Mission To Malachor (Part 1)

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September 22,2015, Executor
Shawn had regained most of the feeling in his arm but there were times when he could only feel one half of his hand, he walked onto the bridge where Vader the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister were gathered around the holoprojecter, "Our objective is this a holocron located in the temple beneath the surface" Vader said. "And for this I've sent for a little assistance" he said as the bridge doors opened and another Inquisitor walked in his hands behind his back. "Aww Eighth Brother welcome" the Fifth Brother said ,

"Greetings brother and sister" the Eighth Brother said stepping beside Vader his voice with the same garble the Seventh Sister had with her own mask, "I've extensive knowledge of Malachor having hunted Maul there until he disappeared many years ago" the Eighth Brother said, "what am I to do?" Shawn asked. "Alert any of the Inquisitors if you spot the Jedi or Maul" Vader said as the hologram went away and the ship entered hyperspace,

"Our enemies head for Malachor Lord Maul" Snoke said through the hologram, "Malachor they must be after the holocron or the weapon" Maul said having known the place well as he'd tried himself to get into the temple there many times but failed before being discovered by Snoke, "we cannot allow either one of them the Jedi or Vader to get their hands on it" Snoke said. "You will go to Malachor with Ventress, Grievous  and two of her Acolytes" he continued, "of course master" Maul said as the transmission ended, he then clicked it again and Ventress showed up "bring Grievous we have a task from Lord Snoke himself of the utmost importance" Maul said with a evil smirk.

Shawn followed Vader and the Inquisitors out of the shuttle onto the barren surface of Malachor where there was a crack in the ground already. "It seems either the Jedi or Maul was here first" the Eighth Brother said looking down, "find the Jedi you two act as support Hand Mendes scout out ahead for any one of them" Vader said. "Yes Lord Vader" they all said but Shawn almost mumbled it as now he was torn between defection or loyalty, selfishness or selflessness , Earth being razed, joining a cause of freedom against these evil,evil people.

The Inquisitors ignited their lightsabers and as the blades spun like helicopter blades descended down and hovered away, Shawn jumped down bracing his fall with the Force and summersaulting as he did before looking around. The light shined through small crevices in the top of the cavern giving it the appearance of stars, Shawn then went on still going with his mission, but he was distracted by the burnt figures all around still covering their faces for whatever reason. Then he stopped and ducked into the shadows, there he saw Kanan, Ashoka, and Ezra heading down a path, Shawn was about to call out but saw the Eighth Brother on a pillar making a shush gesture before dashing off in another direction,

"They must be truly desperate to come here" Malgus said. Shawn ignored him and he quietly followed them hardly making a sound, hiding behind rock he was about to call in the other Inquisitors when he noticed the Eighth Brother was posing as one of the statues surprisingly not moving even the slightest. Then Kanan stopped to say something to Ezra that Shawn couldn't hear, then Ezra yelled "look out!" As the Eighth Brother leaped igniting his lightsaber in a quick spin pressing the blade down which Ezra pushed back before jumping back,

Shawn got a little closer and heard "three Jedi?" From the Eighth Brother. "An Inquisitor!" Ezra yelled, Shawn climbed up the side of a pillar before hearing several explosions causing the base of the pillar to crack and fall. He almost panicked but managed to pull himself on the other side before landing in a dark chamber below "Ezra! You ok?!" Kanan yelled, "I'm fine just go!" Ezra said waving Kanan off who chased after the Eighth Brother with Ashoka. Shawn looked up and knew he couldn't make the jump back up , but he also knew if he tried getting out with Ezra and Vader knew he hadn't fought him something would be up.

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