Part 188

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******Lothal, Capital City

     Shawn was taken down the surface onboard one of the gunships transporting stormtroopers to the city. As it landed at the staging area a single laser bolt whizzed right past his face which jolted him quite visibly, "little jumpy there, kid?" A trooper asked jokingly and Shawn replied, "I dunno, wouldn't you jump if that happened to you?". The troopers com clicked, "point taken" he said as the gunship landed in a plaza of some sort that had been bombarded by the destroyers not too long prior. Shawn jumped off first, followed by the troopers as he scanned the area.

He didn't want to track down Clara or Kanan but knew he had to. He shut his eyes and looked for Clara's presence in the Force, though he did hear the screams of wounded and dying men on both sides faintly, eventually he felt her presence was not too far away and headed off down a nearby alleyway in the direction he felt it in. Suddenly, while Shawn was midway through the alley he felt a bone chilling cold come over him as every sound grew faint. You are a fool. It was the voice of Maul that rang in his mind, once I find you or your accomplices, I will be able to find what your puppeteer has found on this pathetic world, mark my words boy, I'm coming for you. Then as quickly as Mauls voice came it left. Shawn was so dazed from this that he didn't even notice the young rebel soldier who'd wandered right in front of him out of nowhere.

    The other boy and Shawn stared each other down until Shawn sensed he was able to raise his rifle. Right before the soldier was about to raise his weapon, Shawn waves his hand to the side and whisked the soldier off the ground into a wall with the Force, knocking him unconscious. Then he sensed that others were approaching and three other rebel soldiers turned the corner. The NCO aimed his weapon at Shawn then saw the unconscious soldier nearby, "what'd you know some other kid killed the newbie" the NCO said while slightly out of breath. Shawn reached for his blaster out of instinct but all four aimed their rifles at him and he froze. "Alright now, kick your weapon over here" the NCO said. Realizing he'd have to fight, Shawn ignored the order and instead reached for his saber. "It's not the only one I have" he said with a warning tone.

Then he drew and ignited his saber. With the Force he was able to sense the soldier closet to him would fire first, so he angled his blade toward him and deflected the first laser bolt into the soldier adjacent to him, then the second back at him. The NCO fired but Shawn rushed him and with a quick slash sliced his rifle in half then pointed the blade at the NCOs throat. The man had a surprised look on his face, yet who wouldn't if you were expecting what looked like a cadet draw a lightsaber in such a way. "Don't worry I'm not gonna kill you, I'm letting you go" Shawn reassured while lowering the blade from the mans throat.

"Then why'd you kill them?" The man asked while gesturing at the two dead rebels beside him. Shawn glanced at them and felt guilty, "you weren't as quick as them" he said. The man stared at the weapon in Shawn's hand in awe as it hummed a vibrant tone. "Alright kid, I won't kill you, just don't stab me in the back" then he ran down another alleyway. Shawn deactivated his weapon then began running in the direction he'd been going.

Focusing again he used the Force as he jumped to propel himself up onto the roof of a nearby building. He summersaulted over the top and saw an X-wing begin taking off from a plaza like area in front of him. Suddenly, Shawn felt Clara's presence was nearby and silently crept over to the other side. He looked over and saw her staring up at the sky toward the Chimaera while standing on the ramp of the Ghost. She then walked back into the ship and the ramp shut behind her, shortly afterward the Ghost took off and flew toward the east of the city. Shawn sighed and guessed he'd once more run into Clara in a not so formal setting by how it was going.

Shawn walked back onto the bridge of the Chimaera readying to say what he saw. Vader turned around slowly and crossed his arms, "did you see whoever it was you sensed? That girl perhaps?" He asked cooly as his respirator went at a steady pace. "I did" Shawn replied. "Good, but it was unnecessary, a reconnaissance droid planted a homing beacon on the rebel ship just before being destroyed" Vader explained, "we will pursue them once we control the city". Thrawn then walked over from one of the nearby stations, "We control around eighty percent of the city so far, only several districts left and we will have won it back, it also would seem Lord Vader that the Rebels were woefully unprepared for us" he said cooly. "Not surprising Grand Admiral, But once we've crushed the rebel forces in the city then withdraw to the dome" Vader ordered.

