold of assault rifles without issue, "here take this" Marcus said holding a beretta pistol in front of Shawn.

A little hesitant at first Shawn took it aiming it at a wall where no one stood "you know how to use one of those?" Marcus asked, "yeah you aim and pull the trigger, I have a laser gun" Shawn replied thinking that sounded a little cliche. "Same principle" Marcus said getting in a car. Clara walked over handing him a pair of sunglasses "here we can't risk being identified" she said then got in the car, Shawn opened the backdoor and got in as Marcus and five other cars drove off. After twenty minutes they approached a sort of abandoned warehouse, Shawn took a breath knowing now there was no turning back,

The two stormtroopers at the entrance stopped them, "citizens what're you doing out past curfew?"one asked approaching the drivers side and another the passenger. Marcus and Clara drew their guns and shot the troopers in the faces, Shawn jumped from both the noise and what he'd just seen. Then Marcus and Clara jumped out scanning the area, Shawn got out as did the other twenty fighters guns drawn. He held the pistol which was heavier than he thought now. Marcus and Eric dragged the dead troopers into a nearby ditch before kicking in the door, "wait lemme go first" Shawn said.

Marcus nodded and Shawn dashed in but put on the sunglasses as he did, stretching out his feelings in the Force he didn't sense anyone. "All clear" he said as the fighters dashed in "alright we got five minutes someone had to've heard those shots" Marcus said picking up a box of ammunition and handing it to Eric who passed it to another fighter. Shawn picked up two rifles and went outside placing them in the trunk of one of the cars, then he sensed a presence and saw behind Clara a stormtrooper emerged from an alley way blaster raised

"Clara look out!" He yelled quickly drawing the pistol and firing twice, Shawn didn't expect the recoil to be as strong as it was and the sound. The stormtrooper fell limp to the ground, Shawn knew now he'd committed both treason and murder. "Thanks" Clara said, Marcus Eric and the other fighter came out with crates of guns and ammo, "let's go!" Marcus yelled as they got the car and sped off. Marcus pulled his ski mask off "damn that was quicker than I thought" he said. Shawn was impressed by their speed and wondered how. "How were you guys so fast?" Shawn asked, "I was in Afghanistan 04 to 09" Marcus said. "The other guys and gals are Iraq and Afghanistan too" he said, Shawn was intrigued. Then they arrived back at the building, Shawn climbed out and handed the pistol to Marcus which was still warm, "thanks" Marcus said "you might wanna get home",

Shawn said "stay safe, and I've been called for a mission I don't know how long I'll be gone" then slipped out the door and ran home. When he reached his house everything still looked the same, he opened the door quietly and shut it. Suddenly he sensed his mom and a light turned on, "where were you?" She asked crossing her arms. Oh crap, Shawn thought "uh out" he said. Her expression read "really", " oh yeah then why'd you leave this?" She said picking up his lightsaber which was a table next to her, "you've never left without it before" she said,

" was it Alice ?" She asked. Shawn jokingly scoffed "no we broke up a long time ago" he said. "Then where were you and don't lie i know when you're lying" she asked again, Shawn knowing he couldn't lie decided to fess up "I uh was helping some uh resistance fighters" he admitted with a look of guilt in his eyes. "You what?!" She said in a hushed tone, "are you out of your mind so you know what THEY would do if they found out" she said, then Shawn noticed several pictures on the wall next to her shook a little. "Yeah I do" Shawn said, "then why'd you get involved with them?" She asked and the pictures stopped shaking but she blinked a lot as if confused.

"I can't just sit by while they're doing all this stuff" Shawn said, "if I did it out there in space or whatever I'd be arrested or worse" he said, she waved her hand dismissively "you're not getting involved with these people understand? If you do your dad'll be very pissed", Shawn sighed "ok I won't I promise". She nodded "ok" and Shawn went upstairs but she stayed downstairs.

January 27,2016, Coruscant, Imperial Palace
Shawn had still not adjusted to the whole space lag thing and groggily strolled into the palace Hand common room, "hey Shawn" Maarek called out looking up from the bit of machinery he was tinkering with. "Hey Maarek" he said sitting down, "where's?-" he asked but then an arm went around his neck and a hand covered his eyes, "right here" Mara said. Shawn laughed and Mara hugged him and his cheeks turned a noticeable red,

"So what's new?" Mara asked sitting down next to Shawn, "nothing much" Shawn replied shrugging at first removing his gloves. "Just the Empire is now on Earth" he said, "good maybe they'll keep order" Jallar said his in his clipped Core Worlds accent, Roganda strolled in "oh I don't know maybe they won't have to" and smiled at Jallar before the two kissed. "Ew go do that somewhere else please" Maarek said facing another way, "says the guy who made out with a governors daughter while heavily drunk I might add" Jallar shot back. "Hey man she was a looker" Maarek replied and everyone laughed,

Then Shawn was on his way to see Palpatine for his mission. Along the way he saw Vader was speaking to Nash whose mask was on the ground, "Lord Vader its very frustrating-" Nash said but Vader pushed him up against the wall pointing at his face "you will behave understood?" Vader said sternly, Shawn pretended not to pay any attention but saw Nash had a slightly visible bruise on his cheek below his eye with a look of guilt.

Shawn was told Palpatine was down in a shrine several floors down, walking down the stairs he felt the chill of the dark side. As he passed the royal guards they snapped to attention, Palpatine was sitting in front of tapestry of some kind. "This belonged to Lord Kaan over a thousand years ago" he said, "you're wondering why you're here is that correct?" Palpatine asked, Shawn was surprised that he read his mind and made a mental note of finding a way of stopping that as he didn't like the idea of someone like Vader poking around his thoughts. " Yes sir why?" Shawn asked holding his wrist behind his back to seem more imposing and not uneasy,

"I've devised the most ingenious plan" Palpatine said with a look of evil. "There is a planet in the Deep Core known as Tython it is historically a Jedi planet, the Jedi on your world escaped our grasp during that short conflict, therefore I using myself as bait and faulty intelligence supplied by our agents in the Rebellion we will lure the Jedi in and kill them all" Palpatine said, Shawn didn't know how to respond. "Uh well sir what of they don't buy it?" He asked, "do not worry they will, yourself and the other four Hands will accompany myself and Lord Vader tomorrow" Palpatine said. "I understand sir" Shawn replied before walking away,

"And one more thing" Palpatine called out, Shawn froze and turned back around slightly "the next time do not pole around in a safe if you don't know what's inside might be dangerous" Palpatine said. Shawn had a flabbergasted look " uh of course sir" he responded before Palpatine nodded and he walked out,

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now