Hunt For The Plans (Part 3), Naboo Celebrations

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Imperial Palace, October 2,2015
Shawn looked in his mirror as he shaved his face still pondering how Vader could've gone from a Jedi to a Sith Lord, but the other slabs felt ice cold as if they were physical manifestations of the Dark Side itself.

Sabine was cut off from the rest of group in a forest, she had lost her helmet as well. She sat behind a large rock scanning the area of the Inquisitors, then she heard footsteps approaching and she drew her pistols scanning the area, suddenly a hand grabbed her shoulder followed by a mechanical voice "where're you going?" The voice asked. Sabine spun around but the Inquisitor caught her by the wrists and squeezed tightly until she dropped her pistols, "ugh let me go!" She shouted. "Tell me where the plans are" the Inquisitor demanded, "never" Sabine shot back. The Inquisitor then shoved her into a tree drawing a small knife and twirling it "two choices, one I slit your throat, two you tell me where the plans are and your friends won't be killed" the Inquisitor said,

Suddenly a large stone struck the side of the Inquisitors head which made a loud clang as it hit his mask. He groaned in pain removing his mask and he had a large bruise on his head, "get away from her!" Ezra shouted igniting his lightsaber and jumping in front of Sabine. The Inquisitor chuckled "fine then I'll deal with you" and turned facing them, Sabine gasped "Nash?" almost frightened at the sight of his life eyes that radiated the hello signifying the dark side "don't call me that!" Nash shouted igniting his crossguard saber and charging. Ezra blocked his attack which was a quick paced one before countering with his own series of attack, Sabine stood there in shock before Ezra pushed Nash away throwing her the plans. Nash reached out with the Force catching the drive at the same time as Sabine and she tugged as if it was being pulled by a powerful magnet. Ezra then attacked allowing Sabine to run off with the plans.

Nash attacked again this time he locked blades with Ezra before punching him in the face, Ezra groaned and attacked again this the getting the better of Nash he tripped on a log before tumbling down a hill. Ezra retracted his blade before running off,

Theed Royal Palace, Naboo
The day was Palpatine's birthday a sort of festive occasion exclusively celebrated on Naboo his homeworld. The celebrations weren't due to begin for another couple hours, "wow I've never been in here" Mara said looking around with a dazzled expression, Shawn smiled and looked around as well at the intricate architecture that adorned the halls. The palace had an almost European look to it as well, then one of the doors opened and Tarkin strolled in with his usual expressionless demeanor. "Afternoon sir" Shawn said, Tarkin nodded in reply heading up a flight of stairs.

"Sheesh what's his problem?" Mara asked, "maybe sitting behind a desk make you grumpy" Shawn said and Mara laughed as they headed down another hall near the hanger. Mara said "well a lot of them-" suddenly she stopped and so did Shawn as he felt a chill in one area that seemed to be parallel with the main hanger " it feels cold" he said. Mara gasped, " Maul was here a long time ago I heard" she said. Shawn did focus on the chill and sensed the dark side "there's rumors that before the Clone Wars Maul fought two Jedi here before he lost his uh legs" Mara said.

Then Shawn heard the familiar mechanical breathing echoing from down a hall and saw Palpatine, Vader and several red guards slowly walking. "I'll see what's up" Shawn said walking up the steps toward them. However the two were conversing in a strange language of some kind that sounded like Parseltounge in a way, Palpatine made a summoning gesture at Shawn who walked up. Palpatine spoke to Vader again in that strange language with frustrated tone. Then he turned to Shawn saying "I was told by Kadann you managed to move your saber even while in a bacta tank is that correct?" Palpatine asked. "Yes sir" Shawn replied, "impressive however your failure to acquire the plans on Iloh will not be overlooked as easily" Palpatine said.

"I've sent three Inquisitors who've tracked the rebels to the Outer Rim" Vader said, "very well then Lord Vader I hope for your sake the Inquisitors are able to either acquire the plans or destroy them if necessary" Palpatine said before he made a shooing gesture at Shawn who walked away, "what's going on?" Mara asked. "Uh nothing" Shawn said with a faint smile, Later on Shawn was getting ready for the celebrations as he put on a Coruscanti styled suit. People on Coruscant reminded him of The Capitol in the Hunger Games in a way with their extravagant lifestyle and sense of superiority over the rest of the galaxy whom they regarded as unmannered brutes.

Later on during the ball Shawn looked around for Mara but she was nowhere to be seen, "where's Mara?" He asked Maarek, "dunno saw her and Roganda a couple hours ago but nothing since" then music became more solemn and everyone headed to their assigned spots, the dance went like this the partners would face away from each other then would turn around at the same time. Shawn turned around and his jaw hit the floor, Mara looked absolutely beautiful. Her hair hung over her right shoulder and her dress had a slight shimmer to it, Shawn's face turned red as he held her hand and waist as the typical dance began.

"You look really nice" Shawn said with a chuckle, Mara blushed as well "thanks you too". Shawn saw Maarek was dancing with another girl and Maarek gave a subtle thumbs up, Shawn said "so what else" as they stepped around in tandem. " well what happened on Iloh?" Mara asked. "I got stabbed in the back" Shawn said, Mara said "oh sounds like it wasn't fun at all". After about twenty minutes Mara said "here lets go outside I need some air" leading Shawn out, Shawn was still red as a tomato and he couldn't stop thinking about how pretty she was. Soon they were by a balcony overlooking the waterfalls with the moonlight shining brightly, "this reminds me of uh Italy". " Yeah it does" Shawn said,

October 4,2015
The next day was returning to Coruscant, Shawn walked into the common area where Maarek was laying on a couch in the middle with his glasses on the table behind him. "Hey man wake up" Shawn said passing by, "I feel like crap" Maarek groggily said. It was springtime so there was a lot of pollen in the air . "I'll get Mara and she'll dump water on you" Shawn said, "I'll kick your ass if you do" Maarek replied. Shawn lightly chuckled as he put his gloves on, as he went out Shawn said "ok just be up or we're leaving you".

Kota blocked the Ninth Sisters attack while Kanan engaged the Fourth Brother, "where's Ezra and Sabine?" Kanan called out, "don't know they should've been back by now!" Kota yelled back, Suddenly the Inquisitors disengaged before flying off "where're they going?" Kanan said, "Sabine she has the plans!" Kota said as they ran into the forest.

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