    "Is your plan to hold the city hostage as to force the remaining rebels into surrender, Lord Vader?" Thrawn inquired. "It is, then our forces will be freed up to deal with the Separatists in the southeast" Vader replied, "we must keep them both from the Emperor's excavation site in the north". "If you don't mind me asking Lord Vader, but what is it there that has the Emperor so interested?" Thrawn asked. "Something beyond your comprehension Grand Admiral" Vader replied then gestured at Shawn, "but not his comprehension". Thrawn looked at Shawn intently for a few seconds then back at Vader, "I see, whatever is there can only be understood by the likes of you" he said, "no matter then, I will not interfere with that site and leave it to you my lord".

Then Thrawn clicked a button on the center holoprojector and within a few seconds the image of Tarkin flickered to life. "Governor Tarkin, we have recaptured nearly the entire city and are moving to do so with the rest of the planet" Thrawn said. "Very good Admiral Thrawn, But I was informed that the Separatist fleet has arrived there as well, what is the status of their forces?" Tarkin asked. "The Separatists are somewhat contained as of now but it's nothing that cannot be handled" Thrawn replied. "Hm, very well Grand Admiral, proceed with your task and do not let the Rebels or Separatists flee north" Tarkin ordered with authority, "as you wish Governor Tarkin" Thrawn said then cut the transmission.

      "I think it is time to set Bridger loose" Vader said and Shawn's heart sank. If Ezra was released then it would put Clara, Kanan and Ahsoka in harms way, and he did not want that to be the case. "Do as you will, Lord Vader" Thrawn replied as the Inquisitors and Maarek all looked Vader's way. "Come, we must retrieve the bait" Vader said to them and turned around before heading to the turbolift. Shawn followed as well, though he hoped that Ezra could escape somehow and warn the others before it was too late.

**********, The Ghost

After getting back onto the ship Clara settled into the chair behind Hera in the cockpit. Tatiana sat opposite of her as Hera powered up the ship for take off. "Now when we leave I'm gunna need one of you to man the top gun" Hera said with a slightly raised and rushed tone. When no one answered quick enough Clara knew it was up to her to man the gun, "I'll do it" she said while unbuckling herself and rushing to the ladder as the Ghost took off. Reaching the ladder, Clara climbed up it until reaching the gunner seat and strapped herself in. Taking ahold of the yokes she moved them as to get a feel of how the whole thing worked. After figuring out the basics on how to move the cannon Clara spotted several TIE Fighters start to chase them.

    "Hera we've got some company" Clara said into the com, "take em out!" Hera said back. Clara aimed the turret at the TIEs as they began firing. As green laser bolts zipped past the glass dome, Clara aimed at the lead fighter and fired. The cannon fired once and hit the fighter square in the cockpit, causing it to explode in a dazzling fireball and tumble down into an AT-ST on the street, destroying it as well. Next she aimed it at the leaders wingman and fired twice but missed, the wingman fired and struck a part of the Ghost right in front of Clara. Yet surprisingly all that happened was a static effect and no damage from the shields being raised. Recovering from her episode of curiosity Clara aimed at the fighter that had hit the Ghost and fired, once more she hit square in the cockpit.

    Though this time they were outside the city, and so the fighter only landed on the grassy plain. The two other TIEs broke off their attack and headed for the city. Clara then opened the com, "they've stopped, we're in the clear now". "Good, we're just about at Ezra's tower so get ready" Hera replied and Clara unstrapped herself from the seat and slid down the ladder. She walked into the cockpit to see a massive communications tower of some kind in front of them. "This is where we'll draw em out? Thought it look better" Starkiller remarked. "It's not much but it'll do" Ahsoka said back as Hera began to set the ship down near it. "May the Force be with us" Ahsoka then said calmly.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now