Siege Of Kessel, Onderon

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August 27,2015
Unknown Sector,
Maul stared at the caged creature curiously, "you smell of The Force!" The creature yelled before making some disgusting slurp sounds, "he seems mentally unstable Master" Maul said to the hologram, "of course his mind was twisted by the dark side beyond repair now he's an animal" Snoke replied as a pale clawed hand reached out from the bars growling loudly.

Imperial Palace,
Shawn was walking down one of the halls when he saw Palpatine follow the Defense Minister who was characterized by his silver shoulder pads and a ceremonial white cord in his left side running from his shoulder down tipped by two silver spikes which hung down, into a room. He slowly approached but Palpatine gestured for him to come closer, "sir some of the cameras were damaged in the first sortie but we found this"

Minister Adarn said clicking a remote activating the hologram, it was footage of Kanan,Ezra,Ashoka,Kota and Starkiller with the other Spectre rebels walking through a destroyed city, "they were visiting a makeshift hospital operated by the Rebels" Adarn said which Palpatine made a intrigued grunt, "we can scramble bombers from the neighboring province we may be able to target them" Adarn said,

Palpatine said "no..kill the wounded", Shawn was shocked by this and said "sir?" Palpatine turned to him and said "you know the penalty of defiance as any association with either Rebel or Confederate personnel is forbidden" then turned to the hologram of the hospital, "everyone in that hospital has committed treason we'll show them what it costs" Adarn nodded before walking out, "as for your next task Hand Mendes go to Kessel and track the Jedi" Shawn almost said otherwise but said "as you wish sir" but as he walked out Palpatine said "you've been assigned to the Annihilator I trust you'll show Grand General Tagge respect?", Shawn replied "uh of course sir".

Super Star Destroyer Annihilator, Kessel system,
The Kessel system was under Imperial control but Rebel fleets had been battling Star Destroyers over the planets Southern Hemisphere while the ground troops had begun moving north toward the equator but the capital city of more than two million people was under constant aerial bombardment by Imperial forces. "This victory will allow our troops to move into the eastern Outer Rim more freely without crossing into Hutt Space" Tagge said looking at the hologram, "as for you Hand Mendes the Emperor has placed you under my authority for this important task" Tagge said pointing slightly.

"Your objective is to infiltrate the Rebel controlled area in the southeast where we've managed to negotiate a temporary truce and provide coordinates for their wounded" Tagge said, Shawn wanted to protest but knew it wouldn't end well, "yes sir" he said walking off the bridge.

Shawn sneaked through the destroyed city with the faint booms echoing in the distance, the area reminded him of footage from Syria in a way but the fighting had only reached here three months ago not several years. Then he heard the sounds of people approaching, Shawn jumped up onto a rooftop cloaking himself, there he saw it the Rebel hospital housing only wounded soldiers not civilians. Marking the coordinates on a small datapad he quickly jumped down as the TIE bombers roared overhead explosions thundering loudly like fireworks with the concussive sounds that could be felt,

But then a Rebel artillery laser overshot its mark striking the base of a five story apartment complex, Shawn stopped and took cover as the building collapsed sending dust down the street, quickly he dashed inside another building. Then the sounds of distant voices echoed further down, Shawn cloaked himself and ran down the hall still silent as a ghost, "move out this building may have Imps in it" a voice called out.Shawn knew it was Rebels, quickly he found a door which he pushed open but it loudly squeaked as he did, "what was that?" another voice said. Quickly he ran off down the street toward the Imperial lines,

as he made his way back to the Imperial lines both sides began shelling each other. the shells struck buildings all around, then he as he ran across the high pitched whine of an incoming projectile.Shawn hit the ground putting his hands over the back of his head, then a scream of pained agony came from further down. Shawn looked up and a stormtrooper had lost a leg to the shell and lay screaming his head off, Shawn was torn between risking himself trying to get to this stormtrooper or leaving him. He ran over throwing the stormtrooper arm over his shoulder slowly guiding him inside an Imperial controlled building. "here take him" Shawn said to the medic as he was setting the stormtrooper down,

"Were you successful in your efforts?" Tagge asked, "yes sir I was" Shawn replied, Tagge nodded "very good Captain set course for Onderon ". Shawn asked "what's on Onderon?" Tagge replied "there's a rebel cell operating in the capital city the Emperor didn't inform you but this is a mission to tasked by me". Then the fleet entered hyperspace,

Iziz, Capital City of Onderon
Shawn overlooked the hologram of the rebel attacks, he'd never been very knowledgeable of military tactics but had heard the name Rommel before. At the moment he was the highest Imperial authority in the city, "sir we've received a report the rebel cell under Saw Gerrera has seized an Imperial weapons convoy" the local officer said, " I'm going" Shawn said, " perhaps a squad of stormtroopers would be of assistance" the officer said "with all die respect commandant I can handle myself" Shawn replied,

Shawn looked down from a rooftop at the Rebels who'd stolen several crates of blasters before escaping on speeders bikes. Then he went in examining the crates but they had the symbol of the Old Republic not the Imperial logo, suddenly he sensed a presence nearby followed by the sound of a blaster being charged, "hands up now" a male voice said sternly, Shawn raised his hands standing up, "turn around" the voice said, Shawn spun around pulling the blaster from the attackers hand with the Force before punching them in the face.

The attacker stood up swinging at Shawn but he ducked and dodged punching them in the face blocking their attack, then he raised his fist again but the attacker held a knife to his throat. "You've got some skill kid I'll give you that but Onderon is our world" the attacker said, "who are you?" Shawn said gritting his teeth slightly, "Saw Gerrera". 

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