Part 145

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Shawn had ventured more around the city throughout the day before returning back to the palace just before dusk. He liked it, the feeling that beyond all this the war raged in the stars and nothing interesting was happening here besides affairs of state such as the Senate or the arrival or departure of a destroyer. He walked the public entrance putting his code cylinder in the identification slot used by visiting officers and it turned green letting him in, there were crowds of visiting tourists it seemed all around but Shawn made it to a turbolift taking him to his floor. His legs and feet were worn out from walking all day and now he just wanted to sit down to recuperate before maybe heading to other parts of the city with someone else the next day.

The doors slid open and he walked out into the empty hallway save for one figure who walked by, the Fourth Brother, Shawn walked out heading the other way past the Inquisitor, "ah Mendes welcome back" the Fourth Brother spoke up and Shawn cursed under his breath then turned around. "Where were you exactly?" The Fourth Brother asked, "just out that's all" Shawn replied then continued heading on, "Lord Vader was not pleased by that stunt"the Fourth Brother hissed. "Whatever" Shawn said still walking away from the Inquisitor.

******* Radio talk show
"It had happened ladies and gentlemen it had happened, the slimebags from above are gone and yet now we are on a war footing and is rightfully so, maybe this draft enacted by the President will reattach the stones of the young men who've been emasculated by the class warfare raging Democratic Party and the far left radicals who brainwashed them into thinking that fighting your enemies makes you no better than them while assault Johnson supporters like Hitler's brownshirts or the blackshirts of Mussolini, in fact some Imperial officers wear uniforms all in black like the blackshirts, the silence by the liberals on the tyranny of Imperial rule just absolutely boggles my mind they're only proving liberalism is a suicidal disorder!, we should have never signed that damn treaty with the Empire in the first place,

And the poor Canadian kid is gone too, I'll tell you this, I'm a compassionate man and when the attack started I was afraid he'd been killed by them as a preventive measure in case he knew something they didn't want to like in the Soviet Union under Stalin,nonetheless he was basically shoved in a burlap sack and thrown on a ship *shuffles papers* poor kid. Let's see here, in other news President Johnson and other world leaders met in Geneva with Chancellor Mon Mothma of the Rebel Alliance and while they were meeting the Iranian Ayatollah reportedly said to the Chancellor "shut your mouth woman".

But it gets better because Johnson put that hateful wretch in his place saying she'd wished we'd bombed their third world hellhole into the ground of he continued, you see this is why she's the one for the job, this is why over 65% of democrats have said they'll be voting for her come November, Drawford is an electable candidate and so is Benford but at this rate Johnson will clutch the nomination then the election. I'm not supporting her because she's a woman I'm supporting her because unlike the embarrassment before her she's a leader and is truly presidential.

Now the communist and the rat opposing her would call for immediate capitulation with the Empire fall on their hands and knees then kiss the feet of the Emperor or Mr Sackface to be more accurate, and Sackface would like that because he's a bloodthirsty Hitlerian who'll do whatever it takes to retain power including murdering his own people either their firing squad or bombs.

Host: your call go ahead
Caller: yes I just wanna say if anything worse happens it's out own fault for unprovokingly attacking the Empire-
Host: what do you mean unprovoked? They were killing our citizens like they do in some hellhole like Iran or Saudi Arabia! Did you not see the video of that piece of garbage ISB officer flogging that fourteen year old kid?! Did you not see the bodies of people hanging from lampposts as if it was the Battle of Berlin and the SS was hanging deserters did you not see that?!
Caller: yes I did it was appalling but that doesn't mean we should kill them just like terrorists two wrongs don't make a right
Host: how can you reason with an insane person? No you can't if we had the modern liberal pacifist mindset in World War Two we never could've gone to war and defeated Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan and stopped the Death factories,what were you one of their spokesidiots?
Caller: they reduced crime and restored order-
Host: look I don't care if they cured cancer they are the cancer just like you you propagandist filth, get out of my country!!, you are exactly like the Gestapo agents planted here in the 30s that said Germany doesn't want war with America while planning war with America, now it's the Empire wanting war with us and to spread their fascistic tentacles over the world, have a nice day *ends call*.

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