Part 126

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Shawn deflected several blaster bolts cutting the droid in half the another, he thrust his hand out and with the Force pushed three of them into a wall. Maarek and Vess quickly made work of the other droids when suddenly some dark uniformed men dropped down, the Red Lotus, Shawn wasn't paying attention and a blast of fire went over his shoulder the intense heat zipped past narrowly missing his face. He turned around seizing his attackers throat with the Force slamming him into another one, Vess dodged and stabbed in the gut while Maarek sliced another's arm and leg off. Screams of pain filled the air, Vess lifted the last one off the ground with the Force holding him in the air "where's the witch running to?!" He demanded "I won't talk" the man responded defiantly. Vess moved his hand and broke the mans arm and he yelled in pain, Shawn looked away unable to bear the sight of the ordeal even if he'd grown accustomed to seeing violence though the severed hand in his line of sight made him look back the other way.

"Ah she went to the trucks outside with her robot people!" The man shouted in agony, "thank you" Vess said flinging him to the side and he broke his neck on the walkway. "Come on!" Vess yelled, Shawn ran fast to get out of that hellhole. Outside three trucks began starting up, Shawn drew his blaster firing at the tires of the lead One and missed though managed to hit the tires of the last one. Commando droids immediately jumped out firing their blasters jumping around, Shawn blocked laser bolts swinging his blade at one that maneuvered around when he thrust his hand out sending it crashing into a window. "Ah!" Vess shouted as he cut a droid in half stabbing it in the head,

The other ones sped off "blast it!" Maarek shouted, "get after em!" Vess yelled, Shawn retracted his blade and with the Force ran out into the street with Maarek following, cars honked and people jeered "you crazy kids!" One man yelled. With the Force Shawn ran faster leaping over cars closing in on the second truck, the drape opened and the droids in the back began firing, Shawn ignited his saber deflecting laser bolts running to the drivers side of the truck drawing his blaster and shooting the driver in the arm causing him to veer off into a storefront, Vess and Maarek caught up igniting their sabers. People ran off getting into their cars speeding away too, Shawn held his saber with two hands ready to charge when a shadow zipped overhead, he looked up and saw a flying bison. Several people jumped off flying down with wing suits, the first one landed and with a blast of air sent a droid slamming into a wall and another in the air. Shawn cut the droid in half and saw it was a familiar girl, the others landed dealing with the droids.

Maarek turned around and a metal cable wrapped around his arm and he was yanked away his saber leaving a long gash in the street, a policeman grabbed him but he pushed him away with the Force "wait don't!" Shawn shouted, a cable wrapped around Vess's arms but he yanked back and jumped kicking the policeman across the face into a car it's windows shattering. "Guys stop!" Shawn yelled deactivating his lightsaber as Maarek had now began fist fighting pushing ones away with the Force and choking another, "that's enough!" A man yelled, Shawn gazed up to the sky as Tenzin landed as well. "Tenzin don't hurt them!" Shawn said rushing over "Shawn? Uh this day gets more problems but what're you doing here?" Tenzin sighed then asked.

Maarek had released the policeman and backed off his fists still raised, Vess struggled with the cable around his wrists and had managed to fight off three other policemen. "We're here with the Admiral sir he and the President are in danger" Vess said, Tenzin waved his hand at the officer who had restrained Vess and the cable was retracted, "we're working on it but come with us" Tenzin said whistling. A bison flew down landing in the street, Tenzin using an burst of air zipped up landing on the head taking the reins "come on!" He yelled, they all jumped on as Tenzin cracked the reins and Ogi flew off

Riosovsky had been forced to wait a whole day for his audience with the Emperor, Alexi had begged to come along and he paced back and forth fiddling with his tie which was hastily put together. Riosovsky smiled and stood up "<<your tie is messed up lemme fix it>>", Alexi sighed and let his father redo it "<<what's the Emperor like?>>" Alexi asked. Riosovsky shrugged "<<I've never met the man so I couldn't tell you son>>" then finished fixing his tie and stepped back "<<there now you look like a Russian>>" Riosovsky commented and his Foreign Minister chuckled too. He glanced at the two royal guards by the doors examining their armor,weapons especially those polished helmets they wore, Riosovsky found them very sharp in appearance. Then the doors slid open and the Grand Vizier stepped out, Riosovsky was a taken aback by his long horns that protruded from his head and those ice blue eyes as well. "The Emperor will see you now Mr President" Mas Amedda said,

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