The Lost Lands

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Coruscant,Imperial Palace,April 8th 2016
Shawn was practicing reading some sentences in Basic attempting to make sense of the more complex letter, "the..Jedi Knight..Mace Windu..attempted to" he whispered tracing the sentence with his finger "to..kill the Emperor..nineteen s-standard years ago" then got the last few words down, "you're getting better at it" Mara said spinning around the corner gripping the other side. "Oh thanks" Shawn said laughing a little, Jallar then passed by though looked exhausted "oh hey Jal how was Nar Shadda?" Mara asked "don't asked too tired" Jallar said walking by,

President Johnson managed to sneak out from her hotel without alerting the press with Prime Minister Thomason to a nearby park "can I ask why we've snuck out this late?" Thomason asked "I needed to speak to Riosovsky on the North American theater and needed you to come along" she responded, "besides we can sneak around the Marines taught me that" Johnson added, she spotted a tall man by a tree in the middle of the park with three other suited men nearby with earpieces the cords visible from a distance. The two approached then Riosovsky spoke "this reminds me of a time I met with an informant in East Berlin and later Bucharest", Johnson knew he was referring to his carrier with the KGB in the First Cold War and later in Chechnya. "Different times different place" Johnson said,

"Hm I've called you here for a little matter off of the attack plan, mr Thomason won't like this however" Riosovsky said turning to face them, "I'm proposing that you take Mendes into protective custody when Toronto is liberated", "under what charges? The law is different in Canada Mr President we have a little thing called warrants and due process besides he's done nothing illegal" Thomason said, "how can you be sure is he questioned upon returning?" Riosovsky said "no now the Empire determines that" Thomason said "ok and have they allowed you to question him within under your laws" Riosovsky said, Johnson was glad someone was finally getting at Thomason like this she was fed up with the appeaser mentality that was spreading like wildfire among members of the European Union and other people on the other side of the spectrum. "Well no we never got an opprit-",

"Just shut it you weasel I'm tired of this incompetent way of thinking you Westerners have embraced" Riosovsky said with frustration in his tone, Thomason seemed to reel and Riosovsky scoffed a little "pathetic, I recommend you take that boy into custody for questioning or allow a possible spy under your nose" Riosovsky said then walked away.

News report- Moff Panaka visited a session of the German parliament today where he gave a short speech about how our two powers should remain friendly,

Panaka" it is my wish that we are able to trust each other,the Emperor wants peace not war with Earth and that includes how we deal with insurgent fighters in cities under our protection"

Panaka was heckled mid way by a member of parliament who shouted in German "our country has already had people like you get out of here!" Before giving the Nazi salute and yelling "Heil Hitler" three times

Heckler: "<<we've had enough of you people and your fascist principles the German people already suffered under one like your Emperor,go to hell!>>"

Panaka: "as I stated we wish peace and don't have any interest in expanding our territory-"

Heckler:"<<Nonsense we were promised that before and landed us in a devastating war-*raises arm at an angle* Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!>>*drowned out by other members heckling back as Panaka stares him down*

Imperial Palace,
The number of military personnel seemed higher today, the officers trudged around in their freshly tailored olive green uniforms and polished black boots. Shawn's comlink beeped three times indicating he was being summoned by the Emperor, The doors slid open as the two royal guards stared him down as he approached Palpatine, "greetings Mendes I've summoned you for an assignment" Palpatine said in his tone that drew his words, Shawn stood gripping his wrist behind his back trying to at least seem determined.

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