A Visit Home

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Shawn stared out the window at the blue vortex of hyperspace and was whispering a song that crossed his mind "I like to make myself believe that planet Earth turns slowly" when the ship came out of hyperspace and Shawn saw Earth and looked as beautiful as ever. He then almost ran down to the hanger where his fighter which he nick named the "Strings" was waiting. As he passed the stormtroopers he readied to see someone he hadn't seen in a long time.

He got in and flew the ship out the hanger towards the planet and activated the cloaking device as he did. As he entered the atmosphere Shawn saw he was over LA and sensed someone he knew was close. Focusing on it he landed on a hill where fog had covered the area and stepped out on the ground.

He took a deep breath just like on Alderaan and sensed someone he knew was near bug didn't quite know who. He sensed it was coming from a mansion so closing the cockpit he dashed through the trees until he reached the side of it. Using the force he opened the window and climbed in, he heard people chattering and walked stealthily down the hall which he greatly admired as it was the first non metal wall he'd seen in a long time.

He looked around the corner and saw Nash was holding Bart Baker who was dressed as Taylor Swift on a bed by his wrist while a man dressed as the pope was holding a cross at him and saying loudly with a film crew nearby "and by the power of Christ!". Shawn was confused by this but was relived to see someone he knew. Then Bart sat up and said to the camera "now we're gonna film the running through the meadow scene". Someone then started walking up the stairs and Shawn quickly ran back almost making a little noise and climbed out the window and they yelled "hey Bart there's a ghost up here!" Bart replied "yeah hahah very funny".

Shawn hit the ground and whoever had walked up said "and it left the window open" and the window shut. Then a door opened and when Nash walked out Shawn used the force and tapped him on the shoulder, Nash turned around and Shawn waved at him. Nash said something to Bart and walked over. "Shawn?" He said and Shawn stood up and said "what's up man" Nash said "I uh we thought you were dead".

Shawn said "dead?" Nash replied "yeah Austin told us about those things where've you been for three months?" Shawn said "space". Nash scoffed and said "yeah right seriously wh-where were you" Shawn said "I just said I was in space". Nash asked "like you're serious" Shawn then used the force and lifted up several rocks and Nash stared at them wide eyed and Shawn said "and I learned how to do that". Then he took his lightsaber and held it up "and built this" and ignited it. Nash stepped back and said "whoa" Shawn retracted it and said "there's a bigger Galaxy out there other civilizations other species and the emperor of the Galactic Empire trained me to protect it from armed insurgents".

Nash said "what are you an assassin?" Shawn laughed and said "yeah in a way but that man is uh very weird sometimes" Bart yelled "hey Nash get over here!" Nash turned back to Shawn and said "we're uh filming a parody of Blank Space by Taylor Swift" Shawn said "whats that song?" Having not heard it. "It's one of her best listen to it" then Shawn said "spread the word I'm back".

Then he ran back up the hill to his ship and got in. Shawn sensed a great worry had been dismayed finally and took off and headed home, as he passed over Nevada he felt a disturbance in the force and saw it was coming from a large military base which was famously known as Area 51. As he got farther away he increased speed and since the ship could go faster than a fighter jet he was there in under five minutes.

He landed about a half a mile away from his house and it was about three in the afternoon. Shawn cloaked the ship and he walked away. Keeping a low profile he used the force and dashed quickly through the neighborhood and then jumped in a tree and landed on the sidewalk. "Shawn Mendes?" A girls voice said, turning around Shawn saw it was a girl about his age and she said with a look of worried confusion "what're you doing here?" Shawn stuttered as he'd been caught off guard and awkwardly said "I uh uh I've been places" she got closer and said "you're not dead?" Shawn said "no why does everyone think I'm dead?" She said "the police called off the search a couple days ago and said if no trace of you showed up in a week they'd declare you dead".

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now