Part 128

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As Krennic's shuttle went through hyperspace Shawn had dosed off a little bit though had a horrific dream, he heard an alarm blaring and he stood in a darkened hallway on a ship, a group of eight men ran past dressed in a mix of grey and blue with white helmets. They were speaking but he didn't understand what they said, suddenly he heard Vader's breath and the igniting hiss of his saber as the men fired at him but it was useless he deflected the laser bolts back hitting two of them. He thrust his hand out and one froze before Vader raised his fist and the man slammed into the roof held in place, Vader cut down two more then halved the man on the roof. One raised his blaster but Vader raised his hand choking the man slamming against the wall "take it take it!" The man struggling to get through the door shouted, suddenly Shawn found his perspective from the other side of the door. A red blade impaled the man from behind as the door opened, the man with the small card ran as the two others fired at Vader who deflected the laser bolts cutting them down too.

Shawn was jolted awake in a panic, Krennic glanced at him with an expression that had slight interest in it "bad dream?" Krennic asked " yes sir" Shawn stammered, "hm had those a lot in the Clone Wars, I was a Lieutenant Commander in the Republic, let's say I had the privilege of knowing a Separatist leader" Krennic said. "Where do you come from Mendes?", "I'm from a world called Earth sir" Shawn replied, Krennic raised an eyebrow "oh? And how is it someone as young as yourself becomes so prized by the Emperor?", Shawn knew a majority of Imperial officers didn't believe in the Force but wasn't sure how else to respond "I can use the Force that's why" he said awkwardly, Krennic scoffed "pfft such myths don't intrigue me, that power has no place in an ordered galaxy now".

Soon the shuttle landed with a light thud, Krennic rose as did Shawn "don't do or say anything unless spoken to" Krennic said putting his black officers cap on. The ramp descended with a mechanical whir showing a metal platform covered by a downpour of rain, Krennic went first and Shawn followed, he stepped out looking around at the facility. It was small yet large and appeared to go into the mountain side. The two stepped inside following a long corridor patrolled by stormtroopers before reaching a sort of laboratory, one man approached "Director Krennic to what do we owe the honor?", "you can dispense of the pleasantries Doctor Kaeli Ive been informed of your small setback" Krennic said. "Oh yes" Kaeli said running off and returning with a small cylindrical object that had a strobing red light on the side "this is a conductor for the main lasers power cell the kyber hasn't taken its new surroundings too well".

Krennic was handed the conductor which he looked over then handed it to Shawn, "tell me more" Krennic said implying he was giving Shawn time to overlook it. He felt something from it and heard that faint whistle, Shawn reached out in the Force at this object and saw a crystal in it that seemed out of place, he focused realigning the crystal and the light turned green and beeped "how'd you do that?" Kaeli asked Shawn visibly confused "it did it on its own" Shawn replied handing it back over "oh very well" Kaeli said setting it down on the table next to him "is Doctor Erso available?" Krennic asked "no he's working on another conductor sir" Kaeli said, Krennic sighed with disappointment "very well". Shawn suddenly felt something in the Force but was unsure of what it was but it felt like danger approaching, Krennic turned and walked out and he followed,

When they went outside again Shawn felt that once more and stopped shutting his eyes to zero in on it. The rain thundered down more running down his face and then Shawn found it and suddenly drew his blaster firing at a figure on top of the shuttle, Krennic stopped drawing his pistol then saw the figure slump down to the landing platform, "a Kage Warrior!" He exclaimed. Shawn felt more from behind and turned around as eight of them landed on the platform throwing daggers that zipped past hitting the death troopers missing Krennic who scrambled into the shuttle, "where're the plans?" The leader demanded, Shawn wasn't sure what that meant but raised his blaster and fired hitting one in the neck. The leader charged with two long electrified swords of some kind though they looked more like daggers.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now