Arriving In A Strange Place

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(If anyone's wondering it takes place in 2 BBY)

Back on Earth a frantic effort to find Shawn had been underway for a whole day as authorities combed the woods top to bottom and found nothing so he was declared missing, as a result Austin and Fifth Harmony ended the tour saying they couldn't go,without Shawn and they'd never stop looking for him. President Adam Walker personally called Shawn's parents to send his promise "mr and Mrs. Mendes you have my promise the United States will never stop until we find your son" Shawn's mom said "please find him mr president he's probably somewhere out there all alone afraid just find him".

Super Star Destroyer Executor
Shawn was awoken by Mara kicking him a little and she said "we've arrived at Coruscant the emperor wants to see you" and Shawn stood up and followed her out, as they went on the bridge Shawn saw the massive fleet of star destroyers alongside the ship and also,the planet below with circles of lights crisscrossing the entire surface and many smaller ships leaving and going towards the planet, a hand grabbed him by the arm and it was the Fifth Brother and Shawn angrily said "will you stop grabbing me!" The Inquisitor replied "quiet" and they went to the elevator. Shawn turned to Mara and said "can you tell him to let go of me" Mara replied "he outranks me so I can't help you" and shrugged.

As they made it to the shuttle Shawn looked up and saw dozens of fighters and asked Mara "what are those smaller ships called?" Mara replied "they're called TIE fighters and are the pride of the imperial navy". As they boarded the shuttle the inquisitor let go of Shawn and he rubbed the prominent large hand print, the shuttle took off and began its decent to the surface, Shawn said "will the emperor let me go home?" Mara said "I can't guarantee it but he might let you go there from time to time" Shawn wanted to go home but knew he couldn't pilot a ship and would ask for that when the time came.

Then the shuttle landed at the massive Imperial Palace that towered high. Shawn looked around at the massive city that seemed to go on forever and the endless lines of ships that crisscrossed in long lines, the Inquistors peeled off and went away as Vader was there waiting. Shawn almost stopped but Mara tugged on his hand and while he began to distrust her didn't have much of an option at the moment, "the emperor is waiting for you come with me" Vader said and Mara let go of his hand and they followed Vader into the heavily guarded palace. The palace was massive and many hallways ran endlessly and Shawn was tempted to run off but knew he'd probably become lost in the vastness of the halls,

They made it to a elevator at the end of the hall that was probably as long as three football fields and was almost devoid  of anyone expect for guards in a red armor and cloak with metal pikes at their sides "they are the Royal guard highly trained so don't run off" Mara said as they entered the elevator. The sound of Vader's breathing was the only sound in the elevator besides the humming of it roaring up the palace, as it stopped and the doors opened and they stepped pot Shawn saw some more guards but their armor was reversed in color with red visors and black armor. "They're the Shadow Guards trained in the dark side much more deadly" Mara said.

Then Palpatine rose from his throne and said "greetings young one" Shawn felt a chill rise up and he said "what now you've brought me away from my home" Palpatine said "you will be trained to become an agent like your accomplice here and hunt out rebels in our midst including those you met on your world" Shawn was curious and while he wanted to have greater control of his force abilities knew that the Sith used it for more malevolent purposes. "How long will it take?" Palpatine replied "as long as it requires" and ushered them away and as they walked away Shawn turned around and said "can I please let my family know that I'm alive and ok" Palpatine said

"if you comply and learn the ways of the dark side then yes I will let you send a single message to them however if you attempt to go back without permission we will lay waste to your insignificant planet as an entire fleet of star destroyers stands just outside the reach of your primitive telescopes" then he sent them away and said "your training will begin tomorrow as for now hand Jade will be your escort".

Mara guided Shawn to his quarters and said "before you begin your training with a lightsaber your skill as a pilot must be honed" Shawn wanted to be able to fly something and said "uh yeah sure" she then walked out and shut the door a little and held it with her hand "oh one more thing your new attire is in there" and gestured to the closet in the corner before walking away. Shawn walked over and saw it was a dark colored uniform with the imperial logo on the right shoulder, he took it out and put it on but as he put his old clothes in he saw something in his pocket.

He pulled out his watch and saw the date read August 8,2014 he was now sixteen and the thought of millions of people looking up at the stars and wondering where he was became very depressing and a tear streamed out of his left eye knowing he'd mostly likely never see Earth or his home again.

Then the strange voice said ,remember beware the dark side corrupt easily it does let not it control you remain true to yourself you must,
Then the door opened and Shawn quickly threw the watch into the far side of the room as a droid walled in "greetings I am PROXY master Jade has sent me to bring you to the hanger please follow me" Shawn followed the droid out of the room and down the long hall to the elevator. As it went down the droid handed Shawn a small commicator and said "master Jade has instructed me to give this to you to allow communication between you two".

Shawn took the small device and put it on a clip on his belt as the door opened and they were in the hanger. Mara was leaning on a medium sized ship and said "alright earthling lesson one never let go of the stick or we'll be in the underworld" Shawn laughed for the first time in what seemed like an eternity as they walked up the ramp into the ship and into the cockpit.

The controls seemed like a maze of buttons as he sat down and Mara flipped switches and flew the ship out of the hanger and into the skies of Coruscant. "Take the stick now and pull back to go up and push to go down" Shawn took the stick and pulled back and they went up slightly and then swerved to miss a passenger ship and Mara laughed and said "watch out there the Empire won't pay for everything so easily".

Throughout the day Shawn was able to perfect his piloting skills and Mara was just as equally impressed "wow never seen one who's never flown do that good now take us back" Shawn turned the ship around and saw the palace was a good ten miles away but Mara insisted she fly them back. "So uh tell me about this earth you come from what do you do there?" Shawn replied "it's a beautiful world and I'm a singer" Mara said "oh that's right I uh kinda watched your performance before you know".

Shawn said "and I have some friends who are you could say arrogant" Mara sighed and said "yep I saw that too and I could sense your sense of distancing from them" then they landed back at the palace as the night had set in. Shawn was escorted back to his quarters by Mara and she said "also the Holonet is off-limits for now and We will detect any access at anytime" Shawn said "ok and I can't read the language anyway" Mara smiled and said "well we'll work on that too and no you're not getting a lightsaber anytime soon" then she closed the door.

Shawn went and picked up the watch and laid down looking at it as it was the only thing from home he still had. "Why me why now" he said before drifting off.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now