Part 134

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The vision Shawn had was very strange this time. He saw a large piece of mining equipment drilling a hole in the ground while ships carried out large crystals, guarding the perimeter was an amphibian humanoid in appearance with an elongated head the eyes on either side "get back to work you slug!" The alien yelled waving a wipe at the pit where a human man in chains chipped away at the rocks with a pick axe then groaned in pain when hit reeling before continuing to strike the rock blood running down his back. Next it was Malgus in a cave followed by two masked hooded figures with intricate markings on them. "Show yourself creature or darkness!" Malgus said his voice echoing in the cave.

Suddenly there was a scratching sound followed by strange incoherent ramblings "what is that my lord?" One of the figures asked "it is a parasite, one we've luckily found before the Jedi" Malgus said as Vladimir dropped down from the top of the cave "ah you've come to your death Sith!!" Vladimir yelled sprinting forward at lighting speed when Malgus raised his hand and Vladimir froze. He lifted Vladimir off the ground slamming him into the cave wall before pulling him in "I have a bargain for you parasite" Malgus said. "Whatever it is I won't bargain it you Sith trash" Vladimir said "oh you will I assure you" Malgus said. Suddenly it ended and Shawn woke up hearing his alarm beeping which he turned off while mentally deducing what the vision was.

What he had seen was Malgus asking Vladimir to sneak into the Jedi Temple on Tython during the Great Galactic War over 3,500 years prior as the Old Republic and Sith Empire battered away until the war ended with the Temple and Coruscant being attacked by a Sith fleet while ambassadors of both sides met on Alderaan to begun negotiations that ended with the Sith Empire claiming much of the Republics borderlands pressing the Empire further into the Mid Rim. Meanwhile in the current war a Rebel fleet under Admiral Raddus repelled a Separatist assault on Mon Cala while gearing up to liberate Lothal the homeworld of Ezra. The Empire acting under Governor Pryce prepared their defenses alongside Generals Maximilian Veers and Jylia Shale along with Grand Moff Tarkin at the Emperor's bidding who citied "Lothal stands as a beacon of hope for the Rebellion and a strategic location for the Separatists it must be defended at all costs". Bail Organa after his secret holos with Leia decided to give Shawn a chance to further help the Alliance and ask him to join the Fulcrum network of spies when the opportunity arose. At the same time the Death Star project was near completion which Palpatine hoped would crush their enemies once and for all returning Order to the Galaxy.

Later on in maths Shawn was writing down stuff in the book quietly as everyone else did. The only sounds were moving pencils, the  occasional shoe squeaking on the floor or cough, while in the middle of some long division he felt something in the Force something cold and it was coming from the next room over. It was there for a minute before getting closer and closer then the door opened, like usual when someone walked into a classroom everyone's attention would immediately turn to the door. But when Shawn heard a familiar mechanical respirator rasp the color drained from his face, "who're those guys?" His friend James asked. Shawn looked over his shoulder too see Vader and a all to recognizable Grand Admiral. "Thrawn" he muttered as they passed by "my most sincere apologies sir but I have an announcement for everyone" Thrawn said to the teacher as Vader stood beside him tall and dark grabbing his belt scanning the room.

"Greetings students I am Grand Admiral Thrawn and this is my accomplice Lord Vader" Thrawn started putting his hands behind his back standing tall with an intrigued expression. "I have something to inform all of you and it is important that those who decide these things personally see to them, as you're all aware there are multiple groups in this city who've been attacking the garrison stationed to unsure order in the chaos after that war at the beginning of this year, I believe most of their fighters are those of your ages" Thrawn said walking down the middle. Shawn averted his gaze but glanced up to see Vader staring right at him and his heart skipped a beat, "therefore as of tomorrow students in your grades will assist the garrison with small matters after your day is over" Thrawn said and some groaned and rolled their eyes.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now