Part 180

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    Shawn followed Vader through the darkened forest as the sun began to just barely be above the mountains in the distance. All the while he couldn't stop thinking about what would happen should they run into Clara, will she be killed? Will he kill Ezra?, he thought. Vaders respirator echoed slightly in the small canyon in which Shawn followed him, again Shawn felt her presence but something else, it felt...dark. What he didn't know was that he had felt the tremors in the Force of an ancient battle between the Jedi and Sith during the Galactic War thousands of years prior, the site of it was where Maz Kanata had chosen to build her castle. "Stop", Vader said and slowed to a halt as Shawn did the same, "perhaps it is time we refresh your training while Thrawn's assassin begins his hunt" Vader suggested though it was obviously meant as a command.

     "Why?", Shawn asked with a slight irritation to his tone which he hadn't meant to let slip. "Because, this place is an echo of a time long past, a struggle between those who would be wiped out by Darth Bane and those later wiped out by my Master", Vader explained while turning his head to the side slowly as he scanned the terrain, he then turned around and looked at Shawn. "Bridger is strong with the Force, I expect you can sense him as well as whomever it was you felt when we arrived?" Vader asked him, "I-I don't know why I cant sense him, should I've able to?" Shawn asked him back. "Then we shall rectify that, now, close your eyes" Vader said to which Shawn did, although he didn't want to take his gaze off Vader for a second now in case he had to make a run for it.

    Vader slowly paced around him, "reach out, focus on feeling any ripples in the Force, those mean someone able to wield it is near". Shawn in a way did so, he felt the birds in the trees to the water running in a stream which made him feel a cool sensation, then he felt a rippled sensation but it was similar to hearing a sound. He obviously had sensed people before but the past instances were more like he already knew they were there in a way or the same mental familiarity to hearing their voice. But this was different, and he knew it had to be Ezra and he wasnt far away, about three hundred yards was what he estimated. "I-I feel it, he's not too far away", Shawn said as he heard Vaders breathing and steps still slowly circle him. "Excellent, at least your strength in the Force is as strong as your loyalties should be" Vader said as Shawn opened his eyes to see Vader before him.

    "No need to repeat his location, I sense it as well", Vader continued, "the assassin will force the rebels to our location, we will dispatch them while I deal with Bridger, fail me and the punishment shall be worse than a bruise", "do you understand me, boy?". Vader stated and Shawn didn't feel anything from that, "yes sir" he said, using all his willpower not to give any hint of protest . "Good, now you will wait for me to summon you", Vader responded before heading off into the darkness, leaving Shawn alone.

    Clara rushed out into the courtyard and was just about to get to the Ghost when a figure dropped in front of her. She stopped at avoid running into it as it stood up, it was a reptilian humanoid of some sort about five feet tall with a metal staff around its back, and bulging eyes that made Clara have goosebumps, Rukh had come. "Going somewhere?" Rukh asked in a voice that sounded low and mumble like almost, "uh, no where" Clara said as she switched the saber hilt to her left hand to leave her right hand free to draw her blaster if needed. "Oh, im afraid that you're not important to Vader",Rukh said and swung at her. However, Clara had half anticipated this and she managed to dodge his large hand while she drew her blaster and fired a series of shots in his direction.

    Rukh jumped over her and now held his staff in hand while snarling. "Clara whats-?!" Ezra asked running out of the ship as Rukh lunged at Clara who raised her pistol to shoot him. Suddenly as she lined him in her sights was when Rukh looked like he had been shoved mid air and flew into a nearby tree with a loud thud, he regained himself, "Jedi?" He remarked and Clara glanced back to see Ezra had both hands raised in Rukh's direction. "Clara go!" He shouted as Rukh charged at her with his staff, quickly she attached the saber hilt to her belt then drew her baton and blocked his attack then his next then the next.

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