Part 123

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AN Sorry I'm kind of running out of title ideas-Poet
April 10th, 2016
Shawn followed Kira around the city though it was late but she didn't seem tired at all "what's this place called", "in your tongue it's called Atlantis" Kira replied and Shawn stopped dead in his tracks, he'd always learned that was impossible or that the city was simply a myth invented by the Greek philosopher Socrates. He even read her through the Force and she wasn't lying, "uh ok-" Shawn said but then Crēai landed in front of them "forgive my brother,<<don't be rude intrusive yourself>>" Kira spoke up.

Crēai approached and Shawn extended his hand " hi nice to meet you", Crēai simply looked disdained and Shawn lowered his hand "what is your name?" He asked, "Crēai" the latter responded in a thick accent, "green eye?" Shawn said a little confused " sorry Crēai" then corrected himself."are you a warrior?" Crēai asked crossing his arms, "uh not really" Shawn said "and yet you're armed with these" Crēai said opening his satchel taking out Shawn's lightsaber and blaster "those are for protection" Shawn stated mentally assessing his chances of escape if he managed to knock him out but shook it off. "And what are they?" Crēai demanded,

Knowing these people somehow worshipped the Force as a deity almost Shawn decided a show of power might sway their thoughts. He raised his hand whilst using the Force pulling the saber and blaster back catching both, Crēai immediately drew his bow and arrow aiming one right at Shawn but Kira stopped him "<<don't kill him father won't be pleased>>" she said, "<<he's dangerous Kira! We can't let him live>>" Creai snapped back not breaking his lock on Shawn.

Shawn simply stared him down stoically sliding his blaster back into the holster on his hip though still held his saber hilt, one upward swipe and push him into a wall, was the battle plan Shawn was mentally mapping out. "<<the Immortal Ten spared him you can't kill him, he can use the Ashla like them>>" Kira said and Crēai lowered his bow trudging off. "Come I can take you to your ship" Kira said running off, Shawn followed her,

His ship was in a courtyard of a sort of palace looking place, Shawn wondered how they got it here he'd yet to see them in possession of any mechanical technologies. He walked over to it opening the cockpit and jumping in powering it up, Kira looked over the side in awe at the controls, " wow" she said then looked up at the stars "where're you from up there?" She asked. Shawn looked up too but didn't know either he hadn't had Earth pointed out to him from any star charts though he didn't know how to read them, "you'll be back right?" Kira asked in an upbeat tone "yeah I will" Shawn replied, she smiled then backed up allowing the cockpit to slid shut. Shawn powered up everything and took off activating the comms at the same time, "*Static*-endes, Mendes where've you been?" Grand General Tagge demanded as his miniature holographic form appeared in front of Shawn. "Sir sorry ran into some trouble" Shawn responded. "Well your lallygagging cost us one Star Destroyer! Now get back here before the Separatists show up again" Tagge ordered as the transmission ended,

The doors to the bridge slid open and Shawn walked in, Agent Kallus was there too along with Vess, "I should throw you in a cell- what the bloody hell happened down there?" Tagge asked angrily, "I ran into Grievous and Maul sir then was chased by some monster,the rest is uh secret" Shawn said, Tagge seemed indifferent "I concur Grand General our words are for the Emperor or Lord Vader only" Vess input. "Hmph, and I see Lord Vader wishes to have an entire fleet escort you" Tagge said then turned to Grensen "get us back to Coruscant" leaning on the holoprojector with one hand.

Imperial Palace,
Shawn explained everything on Baridia to Palpatine who sat there in front of the large window and desk with four seats but Shawn remained standing, though one of them was occupied by Doctor Cylo whose bulbous inhuman eye appeared soulless.The Emperor looked intrigued and pleased "ah a most interesting discovery Mendes well done" he commended smiling almost though Shawn found it a little creepy, "though I've been informed of your defiant attitudes to Lord Vader and Grand General Tagge, I won't negotiate any further countermeasures with you" Palpatine said and Shawn stood frozen hoping he wasn't being sentenced to death right then and there, "what is your opinion on this matter Doctor?" Palpatine asked looking to the right. Cylo looked at Shawn looking over him like one of his inventions, Shawn simply stared back trying to appear serious, Cylo turned back to the Emperor "he should be reprimanded disciplined if necessary" Cylo explained, "perhaps keeping him from returning home for two standard weeks might-".

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