Part 147

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Concord Dawn, May 7th,2016
It had been some time since Ran and his squadron had left but hadn't returned yet, Clara realized that if she was to escape now would be the best time. Reaching up into his sleeve she pulled out a safety pin and began fiddling with the lock on the cuffs, just as she was able to undo the cuffs an alarm went off. Clara looked out to see the other Death Watch members running about, no guards were at the front of the tent surprisingly so Clara dashed out for the shadows of another tent spotting the Phantom where she'd left it.

Taking a final look around she ran into the shadows of another tent until she heard a click from behind "don't move" a guys voice said through a helmet. Clara put her hands up and turned around "please mister don't hurt-" then grabbed the rifle striking him across the face hard knocking the solder out cold, now that she had a weapon she took her chances sprinting across the open ground into the Phantom, "hey stop her!" Someone shouted as yellow laser bolts hit the Phantom, Clara quickly started up the ship flying off while contacting the Ghost, "uh Captain Syndulla I've escaped capture and am returning now" she spoke up, "you were captured? As long as you didn't dent my ship" Hera said, "no dents maybe a few burn marks from lasers" Clara said as she engaged the hyperdrive heading back to Earth.

*****Imperial Fleet, Nearby Saturn, Star Destroyer Chimera
Thrawn studied the projected map of the system while Vice Admiral Sloane joined in via hologram, "by my estimates there are around forty Rebel ships orbiting the planet, I suggest we launch a surprise attack with all our forces and wipe them out" Sloane said. "No I think not Vice Admiral, the Rebels will've anticipated such a maneuver, we will lure their fleet to us with a small contingent of light cruisers, this Admiral Ackbar will drive them off and pursue, once they arrive our priority will be to surround and destroy the entire enemy fleet" Thrawn explained. "Our probes have spotted the Separatist fleet near a world called Baridia, shall we attack them as well?" Sloane suggested, "no I think not, this defeat will cost the Rebels ships and territories but more importantly morale" Thrawn said, "we attack in two days".

*****Imperial Prison, Bothawui
The interrogators came and went to Ran beating him for answers but he never broke, he was unsure how long it had been since being thrown in this cell but one of the ISB officers said he had markings similar to a lightning strike on his neck. He couldn't see them however and had no cause to. The door slid open and two stormtroopers walked in, then Vader walked in followed by Grand Moff Kaine, "so this is the one who attacked the Emperor?" Kaine noted as Vader got closer, "did you find your encounter with the Emperor shocking?" Vader asked. " yea I did Mr Vader, I'm not telling you anything if that's what you're wanting" Ran snapped back, "I have methods at my disposal you could ever comprehend or resist,boy" Vader replied, "oh yes you're a Jedi I take it" Ran sarcastically replied, "I'm no Jedi, I am your doom" Vader replied.

An interrogation droid hovered in behind Vader who stepped aside a little, "now you will tell us where the rest of your team is or there'll be severe consequences" Kaine spoke up. "I'm not tell ya dirt Imperial scum!" Ran yelled struggling with the cuffs on his wrists and ankles, Kaine's expression turned sour then nodded to the droid which hovered forward the long needle in its arm went out into Rans neck making him wince a little, "some needle gunna scare me?" Ran asked,"not the needle it's what it's just injected" Kaine said. Sounds and colors began to dull in Rans senses, "you're on fire" Vader said and a roar of pain began to rush over Ran making him scream so loud his throat hurt.

It felt like he really was on fire "make it stop please!!" He shouted and Kaine smirked crossing his arms as the screams still echoed, "tell me what I want to know" Vader demanded taking a step closer his large shadow shrouded Ran. Ran stopped screaming his face was red now, "n-never" Ran mumbled in a scratchy voice, "then you will only make your situation worse" Vader said, "now tell me willingly before I take it from you by force". "I'll never tell you where my men are" Ran mumbled in response before he tensed up as a low rumble filled the room, his throat closed too as Vader began probing his mind.

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