Rallying Forces, Snoke Tells A Secret

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New York City April 7th, 2016
AN: the purpose of the radio guy is to provide some kind of social commentary on the Imperial occupation,he's based off a real life radio host however,
Radio host- "so once again the Imperonazi thugs have struck again just last week a report was released stating that over thirty people in occupied Los Angeles were hanged for protesting the Empire, last I checked this kind of stuff happens in Iran or Saudi Arabia or back in the old Soviet Union not here in America, these foreign thugs have no respect for our laws or constitution and the cuck UN sits on their hands here in New York saying "oh uh we we don't wanna provoke em" they're the enemy damn it! While I respect our President why is she negotiating with Riosovsky the fascist murdering warmongering thug or the Islamonazi regime in Tehran like the clown Walker-that's right I said it and the statist Democrats applaud the Imperonazis like they're our dear friends *tsk* you see folks this is what'll destroy America not the Empire but internal sympathizers in Congress", "cut one go"

Voice of Moff Panaka in a interview by MSNBC
Interviewer-"what is your perception of America?"
Panaka-" well its certainly different than the Empire but Ms Johnson needs to control her people-"

"Ah shut up you joke! He and that dictator Emperor wanna wipe America off the map you wanna know why cause they're the textbook definition of a totalitarian regime worse than Stalin or Hitler , they flog fourteen year old kids, hang people from lampposts, impose curfews and other unspeakable things that violate many parts of the constitution", "and Rotten Tarkin what a clown honestly, you see folks here's Moff Millhouse Panaka and his boss Emperor Palpatine, honestly what a creep that Emperor is,did you see him mr producer the guy looks like a pale shriveled up prune, anyway back to the enemy",

"So as I'm sure many of you are aware that the Canadian kid who was snatched by these people a year and a half ago still goes off planet to do whatever, well what is he doing? *exaggerative imitation pompous voice* well Mark what're you saying you saying he's uh a spy? You saying he's one of those Imperonazis?* back to normal voice* maybe I dunno never met the kid but still there's some articles our tech guy has found and a cut we'll get to here, according to Breitbart, this was published two weeks ago, the reason Mendes leaves and that is because he is rumored to have "supernatural abilities" also that tall robotic guy (Lord Vader) that's around Panaka some times can as well even the other young people is with upon returning,"honestly folks I don't know what to make if this buy yet again he's been interviewed many times since then, why isn't he saying what he's been doing?

*exaggerative pompous voice* "well Mark what'll you wanna call Ottawa up ask me to subpoena him he's just a kid, *normal voice*, no I'm not plus that joke Thomason won't do a damn thing that's for sure the only reason five hundred and ten Canadian solders died in the Baltic's was cause if NATO treaty obligations"  "Meanwhile the pseudo conservatives and the Democrats like Carla Hilton and Samuel Bedford applaud the so called Vienna Peace Accords," cut two go"

Press Conference in Baltimore,
Journalist asks Hilton a question, "what is your view of the Empires treatment of people in the cites under its occupation?"
Hilton-"well first of all I'm grateful to the Empire for the Accords that ended the Ten Days War and the Syrian civil war and finally making peace-"

"You clown peace under tyranny isn't peace at all!, this woman,the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party applauds the enemy applauds the oppression of our people under the next generation nazis-that's right I said it!, if ,Johnson loses the election and these radical leftist Imperonazi sympathizers control the government it's over and if that communist Bedford  is nominated it's over too, I'll be right back"

"Lets take a few calls, jake willingsburg Virginia go"
"Hey mr Neward I'm calling to say I support the Empire and their-"
"Whoa whoa what? You're saying you support the Empire?"
"Uh yes I am"
"Ok why do you support em?"
"Well they ended the war with Russia and China and in Syria without bloodshed-"
"So fourteen year old kids aren't being flogged and people aren't being dragged with rope around their neck and hung on a lamppost?!"
"They are but if that's their rules-"
"I'll make this clear what's the lawful and moral ground for flagging a fourteen year old boy in front of his mother and thirty other people?!"
"Well if they broke the law-" *call cut off*
"Ah get out of here!, you see folks just like the old Nazis the new nazis have sympathizers here too

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