Mysteries North Of The Wall

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May 12,2015

The next morning after being introduced to the king Shawn went off in search of any relics from the Galaxy there. His journey took him to the far north just beyond a massive wall, he landed just in front of it and climbed out cloaking the ship. Luckily his uniform had some thermo material sown into it but it didn't do much so he put on his cloak which he didn't like calling it "a flamboyant burden" as it was almost to the ground. Shawn pulled his hood up and walked into the snowy forest sensing some power resonated there, after walking about twenty minutes Shawn sensed he was being followed and stopped. Whoever was following him stopped as he did and that scared him, Shawn was tempted to look back but was paralyzed by fear, he took more steps and continued with the footsteps following him .

His face,ears and nose were numb from the cold and his nose ran as well,then a stick snapped behind him. Shawn stopped and stretched out in the force searching for whoever that was and found it, but it was strange as its presence in the force was as of it were frozen and clouded by ice. Then he heard some screeching sounds and looked around side to side seeing the glimpse of what looked like bright blue eyes here and there, Shawn's hand went for his lightsaber which he held at his side but didn't ignite it. Then a hand rested on his shoulder and it sent a burning chill throughout his body in both a metaphorical way and a physical way as it literally burnt him.

Shawn winced and looked back and there was a humanoid figure about seven feet tall wearing what looked like human armor and had skin pale as snow and eyes a bright yet dark blue that sent chills through him as well as several icicles on its head. Shawn was so scared he was afraid to move,  he'd been scared when he encountered the Yuuzhan Vong but these creatures were much different, the ice being raised its other hand at Shawn and then he let the force guide him. Quickly he force pushed the ice being away and ignited his lightsaber and cut down some of the others surrounding him that wielded ice spears of some sort. They screeched but the one wearing the armor raised his hand and the other creatures stopped,

Shawn held his hand to his shoulder which burned and said "who are you?!" Shawn yelled The one who looked like the leader said nothing and only stared at him with those soulless blue eyes "answer me!" Shawn yelled again and the leader took several steps forward and said in a deep broken voice "Nights". Shawn retraced his blade and sprinted away drawing on the force and made it back to the Strings and leaned against it panting and kept his gaze locked on the tree line in case those mysterious creatures came after him. Shawn removed his cloak and climbed in the ship and flew off to the Avenger to report to Palpatine. As he exited the atmosphere Shawn still held his hand to his shoulder which felt cold as ice and just as hard, landing in the hanger he climbed out and walked to the elevator still holding his shoulder.

The elevator made it to the bridge and he walked in and Fida had a confused expression "are you alright Hand Mendes?" He asked and Shawn replied "in a way I ran into some strange humanoids that looked like ice creatures of some sort one put its hand on me and this happened" Fida said "I'll call a medical droid and personally report this to the emperor get that dealt with" Shawn said "thank you admiral" then walked away. He went back to his quarters where the droid was, while the wound or whatever it was being dealt with Shawn looked and from what he saw it was a hand print of a blackened color, he realized the black meant it was frostbitten.

After a Bacta bandage was applied to the frostbitten hand print Shawn went back to the bridge, he pulled his sleeve down a little after feeling a piece of ice in it before making his way to the bridge where he contacted Palpatine "What have you to report?" Shawn replied "the planet is inhabited by humans and is a feudal society that still uses fire for light" Palpatine said "at least the aren't too uncivilized what did you encounter in that forest?" Shawn was confused by this and said "mysterious ice humanoids one grabbed by shoulder and it burnt after I sensed their strange frozen presence".

Then he asked "should I tell their king?" Palpatine said "no I sense since they still consider science blasphemy to a degree that they'd destroy themselves if they knew this tell them nothing" then he said "I sense another powerful one on the largest continent find her" Shawn said "yes my lord" as believable as possible. Then Palpatine said "if asked questions about the Empire use intelligent words and describe it in a poetic way" then the transmission cut.

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