Part 174

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Shawn looked at Clara who looked pleased to see him but he sensed she was hiding concern underneath her stern composure. But also he knew that she was simply making up holding Leia hostage. "Mister Vess" Sansa spoke, "you and your companion are free to roam Winterfell but if you attack the others you'll be thrown in a cell for violating our terms, understand?". Vess glared at her, "yes milady I will return to my ship then come back" he replied and Shawn nodded which Sansa seemed to appreciate with a slight smile. "You really know the Dragon Queen?" She asked Shawn, "walk with me" Sansa said heading out from behind the table. "Will you join us Your Highness?" Sansa asked Leia, "of course I will" Leia said with a smile and nodded to Clara to follow.

"So tell me Shawn, when did you last see this Queen Daenerys?" Sansa asked Shawn as they slowly walked in the wooden balcony running all around the castle. "Not long ago, her dragons are very big and scary but friendly" Shawn said trying to keep it not awkward, "do they have names?" Sansa asked, "yea, Drogon,Rhaegal and Viserion" Shawn responded calmly",was Jon there?" Sansa asked him, "yes, he looked determined". "Have you met this queen Your Highness?" Sansa asked Leia who was with Clara. "I have, she's very nice not this monster everyone says she is" Leia said. "Well her father burnt by grandfather alive, so she may harbor the same thoughts" Sansa said.

Shawn wasn't sure what Sansa had heard this from as he'd never seen Daenerys have anyone burned alive, except her father the Mad King used the weapon wildfire not dragonfire. "She's not like that, if she was she would've killed me when I first met her" Shawn said trying alleviate that opinion, "what about your Emperor is he like her?" Sansa inquired. "No he's not, he's a monster" Shawn replied honestly, "then why do you serve him?" Sansa asked. "I didn't and don't have a choice my lady" Shawn replied and Sansa stopped and he did as well, "You're a slave?" She asked. "Yea I guess so" Shawn shrugged. Sansa smiled a little, "well, it was a pleasure talking to you if you'll excuse me I'll speak with the Princess" she said then she and Leia walked away leaving him with Clara.

Shawn looked at Clara who had an expression of "that it?" On her face while he kept his content expression. "So" she asked awkwardly, "how's things been?". "Been better" Shawn replied plainly as he didn't exactly have a chatty mindset at the moment or the past few days, "yea same here, Saw isn't the nicest guy and seeing a dragon for the first time on Baridia kinda makes a huge impact" Clara said which caught Shawn's attention as he was certain there weren't any others on other worlds only indigenous to this one, "you saw a dragon?" He asked her in a "really?" tone. "Uh yea, it wasn't a happy one either, then this girl named Kira shows up and takes me and Sabine to her dad" Clara said and now she had his attention.

"I know Kira" Shawn said which made them both chuckle a little, "Ok wow,wasn't expecting that" Clara said still chuckling, "did she almost kill you too?" Shawn asked. "Not exactly" Clara said still chuckling but Shawn noticed Vess was walking back in but had a reddened bandage on his arm. He slowed his pace before them and crossed his arms, "you're lucky I don't crush your throat" Vess said at Clara, "I'm willing to bet you dragged him into your insurgency with lies". "Let's play a game it's called you taking your negative attitude and shoving it up your ass mister" Clara said sarcastically at Vess who didn't seem affected, "I've faced worse than words girl, you're quite pathetic if you think that'll work".

Shawn hoped they wouldn't start fighting, "Vess, don't" he said but Vess gave him a slight death glare though Shawn wasn't scared. "I'm gunna go now" Clara said heading off in the direction Sansa and Leia went. "No wonder you tucked tail and betrayed us, she's a talker" Vess commented, "please don't rub salt in it dude" Shawn said back. "I wasn't, she just reminds me of Ro" Vess said, "besides we're leaving this dreadful place for the south, this Queen you know has just lost her armada and the Emperor is most interested in her endeavor, let's go" he continued then headed back. Shawn followed but had a feeling he'd run into Clara again somewhere soon though as usual the Force worked in mysterious ways.

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