Part 146

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May 5th, 2016, Arkanis
Mara hailed from the world Arkanis a prominent planet host to a prestigious Imperial academy run by Brendol Hux, it was also the world where Maarek had been sent to after his Force-sensitivity was discovered and reported to the Grand Inquisitor then Vader, the name didn't exactly ring a bell to Shawn until they'd arrived on the public transport. He and Mara had brought their sabers but the chances of needing them were slim but one could never be too careful in a Galaxy at War where the lines were determined by sectors held and hyperlanes in those sectors. Arkanis looked like Alderaan in a way but more like Kuan, "did you think I came from Mon Cala?" Mara asked him but Shawn was a little confused, "a water world" she added. "You don't look like a fish" Shawn stated with a smug face and Mara smiled.

Mara's home was in the countryside away from the cities located where her father held his own power over the province. It was massive like a palace sculpted out of cream colored metals with some rigid shapes here and there with a few smoother parts around the base, there were no guards that Shawn could see but then again they were dressed like more common folk without any Imperial insignia. Mara pressed the small button next to the massive door,"oh don't worry my parents are nice, but make my dad mad ok?"Mara said, "I won't" Shawn said as the door slid open and a silver protocol droid was there.

"Oh my heavens, mistress Mara it's so very good to see you" the droid replied happily with its feminine voice "hi TC, this is Shawn" Mara said walking in while holding Shawn's wrist. "Hello there I'm TC-14 at your service" TC said nodding, "hi" Shawn said, "TC, are my parents here?" Mara asked, "yes they are, wait here your father has new protocols for guests" TC said toddling off up a flight of stairs. Shawn looked around at the intricate designs in the walls, "how long since you been home?" He asked, "nine months I think" Mara said, "do they know what you do exactly?" Shawn asked turning to her.

"Yes, I didn't say anything specific about you so make sure you act professional"Mara said dusting off his shoulder, "I'll do my best" Shawn said as the droid returned with a man and woman who walked down the stairs quickly. "Mara sweetheart" the woman said as Mara ran up hugging her then her dad who kissed her on the cheek, "I'm so glad you're home" he said resting a hand on her shoulder then looked at Shawn with a more serious expression.

He adorned a blue like suit with a silvery rope around his shoulder like the one Adarn wore, the light reflected from his auburn hair the same shade as Mara's and he was also taller than Shawn. "And who's this?" He asked and Mara walked over to Shawn hooking her arm into his, "dad this is Shawn, Shawn this is my dad Baron Collin Jade", "uh hi" Shawn said shakily shaking his hand feeling somewhat intimidated by him in a way that Vader did but was more at ease, "so you're the first young man my daughter has brought home, I trust you aren't some separatist" Collin said as Mara's mom walked over, "nice to meet you Shawn my names Reyna" she said with a smile, Reyna had Mara's green eyes but more of a brunette hair and the same shade of blue on her long sleeved dress, she also had a small metal crown of sorts in her hair that was a golden with red rubies in it.

"Now listen closely boy, you'll address me as my lord or sir, for my wife you'll address her as my lady or ma'am understand?" Collin asked sternly. "Yes sir" Shawn said but was used to saying that all the time to Vader, "now why don't you get settled in you must be exhausted from your trip" Reyna piped up.

******Raxulon, Raxus
The Death Watch soldiers waited as the Emperors shuttle landed at the platform, Ran had waited for this for a long time ever since the Empire had left Mandalore a mess after Maul had vanished after the end of the Clone Wars, under the jackboot of Gar Saxon the Imperials tarnished the proud history of Mandalore by slapping their sigil on every monument in Sundari. Ran was the result of an affair his father had with a common woman on Concordia, he'd seen his father only in holograms never in person as he'd been killed before he was born. The loyalist remnants of Death Watch found Rans mother and him taking him away to be raised as the heir to Manda'lor.

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