Part 168-Ice And Fire Meet

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Dragonstone,June 7th, 2016
Shawn sat with Mara as she chatted with Olenna about various things such as her family or other worlds, "So this Jabba fellow you speak of is just a stupid overgrown slug?" Olenna asked. "Yep, there's also this Admiral named Thrawn who has the creepiest eyes ever" Mara replied, "why what's wrong with his eyes?" Olenna asked with unsure curiosity, "they're all red" Mara said. "Why are they red is he inhaling some sort of plant smoke or did a cat scratch his eyes?" Olenna asked and Shawn chuckled a little, "No he's uh, how do I say this? Not exactly a human" Mara said. "Then what is he? A mutant of some sort?" Olenna asked and Shawn stifled a laugh as he always thought Olenna's wittiness and sarcasm was hilarious.

"Oh don't laugh at me young man, a rose does have thorns" Olenna said, "this will sound rather intrusive and forgive me, are you two together? I'm seeing a connection here" she said pointing at the two of them back and forth. Shawn and Mara looked at each other, "yes we are" Shawn said with a smile, "how could you not,a pretty Barons daughter with a dashing foreign commoner, I'm hoping there aren't any other further connections or a certain sort happening yet" Olenna said with a slight smirk. Shawn chuckled and Mara did a little, "or I may be wrong" she said, "I agree my lady, if you weren't I might have a word with this young fella here about what her father might do" Hux said walking down from steps nearby and looking at Shawn with suspicion.

"Oh come now Commandant your niece is a nice well mannered girl, Shawn is as well, you needn't worry" Olenna reassured. "Although one more piece of advice for you two before I leave is this" she said looking at Shawn and Mara, "no matter what comes your way do not let it keep you from Growing Strong, never be a sheep but a wolf or dragon", "but also have heart for others, for that is what Cersei does not have" she said then stood up and they did as well. "I must leave for Highgarden now, it's best to do so when the opportunity arises" Olenna said then looked at Mara with a smile and cupped her cheek "you are so much like my granddaughter, if only she were here, take this as a momentum" she said with sadness then reached in her sleeve and pulled out a metal golden Tyrell rose.

"Thank you Lady Olenna" Mara said with a smile, Olenna looked at Shawn, "and for you young man, take care of yourself, do not let that beast Vader corrupt you, stay strong and grow strong, you will move mountains if you do" she said and Shawn smiled, "thank you ma'am" but he sensed something, it was as if this would be the last time he'd ever see her. Olenna nodded a little, "Lady Mara" she said to her and Mara returned it, "my Prince" she said with a proud look in her eye to Shawn then walked away as the winds billowed through the castle walls as the Queen of Thorns made her grandeur departure to wherever the Force would take her next.

Shawn waited in the throne room where Daenerys sat on the stone throne waiting for her guest, the man she'd summoned to the island was the King In The North, Jon Snow. Vader and Hux had left half an hour before along with Mara to report to the Emperor thus leaving Shawn all alone again, he didn't exactly consider himself completely alone though he had Tyrion and Daenerys to talk to though he didn't think they viewed him a friend in an entire regard but knew they both had an appreciation for his presence. The doors were creaked open and there was Jon Snow and Ser Davos Seaworth.

Jon was a young man of twenty two with long black hair tied in a topknot on the back of his head with eyes so dark they looked black, on his breastplate were two direwolf heads facing one another, the symbol of House Stark. Ser Davos was a balding older man with a slight beard, Missandei stepped forward from beside them and came to where Shawn was and began to read off Daenerys's titles. "You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen Of The Andals and the First Men, Protector Of The Seven Kingdoms, Mother Of Dragons, the Khalessi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker Of Chains".

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