Rescuing And Guarding Leia

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Shawn saw himself back home then heard Vader's breathing name voice "if you fail you will die" and then he woke up and lifted his throbbing head off the ground, it was now maybe a couple hours later and dusk had set in. Looking around he used the force and his lightsaber flew to his hand and saw senator Organa and two guards running up "are you alright where's my daughter?!" Organa said worriedly and Shawn stood up and said "a bounty hunter ambushed us" and pulled the darts out normals neck and the senator said "wait let me see those" and Shawn handed them to him and Organa looked at them.

"They're Mandalorian" Organa said, Shawn asked "who was that?" Organa replied "a bounty hunter named Boba Fett find her and bring her back please" Shawn nodded and said "yes sir" then ran off in the direction Fett and taken Leia. After following the trail for a hour and passing many trees and small streams Shawn found nothing and feared she was now off world and as he regained his breath saw a clearing with a ship in it.

There were several fierce looking alien humanoids which Shawn recognized as Weequays and saw that Boba Fett had Leia tied on the ground and was leaning over her. He quickly jumped into a tree and using the force listened "we're just gonna wait until your little friend shows up the dart should've worn off a little bit ago so you get to watch him die" Fett said and Leia replied "well he's not just a kid you know he's a trained warrior like a Jedi". Shawn dropped out of the tree and used the force to brace his fall which made it silent.

He stood up and waved his hand at the guards and put them all in a chokehold. As they choked one of them fired their blaster at him, Shawn dashed aside igniting his lightsaber and cut the man across the neck without evening realizing it. Shawn froze after he just saw he'd just killed someone and stared at them for a second before Fett said "you know kid you've already impressed me but the princess is coming with me" and fired his blaster at him.

Shawn deflected the bolts and moved closer before using gone force to jump and deflected more as he flew through the air and landed and swiped at Fett but he activated his jetpack and flew up, then he flew overhead and fired the missile on his jetpack. Shawn held his hand out and using the force pushed it to the side but it went off and a piece of shrapnel hit his arm. He yelled out in pain and Fett landed and fired a rope at his other hand and pulled his lightsaber away.

He caught it and said "you won't be needing this anymore", Shawn once again let his anger take over and with his other hand blasted a wave of force lightning at Fett who tried to fly away but was caught in the arcs of electricity and thrashed. Shawn stopped the lightning and then lifted Fett and slammed him into the ground and into the side of the ship multiple times.

"The princess is coming with me" Shawn said and Fett said "well she's worth a lot of money to me and Jabba's very generous" and he fired some darts at Shawn, using the force he stopped them and sent them back at Fett who when hit began swatting at the air cursing up a storm. Meanwhile Shawn went over and used the force to undo the cuffs then used it to get his lightsaber "thank you Shawn" Leia said and Shawn said "come on let's go I'm sure your father will be after us faster than him" and they quickly ran off towards the trail.

After they reached the trail Shawn saw that his arm had turned his black sleeve a darker shade and it hurt still. "Do you have a holopad?" Leia said and Shawn replied "no I wasn't given one" then they made it back to the landing pad and Shawn fell on his knee from exhaustion as he'd just ran about twelve miles. "Leia are you alright?" Organa said and Leia said "yes I'm fine thanks to him" she said gesturing to Shawn who said "your welcome your highness". Organa asked "what happened to your arm?" Shawn said "I uh pushed a missile not far enough to the side and it went off".

Organa said "get a medical droid captain Antilles" the captain said "yes sir" and ran off. Shawn sat down and held his arm which still was bleeding and he already looked a few shades paler, he sensed that it wasn't over and knew he'd only just pissed off the deadliest bounty hunter in the galaxy who'd mostly likely be back. The droid walked over and fixed the cut and put some sort of blueish fluid on it that instantly made it stop hurting "what's that?" Shawn asked and the droid said "it's called Bacta a healing material the cut should be gone by tomorrow".

"Thanks" Shawn said and the droid walked away. He stood up and said to Organa "I'll personally assess any security risks senator" Organa said " thank you" and Shawn began circling the entire compound, they were at a countryside home and were surrounded by forest and mountains which if it wasn't for the current predicament would make it absolutely beautiful. He saw several security droids and some sensors but could sense that it'd not even remotely by enough to stop Fett. But what was most surprising was that there wasn't any sign of an Imperial presence besides himself and the lack of stormtroopers was very obvious.

After he finished scouting around Shawn informed captain Antilles "I've swept the perimeter and you'll need more guards in case the bounty hunter comes back" Antilles replied "alright I'll station more droids at all entrances". As the night set in Shawn had grown very tired and went to his quarters and crashed.

Meanwhile Fett was making his way back and this time seeing that Shawn was the main obstacle would render him useless this time . Three assassin droids creeped through the ventilation system and reached Shawn's quarters, they were so stealthy he did t even sense them, one of them pulled out a bulbous dart and flung it at Shawn, it hit his left arm and he snapped awake and half stood and fell and brought his lightsaber to his hand and ignited it.

The red blade lit up the room and he pulled the dart off and said "the hell?" And waved his blade around but his vision became blurred and soon he couldn't see anything but a blur, soon his hearing become numbed and so did his joints but using the force he worked around this and shut his eyes and used it to see the droids and opened the door and deflected a blaster bolt back at it and sliced another in half, the other tried to run off but he held it in place with the force and yelled "captain over here!!" He sensed someone run past him and now his hearing returned but not his sight. "Shawn Shawn you ok?" It was Leia, still unable to see her he said "yeah I'm fine just they hit me with something" and held up the dart.

She chuckled and shawn said "what what is it?" Leia replied "well you're staring blankly at the ceiling" Shawn rubbed his eyes and could now see "I couldn't see you know" then Antilles ran in blaster in hand "what happened?" Shawn replied "three droids tried to kill me  here's one I caught" and the captian went over and shut off the droid and said "princess you shouldn't be out its too dangerous" and he escorted her back.

Shawn went back in and tried to sleep again but the adrenaline still was very rampant and his mind raced a million ways at once, if I can get Nash to notice could I try on someone else, he thought and concentrated on his moms energy ,mom?, he said but no reply came except for the faintest hint of acknowledgement which calmed him slightly. Then he heard the voice say ,let not your anger control you restraint you require, he said ,who are you?, the voice replied ,one to help you I am, then it left.

The next morning Shawn looked at droids and Antilles said "well you cut right through the memory banks on this one but I managed to recover this" the hologram showed Fett directing them from another planet "it seems this bounty hunter fled to Cato Nemoidia" Organa said to Shawn "contact the emperor and ask him to send troops to deal with him" Shawn went to the holoprojecter and it took him a minute to put in the correct sequence bug he eventually was able to get the transmission.

"Yes what is it?" Palpatine said, Shawn replied "my lord a bounty hunter has attempted to kidnap the princess and has fled to Cato Nemoidia". Palpatine said "and senator Organa has asked for troops to take care of this bounty hunter?" Shawn replied "yes". Palpatine said "you will travel there and personally deal the threat with imperial support", Shawn said "yes my lord".

Organa said "well what did the emperor say?" Shawn replied "he wants me to go to Cato Nemoidia and deal with the bounty hunter" Organa said "well I'll call in an Imperial transport" and walked away.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now