Phantom Of Fear

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Shawn knocked on Camilla's door at the hotel saying "Camilla open up" she opened the door and had a confused expression "how'd I do that?" Shawn sighed and took the talisman out "this glows when someone like us and them are near but haven't unlocked their powers and it glowed around you" Camilla asked "why isn't it doing it now?" Shawn replied "cause your power or force abilities have been awakened I don't know it's very complicated", Camilla said "don't tell Mara please I don't trust her". Shawn replied "I wasn't planning on it I'll teach you how to have more control over your powers if you want" Camilla's face lit up and she said "really?" Shawn responded "yeah of course" then she yawned and said "I'm gonna turn in good night" before closing the door.

Shawn was unable to sleep as every little sound woke him as he was still on edge and curious how Ventress had traced him back to Earth, " you're either blind or stupid" Malgus said emerging from the shadows, "what do you mean?" Shawn asked, "when the Maladians attacked the palace one of them stabbed you with a tracker but it's battery has less than a day left on it" Shawn put the pieces together but Malgus has vanished.the departure of the dark energy in the room allowed Shawn to sleep only someone was waiting for him,

In the dream he was in the Jedi Temple somewhere that looked like a library of sorts. "Hello there Shawn" a woman's voice said and Shawn turned around and it was Darth Phobos the ancient Theelin Dark Lady Of The Sith, "why am I here?" Shawn asked disoriented by the warping air, "because when Sith have nightmares I'm the face they see" Shawn sharply replied "I'm not a Sith now there can only be Two" Phobos seemed slightly surprised "really hmm very well then" Shawn knew if he feigned politeness she might offer some explanation "my lady what's the purpose for me being here" Phobos shot a glance at him her irises yellow radiating the dark side"for this".

Then the air warped slightly and Shawn felt weakened and no longer felt his connection to the Force, then he saw Phobos ignite her saberstaff and run off. "Hahaha how'll you fight now that you can't sense or see what you cannot!" The library became dark and Shawn couldn't see even if he concentrated to use the Force to see it wouldn't work, then he heard fast paced footsteps around and looked around worryingly "ah yes I see what you fear" Phobos said from what sounded like all around. Then Shawn turned around and Phobos leaped out of the dark slashing at him cutting his arm which hurt more than Shawn thought, Shawn woke up drenched in sweat and panting, he sat up collecting himself still faintly hearing the distinct chuckles Phobos made that sounded cold as ice, taking a deep breath he set his head down again.

This time it was of he were looking at some sort of interrogation with a politician of some sort cuffed to the wall and Shawn cook,d tell it was ancient as torches lined the walls for light, "you've been a mystery here for over twenty years Senator since you first arrived" the Athenian commander said, the commander gestured and one of the solders handed him a small journal "we found this your book of notes calculations,star charts cartography now I understand you Senator you're from another world" the Senator glared at the commander who flipped to a page saying "you write that you're waiting the arrival of a man named Darth Malgus or a warrior sect called the Jedi what do they want".

"And their rivals the Sith battle across the stars for supremacy..are these warriors demigods Senator?" the commander asked but the Senator didn't respond still, "you may have given the city of Athens democracy Senator but it won't protect you" the commander then gestured to two of the solders who dragged the senator over near the fire where the commander pulled a single burning piece of coal out, "what does this Malgus bring a weapon,knowledge what!" The commander yelled, the senator replied "he's dead his students brought him to a place beyond your sight a civilization with structures higher than anything you have",

The commander dropped the burning piece of coal and asked "what did they bring?" The senator replied "a device that contains his spirit" the commander seemed intrigued asking "where do they bring it from?" The senator responded " the red planet in this system the ones across the sea that call themselves Romans named it Mars in honor of their version of Ares" the commander sighed asking "how can you know this you're just one man" the senator replied "because I'm a Jedi".

Then Shawn was woken up by a knocking at the door "come on Shawn get up we gotta go" Camilla said,

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now