Shadowy Enemy Negotiations With Jabba

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Shawn was surprised how Starkiller had subdued a Sith Lord so quickly and questioned Vader's ability to fight a little, he applied some Bacta to the bruised rib and the throbbing went away . Soon the first shuttle arrived and Shawn went down to the hanger to great one whom he'd strike down without hesitation for taking him away, the door lowered and the Seventh Sister walked off "greetings Inquisitor" he gritted and she smirked and said "you've improved last I saw you" Shawn said "that was a different time now come with me".

Fida said "the Jedi we've identified is Master Acera Talsan who escaped recently and has been traced to a mysterious planet in the unknown regions called Zonama Sekot" the Seventh Sister said "excellent set course for it" Shawn sharply replied "I'm in command here Inquisitor" the Seventh Sister said "in case you weren't informed or are just arrogant like the child you are I outrank you so I'll give the orders for now",Shawn nodded to Fida and the ship entered hyperspace

Along the way Shawn sensed something about their destination that troubled him, the planets inhabitants weren't like any ordinary species in the Galaxy but from somewhere else entirely. Then he saw in a short vision a humanoid alien with pointy ears and a staff that had the head of a dragon on the end and a black colored armor who spoke in some language he'd never heard before it vanished,

The ship exited hyperspace and the planet came into view Shawn looked at it for a minute before walking down to the shuttle with the Seventh Sister and had to restrain himself from killing her there and now. As the shuttle flew down into a clearing he sensed something was off about the planet and as they walked off a local Rodian man said "watch out for the Far Outsiders they kill without mercy" the Seventh Sister said "and where might the Jedi be by any chance?" The Rodian replied "in that forest" pointing at the forest.

The Seventh Sister said "let's go" and Shawn followed her into the forest, after an hour he sensed danger was near but didn't know what it was and kept hearing small whispers and cracking of branches all around that sounded like footsteps almost. Suddenly there was a roaring screech to his right and he was kicked off the trail and tumbled down a hill, The Seventh Sister bolted away leaving him behind. Shawn came to a stop and ignited his lightsaber and looked around and saw humanoid figures around him but he couldn't sense them, one landed a little away and he got a good look at it.

It had humanoid features and spikes in its armor on its shoulders and stood about seven feet tall, he force pushed at it but nothing happened. "Who are you?" He said and another walked forward and spoke in a intangible language so Shawn asked again "do you speak Eng- Basic do you speak Basic?" The humanoid said "yes I speak your vile infidel tongue" Shawn  said "who are you?" The humanoid said "we are the Yuuzhan Vong and have journeyed across the starless night for this Galaxy", Shawn had never heard of them and said "what do you mean starless night?" The Vong replied "we traveled from another galaxy entirely".

Then the Vong said "and what are you?", Shawn replied "I'm a human" the Vong looked intrigued and said "human hmm" then several warriors got closer and he pointed his blade at them and said "stay back I'm warning you!" Although his voice shook as he spoke. He backed up and then a hand rested on his shoulder and he turned around and it was a female Vong with strange tentacles for hair, she raised a light at him then his vision went black

Then it came back and about five Vong Warriors were dead but the others still stood there baring teeth and spears were raised "your skills are quite impressive human boy" he saw the female one was without an arm and was holding a burnt stump. "That wasn't me it was someone else more powerful" then two grabbed him by his arms one taking his lightsaber away and the female one walked up to him again and spoke in that intangible language and Shawn listened with the force "don't injure him I will look at this alien".

Shawn struggled against them but they were much stronger than him and he tried to force choke the one approaching but she wasn't even phased as if nothing happened. She then pulled out a small needle and stuck it in his neck and drew a little blood, then she held it up and hit a little and said something to the leader in that intangible language and then backed up "let me go!" He yelled and the leader held up a piece of cloth and said "we encountered the one you call a Jedi well she's been dead for sometime and she was a tailhead" that shocked Shawn even if he struggled against the ones holding him.

The leader made a gesture and the guards let him go and the one that took his lightsaber tossed it back and he caught it and ignited it. As Shawn backed up the female one said something else to the leader,Shawn bolted using the force to run faster and find the Seventh Sister until a Vong warrior appeared out of now get and stabbed at him with his dragon headed spear, Shawn ducked and cut the Warriors leg off before running away again. Then a rope was thrown from the side and wrapped around his ankles and he fell, looking back the other Vong were chasing him.

Shawn cut the rope and unleashed some force lightning at the Vong, they stopped but slowly walked against it. His energy began failing and the lightning became weaker and weaker until ceasing, the Vong charged and Shawn blocked the first spear with his lightsaber that surprisingly didn't cut in half and kicked them away. Another attacked from the side and hit his bruised rib and he yelled out in pain and stabbed them in the neck before retracting his blade and running off again, eventually the screeching became very distant and he reached the end of the forest.

He saw the Seventh Sister was resting against a tree and walked over and said "you left me" anger clearly present in his tone. She looked up and said "well the Jedi's been dead for sometime now let's go this planet is very dangerous" as he went up the ramp Shawn said to her "you don't know what they were those others" the Seventh Sister said "then describe them". Shawn replied "they are from another galaxy".

Star Destroyer Avenger
Shawn was haunted by the screeches and roars the Yuuzhan Vong had made and when he looked out the bridge window he kept nervously glancing back thinking one was there. Then the ship arrived at the planet Tatooine and Fida said "Hand Mendes lord Vader is contacting you" Shawn walked back and the hologram of Vader showed up and he was surprised at how quickly his armor had been repaired and could still see the burnt flesh in his mind "yes lord Vader?" He said and Vader replied "the emperor has tasked you with another assignment then you may return home" Shawn asked "what is this assignment?" Vader replied "accompany me to the stronghold of Jabba The Hutt which of successful will allow a greater imperial presence  on the planet and hinder CR movement in Hutt Space".

Jabba's Palace

The shuttle landed in front of the massive palace and Shawn followed Vader toward the gate. A robotic eye came out and said something in Huttese and Vader replied "I request an audience with Jabba" the eye said something else in Huttese and the door opened with a loud squeaking sound. Two Gamoreans with axes approached and stopped them and a tan skinned Twilek with red eyes walked over and said "day wanna wanga" Shawn sensed danger and Vader said "I must see Jabba" the Twilek replied in Huttese and Shawn listened with the force this time "Jabba will not see you" Vader then choked him and choked the guards simultaneously and they passed out.

"Follow me"  he said and Shawn followed him into the palace. The sounds of music got louder and there were many bounty hunters laying drunk on the ground, soon they entered the main hall and Jabba was smoking a pipe and the room became silent as they entered. Jabba said something and the protocol droid translated "why do you come here?" Vader replied "The Empire requests that access of Hutt space by the Confederate Remanent be reduced to zero" Jabba laughed and then some guards raised their blasters. Shawn looked around nervously and his hand went to his lightsaber but Vader grabbed his arm then let go,

Vader said "We do not wish to upset you so a monthly fee paid by the Empire will be compensation" Jabba said something and the droid translated "the Hutts have no business in this little war so our offer is no". Vader then said "so it is",

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang