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Shawn walked up next to Vader and said "lord Vader I've located several droid factories and there are many including Droidekas and the Geonosisans have amassed their own warriors" Vader replied "and what took so long?". Shawn said "I ran into some trouble on the surface" Vader sternly replied "you mean you were captured" Shawn said "yes I'm sorry my lord".

Vader turned around and said "if this keeps happening there will be harsh consequences to which the Emperor will deal personally" Shawn replied "yes my lord" and kept bracing if Vader choked him but he simply walked past him. Shawn went and crossed his arms and looked out the window and scanned the droid fleet and wished he was home and not at the forefront of a war,

Then he sensed something else would happen and that he'd probably be sent away a little before the battle to somewhere dark and forgotten. Vader walked back and said "the emperor has sent for you go now" Shawn walked away and to the holoprojecter and knelt before it and Palpatine showed up and said "Hand Mendes what have you to report from your research at the Jedi temple?" Shawn replied "there is something on the planet Korriban that was indicated on the map" Palpatine said "this turn of events was unexpected we will hold the blockade until you return now go to Korriban and retrieve what ever is there" Shawn replied "yes my lord".

Star Destroyer Avenger
Shawn was in his quarters assembling his lightsaber with the force by mediating when there was a black form that appeared in front of him and broke his focus and the pieces fell all over "clearly you easily distracted" Malgus said and Shawn replied "well you dint have someone just appear out of nowhere what do you want?" Malgus replied "when you get to Korriban journey to the Valley Of The Dark Lords there you'll find what your master seeks" then he vanished. Shawn then reassembled his lightsaber and got up and walked out to the bridge.

On the way he sensed a ripple in the force as they approached the planet as the ship left hyperspace. Admiral Frid approached and said "we've reached the Korriban system" Shawn looked at the desolate planet and sensed it was strong with the dark side then said "uh admiral scan for any life signs" Frid replied "yes sir" and walked away. Two minutes Frid reported "we've scanned the planet and have found no life signs" Shawn then walked ash and went down to the hanger and got in the Strings and flew down to the surface.

As he got out he held his hand up as the sands had kicked up along with the winds, Malgus appeared in front of him and said "this way" and gestured to a cave. Shawn walked into the cave and ignited his lightsaber and found it was a hallway of sorts lined with the same language he found on Mars, at the end of the hall was a place that looked like Stonehenge almost with a red floor that brightly glowed. Shawn retracted his blade and sensed something that wasn't Malgus was near, he looked around and saw what looked like centipedes all crawling next to him to one spot in the middle.

Suddenly a large dark shape popped up that resembled a millipede with smaller ones crossing its face with was only two red eyes. "We are the Sith" it said in six voices at once and it echoed. Shawn replied "I'm not afraid of you" although every fiber of his being wanted to run away and fly off the planet, "why do you come here foolish boy?" It said and Shawn replied "Darth Malgus has brought me here for some object of sorts" his voice shook as he spoke.

Then the thing dissolved and only one ghost was there who had a human appearance and a mask with two orange eyes "I am Darth Bane you may ask me for what it is you desire",
Shawn had heard the name before and said "are the one who created the Rule Of Two?" Bane floated around him and said "yes the Sith killed each other victims of their own greed and from the ashes of destruction I was the last survivor" and was inches away fro. Shawn's face "I chose to pass my knowledge onto only one and now the progeny of my choice rule the Galaxy". Then Bane vanished and another ghost stood there.

It was a woman wearing a black cloak and hood and she said "I am Darth Traya and unlike my companion I'll answer your questions" Shawn said "a map I got from a temple from the red planet in the unknown regions brought me here why?" Traya replied "for this" and a stone stand came out of the ground and on it was a talisman which had a blue stone in the middle. Shawn picked it up and Traya said "all who wield the force who wear it can find other gifted ones" Shawn put it around his neck and stuffed it down his shirt and said "how long have you been dead?" Traya laughed a little and replied "a long time ago when once I held the Galaxy by its throat and when the Sith traveled the far reaches of the stars and found many worlds including your own" then she vanished.

Shawn walked away confused by what he'd just seen and the talisman still felt cold against his skin and he sensed it didn't serve just the dark side but the light side also and it brought some relieve. As he flew back to the Avenger he sensed that someone powerful was near and when he landed in the hanger and saw the shuttle knew someone was waiting for him. His suspicions were confirmed when the elevator door opened and standing at the window was Palpatine who looked out the window.

Shawn walked over and kneeled and Palpatine turned around and said "what did you recover from the planet?" Shawn reached into his jacket and removed the talisman and held it up and it was pulled out of his hand by the force and Palpatine looked at it and said "I've never seen the likes of this before what does it do?" Shawn replied "the spirit of Darth Traya said it allows one who uses the force to locate other gifted ones" Palpatine handed it back and said "when we crush this little rebellion it'll be yours to possess and if you locate any on Earth report them I do not care who" Shawn reluctantly replied "yes my lord".

Palpatine walked passed him and he stood up and looked out the window and almost slammed his fist but controlled his anger and when the shuttle returned. Then the Avenger set its course for Geonosis, Shawn walked away and went back to his quarters and sat down and looked at the talisman. He shut his eyes and tried to get some rest but sensed something else was near and then heard a voice say "hello there",

Shawn opened his eyes and standing there was a force ghost of a Jedi, curious he asked "who are you?" And the ghost replied "I am Qui Gon Jin".

Shawn had never really believed in ghosts but what stood before him wasn't a hallucination and he said "why are you here?" Jin replied "to guide you from the dark path the Sith have been so set on putting you on and you've resisted and is very impressive" Shawn said "well don't worry I don't like them or the dark side it's just I'm not like them" Jin replied "one day you'll become a Jedi and then the Sith will have been destroyed" then Jin vanished.

Shawn shut his eyes again and thought ,who were the Jedi what was this Republic?,

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now