The Oppression

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March 26th,2016 Toronto
Shawn didn't sleep that night as every time he shut his eyes that thing was staring at him. At one point in a dream it grabbed his arm making him wake up and saw a faint hard print on his upper arm making his blood run cold.

City Hall,
"Hm the boy's mother wouldn't let you speak with him how petty" Tarkin remarked "such actions are treason perhaps a demonstration of the Force would've made her hold her tongue" Vader said coldly holding his belt with both hands his saber hilt hung behind his left hand glistening a little in the sunlight. Tarkin had a disdainful expression "I do not need citizens reporting sorcery being used on them" he said, "he would've confronted causing me to" Vader said "he's only a boy treat him as such Vader his word does not command us" Tarkin said opening a transmission to the city's garrison commander, "lock down the city no one enters or leaves without permission", "yes sir" the commander replied. Then the door opened and Moff Panaka entered, the man was once a member of Queen Amidala's security force during the Battle Of Naboo and was now its oversectors governor "Governor Panaka I've a task for you" Tarkin said walking over " of course sir" Panaka replied.

Shawn was in class writing down some notes, he'd wanted to at least sing for an audience once but his people told him that wouldn't be possible if the money used to pay for everything was worthless now. That Shawn noticed as a single Canadian dollar was only worth about ten cents of its prewar value while the US dollar was worth between twenty to thirty cents, he didn't understand why though. Being in school was a little different, before he might've gotten looks of recognition in a good way now they were in a fearful shunning manner as if everyone assumed he was constantly an extension of the Empire even if them being there wasn't his fault. Mainly people were afraid because of his powers, that is something all people have the fear of what they don't understand or comprehend and the Force was alien to everyone else, Shawn had never demonstrated anything considered dangerous like choking someone however.

Nonetheless his friends still talked to him, he pondering what to write for a second setting his pencil down. Shawn's mind went back two years prior when he made the pencil move and how much his life and the world had changed in those two short years all because of that. Shawn wished he'd never moved it but the Empire showing up would be inevitable, he moved it back a little with a small wave of his hand before gripping it with the Force. He felt as if the pencil was in his hand and squeezed his hand slightly bending it a little "what're you doing?" His friend Jake asked, Shawn released the pencil and picked it up "nothing" he said.

Later that day everyone was suddenly summoned to the gym for a assembly, when people asked questions there wasn't any response and the staff only had fearful looks in their faces. Shawn sat with his friends before noticing stormtroopers at the doors armed with both blasters and batons, after three minutes it feel quiet as a dark skinned man in an Imperial uniform entered followed by Vader and it became so quiet the only sounds that could be heard were either a pin falling or Vader's breathing faintly. Shawn knew by the mans color badge that he was high ranking but didn't know it's exact meaning whether Admiral or Army General, "greetings" the man said "my name is Moff Panaka I am your new overseer" Panaka said removing his cap holding it under his arm. The way Panaka spoke with both authoritative and yet nonchalant, "My superiors have grown concerned by reports and rumors that members of this very school have either assisted the resistance or are active members" Panaka said slowly walking his glossy black boots vibrant against the shiny wood floor.

Shawn was afraid they'd start grabbing people at random and shoot them to get confessions as that was a common thing on Outer Rim worlds. Panaka still slowly walked his boots echoing with the sound of Vader's breathing "I will say this once assisting the resistance in anyway shape or form is treason, thoughts of conspiring assisting are treason, anyone in this room whose associated themselves with them has committed treason punishable by death" Panaka said still walking with a sharp look in eyes that darted across looking everyone in the face making them freeze. "My superiors particularly the Emperor don't want this" Panaka said and Vader stepped forward walking up the bleacher steps "I don't want any of you put in front of a firing squad or a noose around your neck" Panaka said, Shawn saw people lean away from Vader even lowering their heads submissively almost as he stopped holding his belt in both hands looking around.

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